Uchiha Qing shook his head and said: "No, although Tsunade helped me this time, it was more because he couldn't stand those Akatsuki members.

Among the Akatsuki members, those headed by A Fei began to continuously provoke wars in the Ninja Alliance.

Especially when the Akatsuki members started collecting tailed beasts, it was destined that the Ninja Alliance would become turbulent sooner or later because of these people.

"Ninja Alliance?" Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and said: "Fortunately, nothing happened to our Huaxia Hidden World Village this time. Otherwise, it would be necessary for us to return to our current strength."

After a long period of growth, Huaxia Hidden World Village has reached a certain point. If it is defeated by Cloud Shinobi Village and Akatsuki this time, even if Uchiha Qing comes out, it will take some time to recover.

"As long as you are fine, it is the greatest happiness for our village." Cheng Mengmeng said, leaning on Uchiha's side.

Uchiha Qing smiled and put one arm behind Cheng Mengmeng. The two of them seemed very close. 05 Immediately, Lin Jiachen who came over coughed and said with a disdainful look: "Uchiha Qing god-tier, this is a village, there are many people passing by."

In fact, Uchiha Qing and Cheng Mengmeng were making out in a corner with no one around, but even so they were discovered by Lin Jiachen.

"Why are you here?" Cheng Mengmeng stood up and asked Lin Jiachen.

Lin Jiachen squatted on the wall and said, "I just want to know how Uchiha god-tier is recovering?"

Although Uchiha Ao's Chakra has not fully recovered, he can finally get out of bed and move around.

"I've almost recovered, what's the matter?" Uchiha Ao asked.

Lin Jiachen said: "People in the village are very worried, because after hearing that something happened to you, many people are more concerned about you. If you show up in front of everyone, I believe it will have a certain stabilizing effect on the people of the village."

Uchiha Qing is the core figure of Huaxia Hidden Village. His accident will definitely make people feel uneasy. Now that Uchiha Qing has recovered, Lin Jiachen hopes that Uchiha Qing can show up in front of the whole village.

"Such a thing?" Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly, having no choice, as if following Lin Jiachen's words, Uchiha Qing had no reason to shirk.

"I'll go make arrangements for you now." Lin Jiachen's figure disappeared in front of Uchiha Qing.

Uchiha Qing showed an extremely helpless expression and began to look at Cheng Mengmeng in front of him.

"Lin Jiachen is really impatient. I didn't even agree." Uchiha Qing sighed.

Cheng Mengmeng knew that Lin Jiachen didn't say anything, so he agreed. However, Uchiha Qing had just recovered and it was not appropriate to work too hard. Cheng Mengmeng and Lin Jiachen were always managing the affairs of the village. During this period, Uchiha Qing only needed to maintain his health. That's fine.

In front of the village, on the rooftop of the building, Uchiha Ao's figure stood on it, surrounded by elite members of the Huaxia Hidden Village.

Lin Jiachen, Cheng Mengmeng, Jujiro, Sasuke, Samyi and others were all there. At the same time, Uchiha Ao's figure slowly stepped forward.

When people in the village pass by the building, they can see Uchiha Ao from a distance.

"This time our Huaxia Hidden World Village successfully withstood the joint attack of Cloud Shinobi Village and Akatsuki, which is a happy event and proves the strength of our village." Uchiha Qing said seriously.

Immediately, the people present agreed and looked at each other with affirmative expressions.

Uchiha Qing turned to look at everyone and said without any hesitation: "But we can't take it lightly. Our enemies are always watching us.

"Yes, Uchiha Ao god-tier." The people at the scene shouted in unison.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath, looked at the members of the Huaxia Hidden World Village in front of him, and said: "When the people from Cloud Shinobi Village attacked our village this time, they united with the Akatsuki members. We must get back this revenge. Now the whole village Entering the battle preparation stage."

For Lin Jiachen, it is to hope that Uchiha Ao will come forward and stabilize the hearts of everyone. For Uchiha Ao himself, it is more of a mobilization meeting.

The Huaxia Hidden World Village must be a behemoth. If you want to uproot it, you must have a careful layout. Now Uchiha Ao himself is more of a mobilization to get people ready for war.

"Deal for justice against Huaxia Hidden World Village." Everyone in Huaxia Hidden World Village began to shout.

Uchiha Qing nodded with satisfaction. This time, both Sasuke and others performed very well. With them, the Huaxia Hidden World Village was also safely preserved.

So Uchiha Qing plans to give many rewards to those who perform Penultimate, and the list of rewards is almost out.

In addition to the people recommended by everyone, there are more rewards from Uchiha Qing to Sasuke, Jujiro, Cheng Mengmeng, Kimimaro, Samyi and others.

Uchiha Qing awarded Sasuke and Jujiro the title of Warriors of the Chinese Hidden Village, and even awarded Samui as an outstanding conductor.

For a time, the mobilization didn't end until ten minutes after the sun set.

The spies from Cloud Shinobi Village discovered the scene of Uchiha's youth mobilization and quickly responded to Raikage.

"Lord Raikage, something bad is going on." The ninjas from Cloud Shinobi Village quickly came to Raikage.

Raikage sat down and asked: "What's the matter?"

"Uchiha Ao began to mobilize the entire village of ninjas to prepare for a crusade against our Cloud Shinobi Village." The spy from Cloud Shinobi Village said truthfully.

Suddenly Raikage stood up and yelled: "It's okay, Fei Zhiha Qing 350 has eaten the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's guts? How dare you launch a crusade against us going to Hidden Gan?"

Obviously, Cloud Shinobi Village is still one of the five major villages in the Ninja League. With Raikage in charge, the village is running normally like a behemoth machine. It is not something that Uchiha Ao can deal with if he wants to.

"Raikage, we need to be vigilant about this matter. After several battles, we were defeated by Uchiha Qing and Huaxia Hidden World Village. Nowadays, many ninjas from the village will leave in fear when they meet people from Huaxia Hidden World Village." Darui stepped forward and said.

It is precisely because of this that following Darui's words, Raikage punched the table with his fist.

"Uchiha Ao is too brave and wants to deal with our Cloud Shinobi Village." Raikage said.

Darui stepped forward and said: "But we must have united with the Akatsuki members to attack the Huaxia Hidden World Village. Now it is a legitimate reason for Shou Zhiqing.

The power of Huaxia Hidden World Village, coupled with Uchiha Qing's good reasons, makes Cloud Shinobi Village seem a bit tricky.

"This is a really tough question." Raikage narrowed his eyes.

Darui took a deep breath and said, "I wonder how Raikage-sama will deal with it?"

Raikage stood up and said: "Immediately summon all the people in Cloud Shinobi Village to prepare for a decisive battle with Huaxia Hidden World Village.".

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