The guard of Huaxia Hidden World Village was left to Cheng Mengmeng and others, but Cheng Mengmeng knew that even Uchiha Qing himself had suffered losses when Sam Yi used troops.

Now Samyi has surrendered to Uchiha Qingcun Village. Under such circumstances, Samyi is being used by Huaxia Hidden Village.

"Samyi." Lin Jiachen said: "Cheng Mengmeng is right. No matter what method is used, Xiao and Killer Bee Jinchūriki must not be allowed to enter the village."

Samui raised his head and said: "Let alone Akatsuki and their Jinchūriki, even any ninja in Cloud Shinobi Village, I will not let them enter the village."

The guard of the Huaxia Hidden World Village will be handed over to Samyi. Samyi waved his hand and led Sasuke and others out of the village.

Outside the Huaxia Hidden World Village, everyone watched Samyi and others coming.

Killer Bee smiled, and Akatsuki members stood in the ninja team.

"Killer Bee, your army is finally here?" Samyi said while standing outside the village.

Darui frowned. Samui was once a ninja from Cloud Shinobi Village, but now he is helping the people of Huaxia Hidden World Village to resist the Cloud Shinobi Village army.

"Samui, you are a ninja from our Cloud Shinobi Village, but you help outsiders." Killer Bee said rudely: "Now I give you a chance. If you change your mind, we can still forgive you.

Suddenly, following Killer Bee's words, Sasuke and others were shocked.

Especially Cheng Mengmeng and Lin Jiachen, they 553 handed over the command of the Huaxia Hidden World Army to Sam Yi.

Samyi laughed and said: "It's impossible. Now that I am a member of the Chinese Hidden World Village, I will not return to Cloud Shinobi Village."

When Samui was captured by Uchiha Ao, the people from Cloud Shinobi Village actually sent people to kill Samui himself.

Samyi will not forgive. Now that Samyi has become an important member of the Huaxia Hidden Village, he will not change his mind at this time.

"Don't you want to come back?" Darui stepped forward and said, "What benefits do the people of Huaxia Hidden World Village give you?"

Samyi laughed and said: "Thank you for saving your life, stop talking nonsense, I will not betray the Huaxia Hidden World Village.

Samyi's attitude is serious and there is no way he is willing to return to the hidden village in China.

Killer Bee said bluntly: "Since you don't want to come back and don't (afea) want this opportunity, forget it, but I tell you, you will regret it sooner or later."

Samui will not regret it. Although the people of Cloud Shinobi Village have the advantage now, Samui will not make any concessions.

"Samyi, let me tell you, you will not win this time. Before Master Killer Bee changes his mind, you should apply to join the team in Weiyin Village as soon as possible." Darui said.

Samyi stood there with a determined expression.

"There is no possibility." Samyi waved his hand and said politely: "Stop talking nonsense to me.

Obviously, at this time, it is impossible for Samui to return to Cloud Shinobi Village.

It is precisely because of this that Killer Bee and others completely lost their patience.

"Then see you on the battlefield." Killer Bee said politely.

Samyi laughed and said: "Killer Bee, you just have the support of the Akatsuki members, but as one of the five major villages of the Ninja Alliance, what will happen if you unite with Akatsuki?"

Killer Bee's face changed and he said: "Successful kings and defeated gangsters, we are joining forces with Xiao, because we have one purpose, which is to destroy you."

Samyi glanced at the ninja troops in Cloud Shinobi Village and others, and said: "Do you want to use Akatsuki's powerful combat power to break through our village's defense line after the war?"

Killer Bee looked surprised and looked at each other with Darui beside him.

Only a few people in Killer Bee knew of Akatsuki's existence. Even the ninjas of the Cloud Shinobi Village Corps, Killer Bee did not tell.

"How did you know?" Killer Bee narrowed his eyes.

Samyi snorted coldly and said: "Don't think that we don't have this information. There are some of our people among you. Do you think that after the battle starts, you will invade our village with all your strength?"

As soon as Samyi said this, the scene was filled with surprise. Killer Bee, Shenmu and others looked at each other and began to be wary of those around them.

Samyi is different. The Chinese Hidden World Village is a force, but in front of Killer Bee and others, there are many forces.

Because of the existence of these forces, everyone had their own hidden agendas. As soon as Samyi's words appeared, everyone began to question.

"Samui is really powerful. After a short confrontation, the opponent has begun to have the illusion of distrust." Tsunade laughed.

If Tsunade and the others hadn't come, Samui and others would not have known that there were Akatsuki members in the Killer Bee Ninja Army.

"Sami." Killer Bee narrowed his eyes and roared: "Who told you?"

Killer Bee really wanted to rush to Samyi, catch her, and question Samyi herself, who told her?

But now, when the two armies are facing each other, no matter who takes action, it will be regarded as an attack.

"Who is it?" Samyi laughed. Seeing Killer Bee's madness, he laughed and said, "Didn't you realize it yourself?"

Darui glanced at the people around him with his peripheral vision, and everyone was shocked. Whether it was Shenmu or the leaders of other forces, they all looked extremely surprised at this time and began to retreat one after another.

"Sami." Killer Bee clenched his fists and forced himself to stand where he was.

Killer Bee is the Eight Tails Jinchūriki of Cloud Shinobi Village, plus Seven Tails Fu of Takigakure Village, and members of the Akatsuki organization, Samui knows that he may not be able to stop him.

So first divide these people and let them think that there are allies of Samyi among them, so that Killer Bee will not dare to invade the Chinese Hidden Village easily.

"What on earth is going on?" Shemu quickly came to Killer Bee and said, "Killer Bee, I don't think it's appropriate for our army to advance. If the traitor cannot be found, we will definitely be attacked from both front and rear during our attack. "

Killer Bee stood there with an angry expression. Now that the ninja army came, they could not attack the Chinese Hidden World Village. This made Killer Bee extremely angry.

"Damn it, there is such a thing." Killer Bee roared angrily.

Following Killer Bee's words, the people of Huaxia Hidden World Village began to step forward.

"Killer Bee, are you going to fight or not?" Samyi stepped forward and made a loud noise.

Killer Bee stood there with an extremely shocked expression.

"Sam Yi, sooner or later we will destroy your Chinese Hidden Village." Killer Bee snorted coldly.

The Killer Bee army left, and Samyi stood there, turning around and leading people back to the Chinese Hidden Village.

In the village, Samyi showed a weak look.

"It really scared me to death just now." Samyi laughed.

If Killer Bee and others launch an attack, Samyi and others will definitely be attacked. Even if Sannin is in the team and can play a certain role, the village will be in danger after all. .

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