Uchiha Ao snorted coldly and glanced around the scene.

"Surrender?" Uchiha Qing said politely: "Now that we, the people from Huaxia Hidden World Village, have occupied your village, do we need your surrender?"

In a moment, Huaxia Hidden World Village took advantage of the fact that Longyin Village had no defense at all and swarmed up to the village.

The village of Takigakure has become unsightly, and the ninjas who resisted in Takigakure have been killed one after another. Sasuke, Jujiro, Samui and others almost wiped out all the enemies in front of them.

"What good will it do to you to destroy our Takigakure Village?" Shenmu clenched his fist tightly. As the leader of Takigakure Village, Shenmu can't do anything now.

Uchiha Qing squinted his eyes and looked at the bed in front of Gu.

"Seven Tails." Uchiha Ao turned to look at Fu beside Shibaki.

Fu is Seven Tails, it's time for Uchiha Ao to catch Seven Tails before Akatsuki organizes it.

"Seven Tails? So you still have this purpose?" Cold sweat broke out on Shimu's forehead.

Uchiha Qing laughed and said: "That's right, Seven Tails is the most valuable thing in your Takigakure Village. As long as we have Seven Tails, our Huaxia Hidden World Village will not be far away from becoming a big village. 077

Two Tails, Three Tails, plus Seven Tails, Uchiha Ao, if you have three tailed beasts, it will definitely become a powerful village.

This result is exactly what Uchiha Qing wants. As Uchiha Qing comes, Shibuki narrows his eyes.

"Uchiha Ao, have you forgotten what you said in the Five Villages? If you take the initiative to capture the tailed beasts, you will be attacked by the Five Villages?" Shibaki roared.

Uchiha Qing waved his hand and said: "You seem to have made a mistake. I said this to the five major villages, and your Takigakure village is not the five major villages."

Suddenly, Shibuki was shocked. This was a check and balance strategy between the big powers. It was obvious that Uchiha Qing was making a fuss about the five shadows, and it was a mutual commitment with the five great villages.

"Uchiha Qing, I want the village to take revenge." Fu pushed away and ignored Shimu.

Shibuki frowned and stared at Uchiha Ao himself.

"Uchiha Ao is really cunning. He actually attacked our Takigakure Village at this time." Shibaki said.

At this time, Uchiha Ao stood there and smiled when he saw Fu changing in Seven Tails.

"Fu." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes. He already wanted to get the power of Seven Tails, and at this moment he started to carry out a big massacre.

"Seven Tails, your power belongs to me." Uchiha Qing snorted coldly, and Sharingan appeared.

In front of Uchiha Ao, Fu was stunned and saw Uchiha Ao's body jumping up.

Fu, who had turned into a tailed beast, raised her head with a surprised expression.

"Uchiha Qing." Fu said.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and began to look at Fu in front of him.

"The power of Seven Tails." Uchiha Qing snorted coldly and began to walk towards the doctor.

Fu stood there and spat out the Tailed Beast Bomb without any hesitation.

The unicorn appeared in Uchiha Ao's hand, and Uchiha Ao, who knew Fu would spit out the Tailed Beast Bomb, was already prepared.

The Tailed Beast Bomb was sent out, Uchiha Ao teleported to avoid it, and came to Fu with a unicorn in hand.

Fu was shocked and stared at Uchiha Ao in front of her.

"What?" Fu was shocked.

At this time, Fu had no defense at all, and the Kirin in Uchiha Qing's hand hit Fu hard.

With a "boom", Fu immediately flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

Shibuki looked at Fu next to him and frowned.

"Leader Shibuki, leave quickly, we are no longer a match for Uchiha Ao and the others." Fu said weakly.

Shibaki stood where he was. Takiyin Village had been completely invaded by Huaxia Hidden World Village, and there was no hope at all.

"It's over." Shemu knelt on the ground, showing a helpless expression.

Uchiha Qing slowly walked towards Shibuki and said: "When your Takigakure Village attacked our Huaxia Hidden World Village, you already knew that there would be such an outcome.

Shenmu raised his head and said (afce): "It was only because Killer Bee was not made to be the commander-in-chief. If he had not hesitated, your Chinese Hidden World Village would have been invaded long ago.

Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes, Shibuki is still full of hostility towards the Huaxia Hidden Village now.

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit." Uchiha Ao came to Shibuki and lifted the body of Shibuki in front of him with his ten hands.

Immediately, following Shibaki's words, Shibaki's whole body went limp and he was almost powerless to stare at Uchiha Ao himself.

"Uchiha Ao, I will never let you go even if I'm a ghost." Shibuki said.

Uchiha Qing snorted coldly, threw Shibaki behind, and said: "Jujiro, kill him.

Uchiha Ao's attention is on Fu. When Shibuki is caught by Uchiha Ao, Fu wants to take the opportunity to leave.

Just now Uchiha Ao saw what Fu and Shibaki said in private, and now Uchiha Ao is even more wary of Fu.

When Fu turned around to leave, a figure of Uchiha Qing quickly came to Fu.

"Want to leave? This time we, the people from Huaxia Hidden World Village, came here for your biggest purpose." Uchiha Qing laughed.

Fu's body began to retreat, and she was surrounded by ninjas from the Chinese Hidden World Village.

All the resistance in Takiyin Village was wiped out, and there were ninjas from Huaxia Hidden Village in all directions.

"Uchiha Ao, you actually despicably attacked our village, otherwise we wouldn't have been so defeated." Fu said rudely.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes. In the ninja alliance, there is always intrigue. Even the five major villages would not inform each other in advance before attacking.

"The attack on your village was a result of our successful use of tactics. It was also because you, Takigakure, were too relaxed and didn't have any vigilance at all when our village's army came." Samyi stepped forward and said.

When Uchiha Qing stopped at the intersection, Samyi felt strange and knew that Uchiha Qing had his own plans.

Tonight, when Uchiha Ao himself led the army and wiped out Takigakure Village in a short period of time, Samyi knew that he had guessed correctly.

"Takigakure Village was destroyed?" Jujiro was stunned.

After a moment of hard work, Jujiro became shocked.

Uchiha Qing said disdainfully: "Samyi is right. If Takigakure Village hadn't relaxed its vigilance, we wouldn't have invaded so easily, right?"

Fu's whole body was shocked. She was the only one left in the village.

"Uchiha Ao." Fu clenched her fist tightly.

At this moment, Fu's whole body was shaken and she looked at the doctor in front of her.

"Do you still want to struggle?" Uchiha Qing snorted coldly.

Fu narrowed her eyes, her eyes red.

When Takigakure Village was destroyed, Uchiha Qing could have expected that the people of Takigakure Village would resist with all their strength.

Now only Fu is left. Even if Fu has the power of Seven Tails, it is not enough to change the battlefield.

"Uchiha Ao, even if I die, I will fight you to the death." Huang roared angrily.

Uchiha Ao frowned and watched Fu's actions.

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