Kabuto stepped forward and asked, "So what's Uchiha Ao's conspiracy?"

Orochimai looked at Kabuto next to him out of the corner of his eye and said, "How do I know? Don't we know it when we go to the scene this time?"

In the Ninja League, Cloud Shinobi Village is one of the five major villages, and it is in alliance with Kirigakure. Even Konoha may not be Cloud Shinobi Village's opponent.

How could the newly emerging Chinese Hidden World Village be a rival to Cloud Shinobi Village?

Now Orochimaru suspected that Uchiha Ao had other plans, so he took Kabuto out of the lair and began to go to Cloud Shinobi Village.

Akatsuki's Fei stood at the border of Cloud Shinobi Village, followed by Zetsu.

"Master Ah Fei, how do you think Uchiha Ao plans to attack Cloud Shinobi Village this time?" Zetsu asked curiously.

Ah Fei laughed and said: "It is really a stupid behavior to bring about self-destruction."

Obviously, people in the Akatsuki organization are not optimistic about Uchiha Ao himself. At this time, Uchiha Ao's Huaxia Hidden World Village has just risen.

If we go head-to-head with the powerful enemy of Cloud Shinobi Village at this time, we will definitely face failure.

"It is destined to end in failure." A Fei said.

Zetsu said: "Failure alone may be a bit small. Konoha Village has begun preparations to suppress the Chinese Hidden World Village in the final move, and the people of Kirigakure have also begun to gather 05 ninjas, preparing to intervene midway."

If Huaxia Hidden World Village wants to deal with the power of the three major villages at once, it is simply suicidal.

"What a stupid act." A Fei snorted and said, "But we still have to kill Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Qing is not only Akatsuki's enemy, but also the person that Fei always wants to eradicate.

The moment Uchiha Qing led the army of Huaxia Hidden World Village out, the whole world began to boil.

Uchiha Qing was not joking, he actually brought people out, and immediately, people around the world began to spread the word.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and led the army of the Chinese Hidden World Village towards Cloud Shinobi Village.

"Raikage, Uchiha Qing's troops have arrived." Darui said.

According to the report from Cloud Shinobi Village spies, Uchiha Ao and his people are coming quickly.

Raikage stood on the rock and stared at the border.

"This is the first time our Cloud Shinobi Village has been invaded by another village. This time I will make it impossible for Uchiha Ao to come back." Raikage roared.

Although the Cloud Shinobi Village army suffered several losses due to Uchiha Ao, this time, Uchiha Ao was the invading party. Obviously at this time, the Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas will do their best to stop the attack of Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"Chinese Hidden World Village." Raikage clenched his fist tightly.

Killer Bee quickly came to Raikage and said, "Brother, I'm coming too."

Killer Bee, the troublemaker this time, learned that Uchiha Ao came because of him and came to Raikage in an instant.

Raikage snorted coldly and said, "Don't you think the self-examination has caused enough trouble?"

This time Killer Bee came here to atone for his sins. As a member of Cloud Shinobi Village, he also wanted to deal with Uchiha Ao together with Raikage and others.

"Brother, I know that your village was invaded by the Huaxia Hidden World Village because you didn't want to hand me over. If I were still at home now, I would be a loser.

Killer Bee said.

Suddenly, Raikage looked very satisfied. He held down Killer Bee in front of him and said, "As expected of my brother."

Although Killer Bee lost to Uchiha Ao, he was still unwilling to back down at the important moment, which made Kage very satisfied.

Raikage looked at Killer Bee in front of him, and Killer Bee even smiled.

Cloud Shinobi Village is ready and waiting for the Cloud Shinobi Village army to arrive at any time.

"Lord Killer Bee." Darui and others showed admiration.

Killer Bee looked at the person in front of him with a look of disdain.

"Uchiha Ao, and the people of China Hidden World Village, you really underestimate the strength of our Cloud Shinobi Village." Killer Bee said rudely.

The Cloud Shinobi Village army gathered at the border, and A Fei looked at the people below.

"After Uchiha Ao's fight with Cloud Shinobi Village, he began to have some inner conflicts." A Fei said.

Zetsu next to him stepped forward and said: "Uchiha Qing will pay a heavy price for his arrogance."

"Are Uchiha Itachi and the others on their way here?" Fei asked.

Juexiao said: "They have almost recovered and are on their way here."

A Fei wants to take advantage of the war between Huaxia Hidden World Village and Cloud Shinobi Village and other villages to get what their Akatsuki organization wants.

The tailed beast in Ninja Village has always been the tailed beast that Fei has always wanted. It is precisely because of this that when Uchiha Ao rashly entered Cloud Shinobi Village, many forces paid attention.

There are many players gathered outside the Huaxia Hidden World Village. They wait for the moment when Uchiha Qing is defeated in front and invade the Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"Uchiha Ao is really an arrogant guy. This time we can finally take revenge. Once Uchiha Ao fails at the front, we will take the opportunity to invade the Huaxia Hidden Village." The player showed a gloomy smile.

In the eyes of everyone, Ya Zhihaoqing will definitely lose this time.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, this time we are all out to attack Cloud Shinobi Village, and many forces are watching." Jujiro asked from beside him.

Uchiha Qing's face was serious and his body stopped quickly.

It was already dark, and Uchiha Ao looked around. On the left was the road entering Cloud Shinobi Village, and on the right was the direction entering Takikage Village.

"Take a rest here." Uchiha Qing said.

Cheng Mengmeng and Lin Jiachen both stayed in the village. The two people who knew Uchiha Qing's plan stayed in the village.

Following Uchiha Ao's order, Jujiro and others were shocked.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, Cloud Shinobi Village has gathered at the border. If we go late, we will definitely encounter strong resistance." Jujiro stepped forward and said.

Sasuke, Kimimaro and others also agreed, but only one person, Samui, remained silent and stood still.

Uchiha Ao didn't say a word and raised his head. The sky had darkened, but it was not completely dark yet. If he turned his head quietly towards Takigakure Village, he would definitely be discovered.

"I said rest, let's take a rest." Uchiha Qing knew that there would be a battle between his village and Takigakure in a moment. If everyone was not energetic, it would definitely affect the village's combat effectiveness.

As the village ninjas began to rest in place, Jujiro, Sasuke and others gathered together.

"We haven't reached the border of Cloud Shinobi Village yet, why are we resting here?" Jujiro asked incomprehensibly.

Sasuke and Kimimaro didn't say anything either. They didn't know what to say at this time.

It is precisely because of this that after Uchiha Qing gave the order, Samui stood still.

It was getting dark, and people were still resting in the woods, but at this time Uchiha Ao suddenly woke up.

"Jujiro, Sasuke, Kimimaro, Samui, wake everyone up quickly." Uchiha Qing said. .

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