After Uchiha Ao finished speaking, Jujiro and the four others were stunned.

"What are you doing here? Why don't you hurry up and do something." Uchiha Qing snorted coldly.

At this time, Jujiro, Kimimaro and others quickly moved forward and began to become confused.

Uchiha Qing said politely: "Follow my orders."

In a moment, all the ninjas of the Chinese Hermitage Village in the woods stood up and stared at Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha Qing stood on the tree and looked at the ninja house in front of him.

"Tonight we are planning a sneak attack on Takigakure. Please cheer up. Think about the time Takigakure attacked our village, and fight with your blood." Uchiha Qing said.

"But." Jujiro and others were shocked.

Didn't Uchiha Qing and his men come to attack Cloud Shinobi Village this time? But why did they suddenly attack Takigakure Village?

"This is called war." Samyi laughed. When Uchiha Qing stopped at this intersection, she already knew something was wrong.

At this time, Uchiha Ao laughed and said: "You must be wondering why we suddenly attacked Takigakure Village. This was originally part of my plan. Now that we turn around and attack Takigakure Village, they must be unable to guard against it." 1

Suddenly, the ninjas of Huaxia Hidden World Village were shocked. Uchiha Ao had already wiped out Takigakure Village on the way to Cloud Shinobi Village.

"Yes, Uchiha Ao god-tier." The ninjas shouted loudly.

For a moment, Uchiha waved his green hand, and the ninjas from Huaxia Hidden World Village began to move out.

The various forces who had been monitoring on the way were shocked. The ninjas from Huaxia Hidden World Village did not go in the direction of Cloud Shinobi Village, but went to Takigakure Village.

In Takigakure Village, with the arrival of Uchiha Qing's army, Huaxia Taoshi Village began to show an expression of extreme surprise.

"This is not the direction to Cloud Shinobi Village. It seems that Uchiha Ao has other plans." Zetsu was shocked and quickly left, heading towards A Fei.

As Jue came back, A Fei stood there.

"What's going on?" A Fei asked.

Zetsu frowned and said, "Uchiha Qing led the people towards Takigakure Village."

A Fei was shocked, and the independent Akatsuki members were ready.

"This time Uchiha Ao toyed with us all and applauded. It turned out that he was not going to war with Cloud Shinobi Village, but to destroy Takigakure Village." A Fei laughed.

The Akatsuki members began to be shocked, and A Fei looked at the Akatsuki members behind him from the corner of his eye.

"It seems that there is no point in us staying here." A Fei said: "Leave here immediately.

A Fei's figure left, and Xiao's members dispersed.

If Uchiha Ao goes to war with Cloud Shinobi Village, Konoha Village, and Kirigakure, Fei will take the opportunity to plunder the tailed beasts from each village.

Now that A Fei knew there was no chance, he left the scene immediately.

As A Fei left, Uchiha Qing's army rushed to Takigakure Village. On the way, they saw the ninjas of Takigakure Village and killed them on the spot without hesitation.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, what the hell is going on?" Jujiro has not yet recovered.

Uchiha Ao looked at Jujiro next to him from the corner of his eye and said, "Any questions? Didn't I tell you that it was my plan to attack Takigakure?"

Sasuke was stunned and said: "But to deal with a village like Takigakure, there is no need for my brother to take action, let alone for us to do so?"

"My silly brother, is attacking a village the same as destroying a village?" At first, the Uchiha Qingdai people easily taught Takino Hidden Village a lesson, but it was a lesson. However, if the ninja army from Huaxia Hidden World Village came, they would definitely It will trigger the determination of the ninjas of Takigakure to protect the village to the death.

At that time, the people of Huaxia Hidden World Village will definitely resist with all their strength. At the same time, at this time, Uchiha Qing will use such methods to minimize casualties.

"Brother." Zuo raised his head and said.

Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes and said: "When we enter the village, we will activate the strongest ninjas and we will not give Takigakure the time to fight back."

For a moment, Jujiro, Sasuke and others looked extremely shocked and began to say: "We understand."

Immediately, as Uchiha Qing and others came, the people of Takigakure Village almost did not fight back.

The army began to stop at the entrance of the village. The people in Longyin Village were still sleeping. At night, they were still unaware of a disaster.

"Attack!" Uchiha said with a wave of his green hand.

The ninjas from the Huaxia Hidden World Village began to move out and began to attack the Takigakure Village.

After seeing the ninjas of Takigakure in Takigakure, Huaxia Hidden Village started massacre. For a time, Takigakure was plunged into war.

"The people from Huaxia Hidden World Village are here." The ninja from Longyin Village began to shout.

Shibuki was still in the house and quickly ran out when he heard any shouts in the village.

"What?" Shenmu was shocked when he saw Xu Nengzuo and thousands of ninjas from the Chinese Hidden World Village.

Fu quickly came to Shibuki and said: "Chief Shibaki, our village was attacked by the Uchiha Aoki early.

Shibuki was shocked and said: "How is it possible that Uchiha Ao didn't lead the villagers to fight Cloud Shinobi Village?"

Shenmu had not yet woken up from his sleep, and was blinded on the spot when he saw everything in front of him.

"If I didn't do this, how could I have deceived you." Uchiha Qing's figure slowly walked out.

Now when Uchiha Qing arrived in front of Shibuki, he was surrounded by ninjas from the Hidden World Village in China, and the ninjas from the Hidden World Village began to flee in panic.

"Chief, we can't hold on any longer." A seriously injured ninja from Takigakure came to Shibaki and fell to the ground before he could finish his words.

Shibaki stepped forward and said: "Uchiha Ao, it turns out that you are not attacking Cloud Shinobi Village, but are attacking our village on the way?"

Shiki finally realized that Uchiha Ao had no intention of attacking Cloud Shinobi Village.

"So what?" Uchiha Qing said bluntly.

Fushang (Li Lihao) came forward to compete with Uchiha Ao, but Shibaki stopped Fushang.

"Wait, I haven't finished asking yet." Shemu already knew that the overall situation was decided, and Longyin Village was not the opponent of Huaxia Hidden World Village after all.

"Why do you do this? Is it because we invaded your Chinese Hermitage Village?" Shemu felt very regretful, regretting that we should not have invaded your Chinese Hermitage Village in the first place.

Uchiha Qing snorted coldly and said: "That's right. When you invaded our Huaxia Hidden World Village, you should have known that there would be such an end."

Uchiha Qing was initially intercepted by Akatsuki, but at this time Shibaki and others joined forces and almost destroyed the Huaxia Hidden World Village. Uchiha Ao will never forget this hatred. At the same time, after Uchiha Ao recovers, he will immediately cause trouble for Takigakure.

Shenmu laughed and said: "I see, what if we surrender? What will you do?"

The defeat of Takigakure Village was already doomed, Shibuki stepped forward and asked. .

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