The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 428 To Fight Or Not To Fight?

No matter how bad Cloud Shinobi Village is, it is one of the five major villages. Even in other major villages, no one dares to launch an attack on Cloud Shinobi Village easily.

Now, with Killer Bee uniting with Akatsuki, Cloud Shinobi Village has almost no reinforcements, and no one wants to have any contact with Akatsuki at this time.

The ninja army of the Hidden World Village in China led by Uchiha Qing can be said to be the righteous party.

It is precisely because of this that with the arrival of Uchiha Ao, even Raikage does not want to start a war, once the war starts at this time.

If Cloud Shinobi Village wins, it will also leave a stigma that will be criticized, which will endanger Cloud Shinobi Village's status among the five major villages.

Among the five major villages, apart from Konoha, Cloud Shinobi Village has the strongest strength. Now that Cloud Shinobi Village loses at this time, or if its strength is weakened, the previous interests of Weiyin Village will be divided by other villages. .

This is the world of ninjas. Even Kirigakure of Cloud Shinobi Village is in a wait-and-see state. Even if he takes action when necessary, Cloud Shinobi Village will pay a heavy price.

"Brother." Killer Bee turned around and said.

Raikage slapped Killer Bee in the mouth unceremoniously and said: "Listen to me, with the two of us working together, no one can defeat us, do you know~?"

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes, Raikage used such a heavy hand to cheer up Killer Bee.

Killer Bee fell heavily to the ground, rolled a few somersaults and then stood up.

"Brother, I actually just want to force Uchiha Ao to leave. I know you will risk your life and honor for me this time to duel Uchiha Ao, but if he leaves." Killer Bee held on tightly. Hold your fist.

Raikage stood there with a look of disdain.

"Don't be stupid, my brother." Raikage said rudely: "Uchiha Qing will not leave. How could he leave here with such a good opportunity."

Uchiha Qingke has no intention of leaving here, because Huaxia Hidden World Village finally found an excuse to attack Cloud Shinobi Village.

If you miss this excuse, it will be almost impossible to wait for Cloud Shinobi Village to make mistakes in the future.

"Raikage is right. I will not leave easily unless you two can defeat me, but there is little hope." Uchiha Ao said confidently.

Raikage raised his head and said, "But it's impossible for you to defeat us."

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and stared at Raikage in front of him.

Raikage said: "What I said is correct, right?"

Uchiha Ao laughed, Uchiha Ao really wanted to see Raikage and Killer Bee team up, but to be honest, Uchiha Ao wanted to know if Kage had any other plans during this duel.

"Raikage, this battle is not like the past. With the three of us fighting here, it will definitely be a sensational tug-of-war? Have you ever thought about what the outcome would be if you died on the battlefield?" Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes. .

Raikage is the Kage of Cloud Shinobi Village and the most powerful Kage in the Ninja League. If he dies in front of Uchiha Ao at this time, it will be an extremely sensational event.

Uchiha Ao doesn't have to capture Killer Bee himself, as long as he kills Raikage in this duel, it will be enough to shock the entire ninja alliance.

"I will protect my brother even to the death." Raikage stepped forward and said, "Uchiha Ao, don't think you have thought about it this way. If we kill you in battle, how will the subordinates behind you survive?"

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and said, "You plan to drive them all away?"

Raikage said disdainfully: "I, Raikage, keep my word and will never do anything shameless. But even if I don't do anything, I believe many people in the Ninja Alliance will kill them because you have made too many enemies."

Suddenly, Raikage's words reminded Uchiha Ao himself that he had made many enemies in the Ninja League, and there were certain disputes over interests between players and major villages.

In particular, Uchiha Aoichi still has the power of three tailed beasts. If Uchiha Aoichi dies, the safety of Huaxia Hidden World Village will be in jeopardy.

"Your words remind me that I cannot die in this war, but I can also tell you clearly that after killing you, I will not launch an attack on Cloud Shinobi Village. From now on, we will have a temporary truce." Uchiha Ao said. .

Raikage stepped forward and said: "No matter who dies or lives in this battle, our two villages will live in peace from now on. This is what you said."

"That's right, movie, but the premise is that you are my opponent and your brother is my opponent Uchiha Ao." Uchiha Ao roared, and under the Sharingan, Suneng Sahu appeared.

0...Please give me flowers...

Facing Raikage and Killer Bee, Uchiha Ao used Suno Sago without any hesitation.

Raikage laughed and looked at Uchiha Ao himself.

"Are you going to use Suno Sahu from the beginning?" Raikage snorted.

Whether it is Raikage or Killer Bee, the attacks of the two are aggressive, and even Uchiha Ao himself needs to protect his own safety first.

"That's right. To deal with you two, I'll naturally have to use all my strength." Uchiha Ao said while looking at Raikage in front of him under Sunō Sako.

Raikage took a deep breath and looked at Uchiha Ao himself.

"Uchiha Ao." Raikage said: "No matter how careful you are, you are no match for me and Killer Bee.


Raikage's full body lightning armor appeared, and Killer Bee also revealed the power of the Eight Tails tailed beast on the spot.

Everyone in the audience was paying attention to the three people, especially the two groups from Cloud Shinobi Village and Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"The fight started." Orochimaru laughed and said, "They really have a fight."

"Lord Orochimaru, Uchiha Ao's chances of winning this battle are slim." Kabuto stepped forward and said.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and stared at Uchiha Ao in front of him.

"So we have gained something by coming here this time. Once Uchiha Ao and Raikage are both in trouble, we will take the opportunity to subdue Uchiha Ao." Orochimaru laughed.

Kabuto choked up and said, "But there are so many people from Cloud Shinobi Village and Huaxia Hidden World Village on site, how can we get close?"

Kabuto began to worry, and Orochimaru said rudely: "Just because others can't do it, it doesn't mean that I, Orochimaru, can't do it."

Orochimaru knows this very well, and now he is the only one who can easily get in front of Uchiha Qing and the others at this time.

"It's risky for you to do this," Kabuto said.

Orochimaru looked at Kabuto out of the corner of his eye and said: "Uchiha Ao himself is worth the risk. When the time comes, take care of your own safety.

Orochimaru snorted, and precisely because of this, Kabuto looked extremely shocked and began to stand where he was.

Orochimaru said playfully: "I really don't know how the ending will be? It's really exciting."

Not to mention Orochimaru, even Kabuto was looking forward to losing money. .

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