The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 427 The War Is About To Break Out

Uchiha Ao nodded slightly. Although Raikage agreed to Uchiha Ao's duel, it did not mean that Raikage would not play tricks.

Judging from the appearance of Raikage, Cloud Shinobi Village will not hand over the Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee easily.

"Lord Raikage." Darui saw Raikage coming quickly. When only one Killer Bee was left, everyone began to become confused.

Raikage narrowed his eyes and said, "Killer Bee and I will compete with Uchiha Ao later, so don't act rashly.'

Darui stepped forward and said, "What? Raikage-sama wants to duel with Uchiha Ao?"

This time it's not just a movie, but also Killer Bee.

"That's right, this time I will join forces with Killer Bee to deal with Uchiha Ao." Raikage said politely.

Darui stepped forward and said: "With Master Raikage's strength, coupled with Master Killer Bee's tailed beast power, it is enough to defeat Uchiha Ao himself."

Darui and others were excited for a while, and Raikage said seriously: "The war will last for a long time, so you should immediately take precautions. Once someone invades our Cloud Shinobi Village, no matter who they are, they must be annihilated by me at the border."

"Yes, Raikage-sama." Darui said: "But just now we saw Kimimaro from Uchiha Qingfang leaving with someone, are you playing tricks?"

"Uchiha Ao should not be able to play tricks. Kimimaro's departure is probably to patrol around to prevent accidents." Raikage said: "Remember, this time when we and Uchiha Ao have not decided the winner, you are not allowed to act without authorization, understand. ?"

For a moment, following Raikage's order, the crowd around began to say: "Yes, Raikage."

Raikage took a deep breath and said: "In the Ninja League, with Killer Bee and I joining forces, almost no one is our opponent, but the opponent is Uchiha Qing himself, it is difficult to say

With the strength of Raikage and Killer Bee, no one in the Ninja League would dare to join forces with Raikage and Killer Bee, except for Uchiha Ao himself.

"It's Lord Raikage." Darui stepped forward and said, "We will definitely protect the territory of Cloud Shinobi Village after you leave."

Raikage nodded and looked at Uchiha Ao himself not far away. After Uchiha Ao finished explaining, a figure quickly came to the venue.

In the venue, Killer Bee has been waiting for Uchiha Ao to arrive. While Raikage (afbg) was still explaining things, Killer Bee just wanted to have a few words with Uchiha Ao alone.

"Uchiha Ao." Killer Bee said politely.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and stared at Killer Bee in front of him.

"Killer Bee, you must be regretting your stupid decision now, right?" Uchiha Qing said rudely.

Immediately, following Uchiha Qing's words, Killer Bee said at this time: "That's right, I regret not making a decision" and not decisively attacking Huazhong's retreat in front of Samyi.

Uchiha Qing frowned and said rudely: "Uchiha Qing, listen to me, if I hadn't made a wrong decision at the beginning, your Huaxia Hidden World Village would not have been able to retain so much strength, let alone come to our Cloud Show off your power in front of Shinobi Village."

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and stared at Killer Bee in front of him.

"So you have always been thinking about invading our Chinese Hidden Village?" Uchiha Qing snorted coldly.

Suddenly, following Killer Bee's words, Uchiha Qing realized that the Killer Bee in front of him still wanted to invade the Chinese Hidden Village.

Killer Bee shook his head and said: "No, when you came out of A Fei's space, I knew that our Cloud Shinobi Village had no chance to pose any threat to the Chinese Hidden World Village.

Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes, thinking that Killer Bee was somewhat self-aware, because at this time, once Uchiha Qing came out, it meant that no one would dare to invade the Huaxia Hidden Village easily.

"Huaxia Hidden World Village now has such great strength and can dare to compete with our Cloud Shinobi Village because I believed Sam Yi's words and gave you Huaxia Hidden World Village time." Killer Bee said, clenching his fist tightly.

Suddenly, following Killer Bee's words, Uchiha Qing snorted coldly.

"There is no regret in the world. Now you have to think about how to defeat me in order to save your life." Uchiha Qing said bluntly.

Killer Bee stepped forward and said: "Uchiha Ao, it's a pity that you are too confident this time. In the Ninja League, no one is an opponent for me and my brother together.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and stared at Killer Bee in front of him.

"Really?" Uchiha Ao laughed and said, "You mean I'm too arrogant?"

Killer Bee said with certainty: "That's right. If my brother and I fight you alone, our chances of winning may be very small, but now you want to deal with the two of us joining forces. You are simply asking for death." .”

Uchiha Ao smiled and stared at Killer Bee in front of him.

"Seek death?" Uchiha Ao still didn't believe it. At this time, even Uchiha Ao himself found Killer Bee's words a bit ridiculous.

Killer Bee looked at the person in front of him with almost no hesitation.

"Killer Bee." Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said, "If I dare to deal with you two, I am sure of winning."

Uchiha Ao never thought about losing to the combination of Raikage and Killer Bee. Although it was a bit tricky, with Uchiha Ao's strength, he was confident that he could defeat them.

"Are you sure?" Killer Bee lowered the frame and said, "Maybe you haven't seen how terrifying my brother and I can be together."

Raikage is the most aggressive Kage in the Ninja League, and the fusion between Killer Bee and Eight Tails is perfect. Together, they can be powerful enough for anyone in the Veiled Lovers League.

But now, Uchiha Ao actually challenged Raikage alone, which made Killer Bee feel very advantageous.

"Have an advantage?" Uchiha Ao sneered, looked at Killer Bee in front of him and said, "You may not know yet, but I actually had reservations about fighting you before."

Killer Bee was stunned, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

"You are talking nonsense. How can you have any reservations about the battle between you and us? You are lucky enough to defeat us." Killer Bee said angrily.

"A fluke?" Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and said, "Even if it's a fluke, can you get lucky again and again? Killer Bee, you are really naive."

Suddenly, Killer Bee's body took two steps back.

"Killer Bee, you idiot, haven't you opened it yet, are you already affected by Uchiha Ao?" Raikage looked angry.

Killer Bee just wants to persuade Uchiha Ao to retreat. At least he wants Uchiha Ao to know one thing, that is, in the battle between Killer Bee and Raikage, Uchiha Ao has no chance of winning.

This time the Cloud Shinobi Village army gathered at the border. This was the first time that a village in the Ninja League dared to attack Cloud Shinobi Village. .

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