Darui's eyelids twitched as he stared at Uchiha Ao in front of him.

"Cloud Shinobi Village is one of the five major villages and often acts as a hooligan in the Ninja League. Now our Chinese Hidden World Village is no longer what it used to be. If Killer Bee is not handed over this time, we will definitely come to ask for it." Uchiha Qing's expression firm.

Immediately, Darui turned around and left.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, are you going to let Darui leave like this?" Jujiro stepped forward and asked.

Darui looked back at Jujiro behind him out of the corner of his eye and stopped.

"Darui is just a special envoy here. Regardless of the war between the two villages, we will not kill the special envoy." Uchiha Qing said with great certainty.

Darui left and quickly headed back towards Cloud Shinobi Village, because he knew that Huaxia Hidden World Village was already preparing to launch an attack.

In this case, if Darui does not return to the village in time, people from the "One Two Seven" Huaxia Hidden World Village will attack the village.

In Cloud Shinobi Village, with Darui's return, Raikage and others were waiting in the office.

"Raikage, Uchiha Ao refused our peace request. He asked us at Cloud Shinobi Village to hand over Master Killer Bee. His attitude was very tough." Darui said panting.

Raikage stood up, looking surprised.

"What did you say?" Raikage didn't expect that Cloud Shinobi Village would take the initiative to bow its head and sue for peace. The people of Huaxia Hidden World Village didn't know what to do, so they actually refused Cloud Shinobi Village's request.

Darui lowered his head and said: "I have seen that the villages in Huaxia Hidden World Village are constantly preparing. They seem to be planning to attack us."

For a moment, Raikage punched the table hard.

"Damn Uchiha Ao, you really don't know what's good or bad." Raikage said rudely.

From Raikage's point of view, it seems that Uchiha Ao himself doesn't know what is good or bad, and Cloud Shinobi Village is still a kind of Five Great Times.

"We must be one of the five great villages. We humbled ourselves to seek peace, but were rejected." The guards around Raikage said, "We are willing to request the assassination of Uchiha Ao himself.

Raikage's eyelids twitched, and Darui lowered his head.

"Lord Raikage, it's my incompetence that didn't persuade Uchiha Ao himself." Darui said.

Raikage raised his hand and said: "You are not to blame for this matter. It is Uchiha Ao himself who took the initiative and immediately summoned all the members of Cloud Shinobi Village. We are going to fight to the death with Huaxia Hidden World Village.

Immediately, Cloud Shinobi Village held a mobilization meeting. In response to the invasion of Huaxia Hidden Village, Cloud Shinobi Village mobilized the entire village's combat effectiveness.

The world was in an uproar. No one expected that Uchiha Qing from Huaxia Hidden World Village would actually start to actively attack Cloud Shinobi Village.

"The war has begun." said the World Channel: "Huaxia Hidden World Village and Cloud Shinobi Village are at war again. This time it seems that the people from Cloud Shinobi Village have taken action."

For a time, people around the world began to spread the news. Whether it was players in the world, Orochimaru, Akatsuki, or the villages of the Ninja League, they were all paying close attention to the war between Uchiha Qinghuaxia Hidden World Village and Cloud Shinobi Village.

"Uchiha Ao's ambition has been exposed. He wants to fight to the death with Cloud Shinobi Village." Jiraiya stepped forward and said.

The Third Hokage narrowed his eyes and said: "This matter is very serious. We immediately sent people to investigate. For this matter, we Konoha must do a good job in supporting Cloud Shinobi Village

Preparations for suppressing the mansion's seclusion. "

"Hokage-sama." Tsunade looked extremely nervous after hearing this.

Third Hokage turned to look at Tsunade behind him, showing a hesitant expression.

"What do you want to say?" Third Hokage asked.

Tsunade was stunned, seeing the figure of Third Hokage, and shook his head slightly.

"Jiraiya, immediately take Kakashi and the others to the border of Cloud Shinobi Village, pay attention to the war between Uchiha Ao and Cloud Shinobi Village, and report to the village at any time." Third Hokage said.

Jiraiya left, and Tsunade stepped forward and said, "I'll go too."

"You can't go, stay in the village." The Third Hokage said and left the office.

Whether it is Konoha or other villages, they have begun to prepare. The war between Huaxia Hidden Village and Cloud Shinobi Village may trigger a ninja alliance war.

"Uchiha Ao is going to attack Cloud Shinobi Village." Mizukage looked at the people around him and asked, "What are we going to do now?"

The top management of Mizukage frowned and said: "This time it was Cloud Shinobi Village who colluded with Akatsuki first. If we lend a helping hand at this time, we will definitely be involved.

"What do you mean?" Mizukage narrowed his eyes and said, "Are we staying out of this matter?"

Cloud Shinobi Village must be an alliance. If we really ignore it, if Cloud Shinobi Village is defeated, Kirigakure will definitely become an isolated 0 in the ninja alliance in the future...

The alliance between Konoha and the Kingdom of Wind, and the Cloud and Mist Alliance, will completely break this situation.

"Mizukage, Hokage has sent Jiraiya and Kakashi to start monitoring the movements of Cloud Shinobi Village, and the village is preparing." Mizukage's subordinates reported.

Mizukage stood up and said: "Is Konoha going to take the opportunity to take action against Cloud Shinobi Village?"

Mizukage's guard shook his head and said: "That's not the case. It seems that Konoha will be dispatched to support Cloud Shinobi Village at any time."

Support Cloud Shinobi Village, I heard that right. "Mizukage said politely.

Mizukage's guard said: "Yes, I heard that Hokage wanted to suppress Uchiha Ao and the Chinese Hidden World Village this time in order to prevent Uchiha Ao from provoking a war with the Ninja Alliance."

Mizukage laughed and said: "Interesting, although we can't stand with Cloud Shinobi Village in the early stage, we can support Cloud Shinobi Village after the battle starts and attack Huaxia Hidden World Village, so that we won't be accused of being complicit."

Following Mizukage's words, people around him started nodding their heads and cheering.

The movements of Mizukage and Konoha Village are already very clear. As for the other two major villages, they are waiting to see what happens. They are just quietly watching the battle between Huaxia Hidden World Village and Cloud Shinobi Village.

"Master Raikage, our ninja army is ready." Darui stepped forward and said.

Cloud Shinobi Village is preparing for war, and they have set their sights on Uchiha Ao 4.8 and Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"War?" The Orochimaru base smiled after hearing Uchiha Ao's actions.

Kabuto stepped forward and said: "Yes, sir, Uchiha Ao is out in force, preparing for a decisive battle with Cloud Shinobi Village."

Orochimaru frowned and said: "Things should not be that simple. With Uchiha Ao's character, it is impossible to make such a decision.

At this time, Kabuto stepped forward and said: "But, Uchiha Ao did do this."

Orochimaru stood up and said: "I just left Huaxia Hidden World Village, I didn't expect to go back so soon.

Apparently at this time, Orochimaru didn't want to see Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha Ao is already a god-tier figure who owns a village in the Ninja League, and now Orochi wants to meet Uchiha Ao himself.

"Uchiha Ao." Orochimaru snorted. .

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