"Aren't you leaving here yet?" Uchiha glanced at the two Novice Village members behind him.

In Uchiha Ao's view, these two people are not even qualified as Chūnin, and it is impossible to fight against members of such a terrible organization like Gen. Staying will only bring trouble to Uchiha Ao himself.

Two members of Huaxia Hidden World Village responded for a long time and said: "You are not from our Huaxia Hidden World Village's Novice Village at all. Who are you?"

If Uchiha Ao hadn't revealed that Kirin defeated Danzo's men, the two novice village members wouldn't be sure at all, but now at the moment Uchiha Ao takes action, the two novice village members are very sure.

The Uchiha Qing in front of them is not a member of the Novice Village at all. They have stayed in the Novice Village for a while, and the powerful people there know very well that they have never seen Uchiha Ao's terrifying and pervert strength.

"What on earth is going on? Didn't you capture a member of the Huaxia Hidden World Village's Novice Village?" Danzo looked at the men beside him out of the corner of his eye.

The members of Gen were stunned. When they were patrolling outside the Novice Village of Huaxia Hidden World Village, they did see Uchiha Qing and three Novice Village members arguing.

"Master Danzo, they must be members of the Novice Village. This person must be playing tricks." Suddenly, the members of the root began to move and quickly attacked Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha Ao was shocked and stared at the root member in front of him. The root member barely saw Uchiha Ao's movements clearly. He was kicked hard in the face and his body fell to the ground.

"One time can be called a coincidence, but defeating you consecutively, is it a coincidence?" Danzo snorted coldly.

In Danzo's view, Uchiha Ao's current strength is no coincidence, and Hoshiha Ao himself has begun to show strength that Danzo and others had not expected.

"Awesome, who is he from Huaxia Hidden World Village? Why can't I remember." A member of the Novice Village of Huaxia Hidden World Village said excitedly.

The other person suddenly remembered something and showed an extremely excited expression.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, he is Uchiha Ao god-tier." The members of Novice Village shouted with joy.

Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly, looked at the two novice village members in front of him, and shook his head helplessly.

Originally, Danzo and others had not recognized Uchiha Ao's identity, but when a member of the Novice Village revealed it, Danzo would definitely notice it.

"Uchiha Ao?" The chakra in Danzo's body began to gather, and he began to be wary of Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha's green face emerged from the darkness, staring at Danzo in front of him.

"It seems that we have been discovered." Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said, "Danzo, why did you come to the Novice Village in our Huaxia Hidden World Village with all the people from the Root Organization?"

Danzo is a well-known hawk. He has done many iron-blooded things in the Ninja League, many of which even Hokage himself may not know.

Konoha is a special village. In addition to Hokage, they belong to this hawk figure Danzo. After the death of the Fourth Hokage, Danzo became the candidate to inherit the main Hokage.

But this is also Danzo's wishful thinking. There are many things among Konoha's senior management who are unwilling to handle them blatantly, so they will let Danzo handle them. However, Danzo has been in the dark all year round.

The heart naturally becomes dark, so the shadow location of Konoha Village will never fall into Danzo's hands.

"To safeguard the interests of Konoha." Danzo said firmly.

Uchiha Qing smiled, although Danzo was ruthless, he would not worry about the interests of Konoha Village, and he would do it no matter what the sacrifice.

"The interests of Konoha?" Uchiha Ao smiled and said, "Are you referring to the Novice Village in our Chinese Hidden World Village?"

Obviously, after Uchiha Ao himself established the Hidden Village of Konoha China, other villages became extremely nervous.

Both Konoha and other villages were shocked by Uchiha Ao's actions.

However, since Cloud Shinobi Village just encountered the failure of Huaxia Hidden World Village, no village dared to have any thoughts about Huaxia Hidden World Village.

The emergence of Danzo in Konoha is also something that Hokage is extremely worried about, but the top management of Konoha has authorized Danzo to deal with the affairs of Uchiha Ao and the Novice Village of Huaxia Hidden World Village.

Even if things fail, Konoha still has an excuse. It must be that Danzo is not the Hokage of Konoha, he is just a member of the darkness.

"That's right, Uchiha Qing, your establishment of the Novice Village this time has completely touched our core interests of Konoha. I will not just watch the Novice Village of the Chinese Hidden World Village grow.

Danzo said with great certainty.

0…Please give me flowers…

Uchiha Ao frowned. When he established the novice village of Huaxia Hidden World Village, he had already estimated that he would encounter great resistance, but he did not expect that Danzo would lead the entire root organization to attack the newbies of Huaxia Hidden World Village. village.

"It seems that you came here this time not just to inquire about the new village of Huaxia Hidden World Village, right?" Uchiha Qing said politely.

If it was just a matter of prying, how could Danzo personally go out and bring the root organization with him? Tsunade and others' guess was correct. Danzo wanted to destroy the Novice Village of Huaxia Hidden World Village.

This is an extremely extreme thing. Once Uchiha Ao himself is completely angered, perhaps China Hidden World Village and Konoha will become enemies.


Uchiha Ao doesn't want this to happen. He and Yunwu Village have completely broken off, if Konoha is also included.

I'm afraid that the Huaxia Hidden World Village will have to completely compete with the five major villages in the Ninja League. Uchiha Ao doesn't want to see such a result.

"Uchiha Qing." Danzo stepped forward and said: "Of course I didn't come here to find out the information about Novice Village. I came to destroy Novice Village. If you are sensible, you can disband Novice Village immediately. Maybe we can still talk. 17

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, you can't disband the Novice Village." The members of the Novice Village felt nervous after hearing Danzo's words.

Uchiha Qing stood there with a look of disdain.

"Disband the Novice Village?" Uchiha Qing said rudely: "What should I do? Do I still need you Konoha Villagers to hand it over?"

Obviously at this time, Uchiha Qing would not agree at all. The establishment of the Huaxia Hidden World Village's Novice Village marked the beginning of the village's move towards becoming a powerful village.

The rise of the Huaxia Hidden World Village, coupled with the growth of the village, is an indispensable thing, and now Uchiha Qing must complete this step.

"What did you say?" Danzo was shocked and quickly stepped forward and said, "Aren't you going to negotiate with our Konoha? Do you really want to antagonize us Konoha?"

Danzo was very shocked. The Ninja League was very aware of the current situation of Huaxia Hidden Village.

Although Cloud Shinobi Village was defeated and was no longer an enemy of Huaxia Hidden World Village, the hostility between the two villages was forever changed. .

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