The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 417 Attention From All Directions

Tsunade stood in front of Third Hokage and said: "I knew that Uchiha Ao was going to fight back against Cloud Shinobi Village, but I didn't expect that he would come out in force. According to our village's spies, ninjas will continue to gather in Huaxia Hidden Village in the past few days. .”

The Third Hokage raised his head and asked: "Have you noticed that Uchiha Ao has other purposes?"

Tsunade was stunned and stared at the Third Hokage in front of him.

"What do you mean?" Tsunade didn't understand.

The Third Hokage laughed and said: "Will Uchiha Qing use the time to deal with Cloud Shinobi Village to deal with other villages on the way?"

Suddenly, Tsunade stepped forward and said: "Impossible, if this is the case, he will not come out in full force. Besides, Uchiha Qingke mobilized everyone in front of the whole village to "Zun Liu Cloud Shinobi Village launches a crusade."

"Cloud Shinobi Village has united with Akatsuki. Even the people of Kirigakure will not support Cloud Shinobi Village this time." Third Hokage stood up and said: "However, Cloud Shinobi Village is still a powerful village. It is impossible for Huaxia Hidden World Village to do so." Defeat Cloud Shinobi Village.

Tsunade frowned and said, "Do you want me to stop Uchiha Ao himself?"

"It's useless. No matter what Uchiha Ao wants to do, if he really wants to destroy Cloud Shinobi Village with 610, it is impossible. If things really come to the point where Cloud Shinobi Village needs assistance, we Konoha Village will be the first to assist Cloud. Shinobi Village." Third Hokage said with great certainty.

After the formation of the five major villages, they restrained each other. Although the Ninja Alliance has experienced several wars, it has not formed a situation where one is the dominant one, and Konoha does not want such a situation to occur.

If Uchiha Ao can really destroy Cloud Shinobi Village at this time, it will be such a terrible thing, so Konoha will not let such a thing happen.

"Hokage." Tsunade stepped forward and said: "But Cloud Shinobi Village has always been a hostile country to us, why should we help them."

"Confused, Uchiha Ao cannot become a dominant family. If his strength really reaches this point, our remaining ninja villages will definitely not tolerate it." Third Hokage said.

Suddenly, Tsunade froze in place, stood there, and began to stare at the Third Hokage in front of him.

Hokage took a deep breath and began to narrow his eyes when Jiraiya suddenly burst in.

"I have discovered that Cloud Shinobi Village secretly sent Da Rui to Huaxia Hidden World Village for negotiations." Jiraiya said.

Third Hokage was stunned and said: (afcd) "Things are getting interesting. It seems that Cloud Shinobi Village has also been under a lot of pressure. After all, this time Eight Tails and Akatsuki jointly attacked Huaxia Hidden World Village, and they were wrong a lot."

"We have always suspected whether Uchiha Qing really wants to go to war with Cloud Shinobi Village. We only need to see the news that Darui brought back." Jiraiya said.

Third Hokage said: "What Jiraiya said is right. The willingness of Uchiha Ao to reconcile with Cloud Shinobi Village proves that he is just pretending, and we have nothing to worry about.

"But once Uchiha Ao insists on his own way, we must be wary of this guy." Third Hokage said: "If Uchiha Ao didn't have the strength, he wouldn't dare to be so bold as you to launch an attack on Cloud Shinobi Village."

"But what does this have to do with us in Konoha? Once Cloud Shinobi Village is destroyed, it will not be in line with our wishes." Tsunade clenched his fist tightly.

The Third Hokage raised his head, Tsunade has been protecting Uchiha Ao from the beginning, and now he has lost his mind.

"Tsunade, have you lost your sense?" Third Hokage said rudely.

Tsunade flinched and lowered his head slightly.

The Third Hokage sat on the chair and began to think deeply for a long time, and said: "I will not allow you to bring in your personal feelings in the future."

This is the interest relationship between the villages. Konoha did suffer a lot from Cloud Shinobi Village before, but now Uchiha Ao begins to think of a situation where one family is the only one. Not only Konoha, but other villages have been watching Uchiha Ao himself.

"Uchiha Ao." The Third Hokage narrowed his eyes.

Not only Konoha Village, but other villages began to pay attention to Uchiha Ao's movements.

"Uchiha Ao is a powerful guy. I wonder if he will launch an attack on Cloud Shinobi Village this time." Others began to discuss.

With the whole world paying attention, the people of Huaxia Hidden World Village actively prepared for war, and ninjas in the village continued to gather.

Limbo god-tier, Cloud Shinobi Village sent Darui to seek peace with our village." Lin Jiachen came quickly.

Uchiha Qing was stunned. With Raikage's character, he would not bow to others. He did not expect that he would send someone to sue for peace at this time.

"Suing for peace? Raikage is actually willing to do such a thing?" Uchiha Ao laughed.

Even Uchiha Qing himself did not expect that Raikage has a tough character and will not bow to others, not even the other five major villages, let alone the Chinese Hidden Village.

"No matter how powerful the Huaxia Hidden World Village is, it cannot be the opponent of the Five Villages, but Raikage came to seek peace this time, obviously because they were in the wrong." Lin Jiachen stepped forward and said.

Suddenly, following Lin Jiachen's words, Uchiha nodded.

"You are right." Uchiha Qing said: "If Cloud Shinobi Village had not been at fault, Raikage would not have sued for peace. y

Lin Jiachen said: "Do you want Darui to enter the village?"

Uchiha Qing said: "Let him come, I want to see what instructions he brings to Raikage."

"But the ninjas in our village are mobilizing and preparing to send out the message. If Darui comes this time, he will definitely see it clearly." Lin Jiachen said.

Uchiha Qing laughed and said, "It's better to see."

Lin Jiachen understood and immediately took Darui and the four into the village. At this time, the ninjas in the village continued to gather, and the atmosphere around them seemed extremely tense.

"Have the ninjas in the village begun to gather?" Darui was shocked.

Lin Jiachen looked at Darui next to him out of the corner of his eye and asked: "I wonder what the reason why Mr. Raikage asked you to come here this time?"

Darui was slightly shocked and said: "I can only say this after seeing Uchiha Qing himself, but your villagers have begun to mobilize, as if they are going to launch an attack on our village, right?"

Lin Jiachen said: "We started gathering three days ago, and we had no idea you would come."

Obviously, Lin Jiachen told all the facts and made Darui understand that this was not an act, but real action.

"In that case, it seems that I came at the wrong time." Darui smiled bitterly.

Lin Jiachen said: "Let's wait until you see Uchiha Qing god-tier."

Facing Lin Jiachen's words, Darui frowned. Raikage's purpose of sending him here this time was obvious. Everyone could tell that Cloud Shinobi Village wanted to seek peace first.

"Darui, please come this way." Lin Jiachen said.

Immediately, following Lin Jiachen's words, Darui followed Lin Jiachen and began to move towards the office building.

Uchiha Qing was sitting in the office, waiting for Darui to come. Darui saluted after seeing Uchiha Qing. .

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