Uchiha Ao was stunned and saw Tsunade walking towards him.

While recovering from his injuries in the hospital, Uchiha Qing heard Cheng Mengmeng say that if Konoha Sannin hadn't supported the Huaxia Hidden World Village, the enemy would have destroyed the village long ago.

"I really want to thank you this time. Without you, our village would be destroyed." Uchiha Qing said to Konoha Sannin.

Tsunade blushed and said, "As long as you're okay."

As Tsunade spoke, Jiraiya kept biting his sleeve. This was clearly Tsunade's admiration for Uchiha Ao, but Jiraiya couldn't do anything.

"Jiraiya, let's go." Tsunade turned around and said.

Facing Tsunade's cry, Jiraiya looked extremely excited and said: "Okay."

"Are you just leaving? Why don't you stay in the village for a few more days." Uchiha Qing said.

Jiraiya heard what Uchi "Zero Four Seven" Bo Qing said, and immediately stepped forward and said: "Hey, what are you talking about here?

Obviously, Jiraiya does not want Tsunade to live in Huaxia Hidden Village. He doesn't know what will happen to Tsunade and Uchiha Ao in the future.

At this time, Tsunade stopped, glanced at Cheng Mengmeng next to Uchiha Qing, and smiled: "Let's talk about it next time when we have a chance."

Cheng Mengmeng has always been with Uchiha Ao, and Tsunade has no chance at all. In addition, this is the Chinese Hidden World Village. Tsunade knows that he can't take any advantage, so he plans to go back immediately.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath, nodded slightly, walked to Tsunade and said: "I leave you."

In Uchiha Qing's view, Tsunade can be regarded as a friend of Huaxia Hidden World Village. If Tsunade hadn't called Jiraiya and Orochimaru to help, Cheng Mengmeng and others would not have been able to persist until Uchiha Qing appeared.

The crisis in Huaxia Hidden Village was truly resolved when Uchiha Ao appeared.

"Cheng Mengmeng." Uchiha Qing said: "Wait for me here."

Uchiha Ao planned to deliver Tsunade to the village entrance in person, but Tsunade stood there with a smile.

"Why are you so polite?" Tsunade said very gently.

Jiraiya's eyelids kept twitching as he said, "Tsunade has never cared so much about me."

Uchiha Qing took a step forward and said: "This is what I should do, after all you have helped our village so much this time."

After Uchiha Ao woke up, he had not taken the initiative to ask Tsunade to thank him. Now at this time, Tsunade came to Toyoshi Hao Ao in person and still felt a little guilty.

"Thank you." Tsunade took a deep breath and walked out of the village with Uchiha Ao.

Obviously Jiraiya seems a bit redundant next to Uchiha Ao and Tsunade, but Jiraiya is still by his side.

"Tsunade." Jiraiya took a step forward and said, "Actually, we don't need Uchiha Qingshu, after all, his injury will heal."

But when Jiraiya stepped forward to speak, Tsunade and Uchiha Ao ignored this guy at all.

"What are you going to do after your injury heals?" Tsunade is a medical ninja, and he knows that Uchiha Ao has no injuries this time, but has consumed a lot of Chakra.

Uchiha Ao sneered and stared at Tsunade in front of him.

"What do you think? This time Cloud Shinobi Village is colluding with Akatsuki members. If I don't stand up for the village, the people of Cloud Shinobi Village will only become more and more arrogant." Uchiha Qing said with certainty.

Tsunade took a deep breath and looked at Uchiha Ao in front of him.

"But after all, Cloud Shinobi Village is one of the five major villages, and their strength cannot be underestimated." Tsunade said.

Even if Konoha is aggressive in the face of Cloud Shinobi Village, it will sometimes tolerate it, not to mention when Uchiha and Hanazhen are hiding in the world.

Although the Huaxia Hidden World Village has risen, its strength is still not as good as the five major villages.

"I know this, but it's Cloud Shinobi Village's fault first." Uchiha Qing said with certainty.

He frowned and said: "The shadow will not agree to the war. I believe that we in Konoha will accept your help."

According to Konoha's strategy, although Uchiha Qing and Huaxia Hidden World Village are not expected to be wiped out, they also do not want Huaxia Hidden World Village to become a truly powerful village.

Uchiha Ao's strength cannot be stopped, but if the Chinese Hidden World Village rises, it will definitely become a terrible thing.

Uchiha Qing nodded and said: "I know what you said. Konoha will definitely not take the initiative to provoke Raikage and Cloud Shinobi Village. Our Chinese Hidden World Village is enough.

Tsunade nodded. As Uchiha Qing led the people of Huaxia Hidden World Village to continuously defeat the people of Cloud Shinobi Village, Tsunade also believed that Uchiha Qing would definitely give Cloud Shinobi Village a satisfactory answer afterwards.

"Tsunade, hey, can you please pay attention to me? We have arrived at the entrance of the village. It's time for us to leave..." Tsunade said disdainfully.

Following Jiraiya's words, Tsunade came back to his senses and walked to the entrance of the village with Uchiha Ao without even realizing it.

"We have arrived at the entrance of the village." Tsunade sighed and said, "Time has never passed so fast."

Uchiha Qing raised his head and looked outside the village entrance. The eight Killer Bees from Cloud Shinobi Village invaded Huaxia Hidden World Village with many formers. Uchiha Qing will definitely take revenge.

"There's no such thing as a feast that lasts forever, so take care on the road." Uchiha Qing said.

Tsunade nodded slightly, quickly left the village entrance, and headed back to Konoha with Jiraiya.

On the way, Jiraiya kept muttering: "What's so good about this guy Uchiha Ao? He looks like a pervert at first glance."

Tsunade had long been impatient with Jiraiya who kept nagging around him, and punched Jiraiya in the face.

Jiraiya's nosebleed flowed out on the spot, showing a depressed expression.

"Are you going to take action if you don't agree?" Jiraiya said.

Following Jiraiya's words, Tsunade said at this time: "I'm in a bad mood now, don't mess with me."

Tsunade actually doesn't want to leave Uchiha Qing's side, but she is not from the Huaxia Hidden World Village at all. Besides, Uchiha Qing already has a sweetheart beside her.

Jiraiya hid far away, not daring to get close to Tsunade. He had learned a lot from Tsunade's punches.

After Uchiha Qing sent Tsunade away, he returned to Cheng Mengmeng. 5.6 "Tsunade left?" Cheng Mengmeng stepped forward and asked.

Uchiha Qing nodded slightly. After all, Tsunade helped Huaxia Hidden World Village a lot this time.

"Tsunade helped our village a lot this time." Uchiha Ao said as he walked.

Cheng Mengmeng lowered her head. Although she didn't like Tsunade, this woman was too powerful. She could call Jiraiya with just a shout. Even Orochimaru who left the village also listened to Nafengyan.

This made Cheng Mengmeng feel uneasy, but Cheng Mengmeng had to admit that Tsunade helped Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"If it weren't for you, Tsunade wouldn't do this." Cheng Mengmeng said.

Uchiha Qing laughed and cried, tapping the forehead of Tsunade in front of him, and said: "You are wrong. In fact, Tsunade can't stand Akatsuki and the people in Cloud Shinobi Village."

Cheng Mengmeng was stunned and said, "Are you saying this because you don't want to make me jealous?"

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