Darui stepped forward and saw the movie's irritable expression.

"Master Raikage, now is not the time to start a war. We must be at a loss this time, and our morale is not as good as before. If we fight Uchiha Ao, we will have little chance of winning." Darui said.

Raikage glared at Darui and said: "What did you say? Now Uchiha Qing wants to lead people to attack our Cloud Shinobi Village. The safety of the village is threatened. If our people can't win, then we are not worthy of becoming one of the five major villages. Already."

Darui frowned, Raikage was indeed right, but even so, Cloud Shinobi Village would suffer a lot of casualties.

"The strength of Uchiha Qing and Huaxia Hidden World Village is at the door. Besides, if we compete with Huaxia Hidden World Village, we will definitely give others an advantage. Whether it is other ninja villages or Akatsuki, they will take advantage of it and attack us. It’s an extremely disadvantageous thing,” Darui said.

Raikage roared angrily: "But what can I do? Do you want me to hand over Tianrui?"

Darui stepped forward and said: "That's not the case. I just thought that if we go to Huaxia Hidden World Village to seek peace this time, will there be hope for reconciliation?"

"Suing for peace?" Raikage said with twitching eyelids: "We are one of the five major villages, how can we ask for peace with a small village?"

No matter how bad Cloud Shinobi Village is, it is still one of the five major villages, while Huaxia Hidden World Village is just a small village. No matter how it rises, it cannot become the opponent of Cloud Shinobi Village.

"But this is the only way to relieve our pressure. When this matter is over, it will not be too late for us to deal with the Huaxia Hidden World Village." Darui stepped forward and said.

Raikage looked downcast and stared at Tianrui.

"Since you made this request, do you want to go to the Huaxia Hidden World Village in person?" Raikage asked.

Darui lowered his head and said: "My subordinate is willing to go to the Huaxia Hidden World Village to represent Raikage and talk to Uchiha Qing himself..."

Raikage pondered on the spot for a long time and said: "Go ahead, if Uchiha Ao doesn't agree, forget it.

Now asking Raikage to lower his head and sue for peace with a small village has made him feel extremely uncomfortable. If Uchiha Ao is ignorant, Raikage will not be humble.

"Yes, sir" Darui left.

Darui led the three ninjas towards the Huaxia Hidden World Village. After a few days, the Chakra in Uchiha Qing's body had almost recovered.

Now at this time, Uchiha Ao begins to plan to fight back against the enemies who attacked the village in the first place.

Although Orochimaru took the lead, in the end because of his relationship with Akatsuki, he also helped the Huaxia Hidden World Village, so the people in the Sound Ninja Village were not among the people Uchiha Ao considered to attack.

"Besides Orochimaru, the first person we should deal with is the people from Takigakure." Uchiha Ao raised his head and looked at Lin Jiachen and said.

Lin Jiachen was shocked and looked at Uchiha Qing himself.

"But at your mobilization meeting a few days ago, you pointed your sword at Cloud Shinobi Village." Lin Jiachen asked in confusion.

Cheng Mengmeng was not surprised because he had been following Uchiha Qing and he knew exactly what Uchiha Qing wanted to do.

"That's just releasing a fog bomb to paralyze the opponent." Cheng Mengmeng said.

Suddenly, following Cheng Mengmeng's words, Lin Jiachen smiled bitterly.

"As expected of Uchiha Ao god-tier, no one would have thought that when our sword was pointing at Cloud Shinobi Village, we would take a detour to deal with Takigakure Village [then the people of Takigakure Village would definitely not be on guard." Lin Jiachen said.

Uchiha Ao also wants this effect. There must still be Seven Tails Jinchūriki in Takigakure Village. It will take a lot of energy to solve Takigakure Village.

"The people in Takigakure must be Lian Xiao, Cloud Shinobi Village. We will deal with Takigakure first." Uchiha Qing said.

Suddenly, following Uchiha Qing's words, Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng strongly agreed.

"When we go on this expedition, the rear will be left to you two." Uchiha Qing said.

This time, the entire army of Huaxia Hidden World Village will be dispatched. Whether it is Uchiha Qing, Sasuke, Jujiro and others, they will follow Uchiha Qing.

Cheng Mengmeng and Lin Jiachen stayed in the village to guard the safety of the village.

"We know." Lin Jiachen said with great certainty.

Uchiha Ao laughed and said: "In that case, you go prepare and deal with the attack on Takigakure Village. Do not tell anyone, including Sasuke and others.

Except for Uchiha Qing, Cheng Mengmeng, and Lin Jiachen, Uchiha Qing did not intend to let anyone else know.

"If that's the case, I believe Longyin Village will definitely be defeated, but what happens afterwards?" Lin Jiachen said excitedly.

Uchiha Ao laughed and said: "Afterwards, we must have invaded Cloud Shinobi Village."

Cloud Shinobi Village must be Uchiha Ao's ultimate goal. No matter how powerful Cloud Shinobi Village is, Uchiha Ao himself will never give up his plan to attack Cloud Shinobi Village.

But Cloud Shinobi Village must be one of the five major villages. Even if they lost to us before, if they invade their village at this time, the ninjas of Cloud Shinobi Village will definitely resist vigorously, and we may not be able to take advantage. Lin Jiachen said extremely worriedly.

Immediately, Lin Jiachen began to take a deep breath, looked at Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng, stood up and said: "I know this matter well. In fact, the counterattack against Cloud Shinobi Village this time is just a gesture. The real people are to destroy Takigakure Village. .”

Cloud Shinobi Village is one of the five major villages. No matter how powerful Huaxia Hidden World Village is, it is impossible to defeat Cloud Shinobi Village at this time, so Uchiha has no intention of actually fighting Cloud Shinobi Village at this time.

"Cheng Mengmeng, please pay more attention in the village. I have prepared a support force outside the village to support the village when it is attacked." Uchiha Qing said.

Cheng Mengmeng nodded. This small elite team (Li Liao Zhao) is Uchiha Qing's liaison force and the backup force connecting Uchiha Qing's army and the village.

At this time, when the Uchiha Ao army goes to Cloud Shinobi Village, it will definitely encounter a lot of obstacles.

For this reason, Uchiha Qing arranged for this secret force to be deployed outside the Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"In that case, you go and prepare, we will set off in a day or two." Uchiha Qing said.

Huaxia Hidden World Village began to make full preparations, and everyone was going to fight.

"Chinese Hidden World Village is going to launch a crusade against Cloud Shinobi Village." Suddenly, the whole world began to get excited.

Uchiha Ao will take an extremely tough stance after recovering from his injury. This is why no one in the world is shocked by this time that China Hidden World Village marches into Cloud Shinobi Village.

"Uchiha Ao is so tough, isn't he afraid of enemy sneak attacks from behind the village?" Hokage was stunned. .

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