Uchiha Qing said with great certainty: "That's right, I plan to personally escort Danzo to Konoha this time.

"Are you worried that we might rescue Danzo on the way?" Jiraiya said, crossing his arms on his chest.

Uchiha Ao laughed and said: "I'm not afraid of you. Since I have planned to hand over Danzo, I am not afraid of you people from Konoha Village rescuing him."

Jiraiya was stunned, he did not expect Uchiha Qinghui to say this.

"It's not that simple." Jiraiya walked towards Danzo. Danzo only had half his life left and looked dying.

"Danzo, did the people in the True Hidden World Village punish you with the death penalty?" Jiraiya stepped forward and asked.

Danzo shook his head and narrowed his eyes at Uchiha Ao.

"Uchiha Qing, sooner or later I will kill you for revenge." Danzo said viciously.

Danzo is still alive and speaking, that's because Uchiha Qing showed mercy.

"Shut up." Jujiro said rudely: "Do you want to be whipped again?"

Jiraiya touched his chin, feeling something was unusual, and walked to Tsunako.

"If it is just to escort Danzo back to the village, there is no need for Uchiha Qing to come in person. It seems that he must have other reasons." Jiraiya said softly.

05 Tsunade was shocked and stared at Uchiha Ao himself.

When Uchiha Ao was in the prison corridor, he told Tsunade that he would make a request to Konoha in exchange for Tsunade.

Tsunade really can't figure it out. Even if Danzo is caught this time and gives Huaxia Hidden Village an excuse, how can Tsunade get to Huaxia Hidden Village?

"Uchiha Ao, what are you thinking about?" Tsunade frowned, looking confused.

Uchiha Qing looked at Jujiro beside him and said, "Let's go."

Jujiro waved his hand and led the people from Huaxia Hidden World Village to escort Danzo towards Konoha Village.

"I want to ask this guy Uchiha Ao." Jiraiya looked at Tsunade and said, "Otherwise I won't feel at ease.

Suddenly, following Jiraiya's words, he quickly began to step forward.

"Uchiha Qing, what happened when you personally escorted Danzo to Konoha this time?" Jiraiya asked very alertly.

Uchiha Ao looked at Tsunade out of the corner of his eye. Tsunade blushed. Thinking of what happened in prison and what Uchiha Ao said, he didn't dare to look Uchiha Ao in the eye.

"This time Danzo was destroyed by me. Everyone in the Ninja League must have known about it. I believe many people will take this opportunity to attack Danzo. Danzo has many enemies in the Ninja League. If I don't personally escort him , I feel uneasy." Uchiha Qing laughed.

Suddenly, following Uchiha Qing's words, Jiraiya seemed speechless.

"It's nonsense. It obviously has some purpose?" Jiraiya was so angry that his teeth itched and he said to Tsunade beside him: "What do you think it is?"

Uchiha Ao mentioned it to Tsunade, but Tsunade seemed very nervous when thinking about Uchiha Ao's words.

"How do I know? You don't care about me." Tsunade yelled at Jiraiya angrily.

Jiraiya was stunned and quickly opened his ears, never expecting that Tsunade would suddenly become furious.

"Women are really scary." Jiraiya quickly left Tsunade's side.

Uchiha Qing saw Tsunade's irritable situation and knew why Tsunade was angry.

"Uchiha Qing, what do you want to do?" Tsunade now somewhat believed what Uchiha Qing said.

Uchiha Ao took a deep breath and looked at Tsunade in front of him.

"Didn't I tell you before?" Uchiha Qing said truthfully.

Tsunade was stunned, but Tsunade was from Konoha. How could Uchiha Ao trade Danzo's life for Tsunade?

"Uchiha Ao, please don't act recklessly." Tsunade shouted loudly.

Tsunade's voice sounded in the quiet woods, and Jiraiya and others quickly came to Tsunade.

Uchiha Ao smiled bitterly. It was Tsunade who came quietly to him, but now that Tsunade shouted loudly, Uchiha Ao seemed a little innocent.

"Uchiha Ao, what did you do to Tsunade?" Jiraiya's face turned red with anger. At this time, Jiraiya's mind was filled with things between men and women.

It's a pity that Uchiha Ao didn't do anything to Tsunade at this time, because he had already desecrated Tsunade himself in the corridor of the prison.

"Jiraiya, it's nothing, I just want to ask Uchiha Qing about the purpose of going to Konoha in person, but it's a pity that he doesn't even want to tell me." Tsunade took a deep breath and said, "Let's go."

Jiraiya heard Tsunade's words and quickly stepped forward.

"You told me, Uchiha Ao is not a good person. Jiraiya took the opportunity to start talking bad about Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Qing stood there and didn't explain too much, because he knew that at this time, nothing he could say would be of any use, and everything would have to wait until Uchiha Qing arrived in Konoha.

As Uchiha Ao personally escorted Danzo to Konoha, at this time, Konoha's Hokage came out to greet him.

"Uchiha Ao." Sarutobi and the ninjas of Konoha looked at Uchiha Ao himself at the entrance of the village.

Uchiha Ao laughed and looked at Sarutobi in front of him.

"Lord Hokage, even you came to greet me personally." Uchiha Ao stepped forward and said.

Sarutobi frowned and looked at Tsunade and Jiraiya.

"What the hell is going on? You guys really don't know etiquette. How can you let Uchiha Qing personally escort Danzo back? What do you want to eat?" Sarutobi said rudely.

Suddenly, following Sarutobi's question, Tsunade stepped forward.

013 "I don't know what Uchiha Ao's purpose is in coming to Konoha this time. He insists on coming, and we can't stop him." Nate said bluntly.

In fact, Tsunade and Jiraiya had already informed Hokage Sarutobi of the news of Uchiha Ao's arrival.

Sarutobi just wants to know whether Tsunade and Jiraiya asked Uchiha Qing about the purpose of coming. Unfortunately, Tsunade still refuses to mention it, and does not believe that Uchiha Qing can use Danzo to exchange her to the Chinese Hidden Village.

"The nature of Danzo's attack on our Huaxia Hidden Village this time is very serious. If I don't come here personally, I will not be able to resolve the conflict between the two villages." Uchiha Qing said with a smile.

Sarutobi nodded slightly and said, "We should wait until we get to the village to discuss this matter."

Sarutobi began to lead Uchiha Ao and others into Konoha Village. This time Uchiha Ao came in person, and Konoha Village also organized many villagers to come to greet them.

"Isn't this a person from Huaxia Hidden World Village? How did he come to our village?" People from Konoha Village questioned.

However, the two villages of Huaxia and Konoha have always maintained friendly relations, so this time Uchiha Qing came, he was naturally welcomed by the people in Konoha Village.

"I don't know, but even Lord Hokage went out to greet him personally, which shows the deep friendship between Konoha and Chinese villages." Konoha Villager said. .

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