The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 443 Negotiations Completely Break Down

Uchiha Ao sneered and stared at Danzo in front of him.

"Being at odds with Konoha? I don't think so?" Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and said, "If it is really Hokage's order, I believe you shouldn't be the one to step in this time.

In Konoha Village, almost no one knows about the existence of roots, so how many people outside Konoha Village know about it?

Danzo's existence is a powerful tool to check and balance Hokage, but at the same time he is also a member of the darkness and can never appear on the table.

Therefore, if this Danzo attack succeeds, it will serve Konoha and be recognized by Konoha's top management, but if it fails, it will have nothing to do with Konoha.

This is the purpose of root existence, Uchiha Qing knows this very well in his heart, so he will not have any thoughts about Danzo at this time.

"What did you say?" Danzo leaned on the crutches, almost looking impatient. "Nine Three Three"

Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said: "Your existence is just a black mark, and you will never be able to get on the stage in Konoha. This time may be the order of Konoha's top brass, but once you fail, you are destined to bear the bitter fruit yourself."

"Danzo, when your subordinates foolishly brought me to you, it was destined that your attack on our village will be exposed." Uchiha Ao laughed.

In Uchiha Ao's view, if he said this in front of Danzo, he would naturally not let Danzo know. Uchiha Ao already knew about his plan to attack Novice Village.

"It is indeed the carelessness of my men this time that they brought you from Huaxia Hidden World Village to me, exposing the premise of our plan, but it's okay, as long as I kill you here, who else can Are you going to stop me from destroying Novice Village?" Danzo narrowed his eyes.

Root's organization is all ready to launch an attack on Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha Ao stood there, no matter what the circumstances, he would not kill Danzo at this time. If Danzo died in Uchiha Ao's hands, it would definitely anger the top management of Konoha.

Regardless of whether the Hokage wants it or not, Konoha will be at odds with the Hidden Village of China in the future. If the two villages confront each other, they will take advantage of the two villages of Yunwu.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. There are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends in the Ninja League. If the five major villages are allowed to form a rope, Uchiha Ao's life will definitely be difficult.

In addition, if the five major villages unite, the rise of Huaxia Hidden World Village will inevitably be hindered. Uchiha Ao not only wants to lead Huaxia Hidden World Village to become one of the most powerful villages in the Ninja League, but

It also wants to become the third of the five major villages.

On an equal footing with Konoha and Cloud Shinobi Village, Huaxia Hidden World Village does not yet have such strength, so Uchiha Ao must stay awake.

"Uchiha Qing." Danzo took a step forward with an aggressive look: "Should we disband the novice village or not?"

Uchiha Ao shook his head, showing a determined expression.

"I will not disband the Novice Village." The unicorn in Uchiha Qing's hand appeared and said: "This time you will suffer a big loss in our Chinese Hidden World Village.

Following Uchiha Qing's words, Danzo waved his hand, and the members of the root organization around him began to step forward, and various powerful ninjutsu appeared.

Fire Style, Lightning Style, Wind Style and other ninjutsu are activated at the same time. The members of the Root Organization are an organization trained by Danzo. They will not show any mercy to Uchiha Ao.

"You go first." Uchiha waved the unicorn in his hand, blocking the ninjutsu in front of him, and quickly opened a path for the two novice village members around him.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, let's leave together?" Two members of the Novice Village said from the side.

Uchiha Qing sneered, glanced at the two novice village members around him, and said: "If you leave, you will never be able to find Danzo and his group. Let Sasuke and Jujiro come to the scene quickly to support me."

The two novice village members heard Uchiha Qing's words and quickly turned around and started to leave.

Danzo was behind the crowd, watching Uchiha Ao's every move.

"Stop those two bastards. Don't let them go back to report." Danzo said extremely seriously.

Suddenly, following Danzo's words, two members of the root quickly passed in front of Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Qing raised his head. He wanted to stop him, but was attacked by a powerful Chakra from Danzo, and his body took a few steps back.

"Uchiha Ao, your opponent is me." Danzo said very coldly.

Uchiha Ao frowned, Danzo was a very scheming person, and the existence of people like him was due to the environment in Konoha.

Among the Ninja League, Konoha is the most powerful. Located in Konoha Village in the center of the continent, it is also subject to any employer and has very busy tasks. 0

Now, as Gen confusedly brings Uchiha Ao to Danzo, Danzo's plan to attack the hidden village of China is completely exposed.

"Kill." Lin Jiachen waved his hand, and the ninjas around him began to fly out hidden weapons.

A series of ninja weapons attacked in front of the Root Organization. At this time, the two members of the novice village who were chasing after them began to be shocked, quickly hid, and raised their heads to look at the tree.

Lin Jiachen led the members of Huaxia Hidden Village Anbu to appear in front of them, which shocked the members of Gen.

"How is that possible?" Danzo was stunned.

Uchiha Qing laughed, Lin Jiachen was really timely, he had already appeared here not long after Danzo and his party were discovered.

"You people from Huaxia Hidden World Village are so quick to support us." Danzo narrowed his eyes and said.

Uchiha Ao sneered and stared at Danzo in front of him.

"Danzo, now that your whereabouts have been exposed, you'd better surrender." Uchiha Qing said bluntly.

Danzo showed an rude look and said unceremoniously: "I am a high-ranking official in Konoha. If you dare to kill me, you will definitely provoke a war between the two villages."

Uchiha Ao was furious, he never thought he would be so tolerant of Danzo in front of him.

"So what if I kill you?" Uchiha Qing knew that if he took Danzo in front of him calmly, he would definitely make Danzo and the root members unscrupulous in the future.

Hokage is not the only one who has the final say in Konoha. There are checks and balances from Konoha's top management behind him. 0.2, this plan to attack the Hidden World Village in China is an order given by Konoha's top management.

This also makes Uchiha Ao himself very clear that if Danzo is not allowed to know how powerful he is, Danzo and Konoha Anbu will fight to appear in the Chinese Hidden Village in the future.

The root members around Danzo came back one after another and surrounded Danzo.

"Master Danzo, we will protect you from leaving." The root member said.

Danzo stood in the middle with a look of disdain.

"Lin Jiachen doesn't have many people." Danzo snorted coldly and said: "With our basic strength, we are still enough to fight Uchiha Ao and the others.

Uchiha Ao was shocked that Danzo was so confident. Now he was facing a flanking attack from Uchiha Ao, Lin Jiachen and others, and the chance of winning was extremely slim. .

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