"That's right, people from Huaxia Village are welcome!" Konoha Villagers shouted.

Uchiha Ao walked in the middle, and Hokage Sarutobi beside him smiled.

In the Konoha office building, Uchiha Ao and others arrived.

"Uchiha Ao, let the people of Konoha take Danzo down." Sarutobi said to Uchiha Ao.

But when people from Konoha approached Danzo, Jujiro became vigilant. This time Uchiha Ao came to Konoha in person, not just to escort Danzo.

"Without Uchiha Ao god-tier's order, we will not hand over Danzo." A figure of Tajiro blocked in front of Konoha Shinobi.

Suddenly, Konoha Shinobi and Jujiro began to confront each other.

"Uchiha Ao, what on earth do you mean?" Hokage Sarutobi asked.

Uchiha Qing smiled slightly and looked at Jujiro.

"Jujiro, this must be Konoha Village, please speak politely." After Uchiha Ao slightly taught Jujiro, Jujiro and others put away their weapons.

"Hokage-sama, I am here in person this time, not just to escort Danzo." Uchiha Qing said with great certainty.

Hokage Sarutobi stood there, taking a puff of cigarette.

"I have also thought about this matter. You must have something to discuss with me. Can't you hand over Danzo himself first?" Sarutobi asked.

Uchiha Ao shook his head and said: "If we hand over Danzo, what leverage do we have to negotiate with you?"

For a moment, Jiraiya was furious and stepped forward to point at Uchiha Ao.

"Uchiha Ao, this is Konoha Village. Since Danzo has been escorted to Konoha Village, you can't help him." Jiraiya said politely.

Konoha Village is full of experts, and even Uchiha Ao may not be able to take advantage.

What's more, now Uchiha Ao only comes with Jujiro and a few people from the Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"Jiraiya." Sarutobi looked at the excited Jiraiya, who crossed his arms over his chest and returned to his original position.

"Although Jiraiya is reckless, there is some truth in what he said." Sarutobi glanced at Uchiha Ao beside him and said, "Now that Danzo has been escorted to Konoha, many things are not up to you."

Although Uchiha Ao is powerful, Hokage is no ordinary person. In the Ninja League, Konoha is the most powerful.

"I believe that when Lord Hokage hears the terms I negotiate, not only will he not refuse, but he will also be happy to accept them." Uchiha Qing said affirmatively.

Tsunade felt a little nervous and started to feel nervous.

"Uchiha Ao, what are you talking about? You'd better understand clearly, this is Konoha." Even Tsunade couldn't hold his breath and began to scold Uchiha Ao.

Sarutobi was stunned. Tsunade had never spoken to Uchiha Ao in such a tone before.

"What the hell is going on?" Sarutobi frowned.

Jiraiya quickly came to Sarutobi's ear and said: "It's because Tsunade knows that Uchiha Ao has always treated her as an outsider, so she is angry."

Jiraiya was gloating about his misfortune. The more angry he saw Tsunade and Uchiha Qing, the happier he felt.

Hokage Sarutobi frowned and said, "So that's it."

Uchiha Qing ignored Tsunade beside him and looked at Sarutobi in front of him.

"Hokage, I will bring Danzo safely to Konoha Village, but I have a small condition, please agree." Uchiha Qing said gently.

Sarutobi did not agree on the spot and said, "What do I want to see?"

"This matter is good for both our villages, it is to establish an alliance." Uchiha Qing laughed.

Sarutobi was stunned and looked at Uchiha Qing.

"Are you planning to become a vassal state of Konoha Village?" Sarutobi laughed.

Obviously, Uchiha Ao would not do such a thing, so Sarutobi still felt a little confused.

Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said: "That's not the case, it is an ally. Our Chinese Hidden World Village and Konoha will maintain an ally relationship."

"That's nonsense. Why do you Chinese Village become our ally of Konoha?" Jiraiya stepped forward to object.

The alliance between Konoha and the Kingdom of Wind is also based on the fact that both are in the same position.

Obviously, Huaxia Hidden World Village is not one of the five major villages. Although it has risen rapidly in the Ninja Alliance, it is not enough to form an alliance with Konoha.

"You Chinese people will at most become our affiliated village of Konoha, not an alliance at all." Jiraiya said arrogantly.

Hokage Sarutobi did not respond. This matter must be of great importance and he cannot agree to it alone.

"This time Danzo attacked our Huaxia Village. Many people in the village wanted to kill him. I was under great pressure to bring them here. But if I don't find a convincing reason,

How will I explain to the people in the village when I go back?" Uchiha Ao frowned.

Danzo failed and has become Uchiha Ao's prisoner. Now Uchiha Ao cannot let Danzo go easily without Hokage's consent.

w Uchiha Ao god-tier is right. If Konoha didn't agree, I, Jujiro, would be the first one not to hand over Danzo. Jujiro took out his long sword and pointed it at Danzo's neck.

Hokage Sarutobi frowned, showing an angry expression.

"Uchiha Ao, do you want to take action in Konoha Village? If Danzo dies, we in Konoha Village will not let you go." Sarutobi said rudely.

Uchiha Qing did not kill Danzo in Huaxia Hidden World Village, but after coming to Konoha Village, he began to intend to kill Danzo.

"Lord Hokage, I have come up with the conditions. For me, Uchiha Ao, I am either a friend or an enemy." Uchiha Ao's face became deserted and he said: "When Danzo attacked our Huaxia Hidden World Village, it already represented an undeclared war. .”

Suddenly, Hokage Sarutobi was stunned and looked at Danzo.

"You Konoha attacked our village. This time we not only handed over the people, but also did not pursue them. If this (Dede Zhao) incident spreads, then no one will dare to attack our village in the future." Uchiha Qing said: " I won't let go of Danzo easily without a good reason."

Hokage Sarutobi stood there, hesitating.

Jiraiya said unceremoniously: "Master Hokage, let me teach this arrogant guy a lesson. This must be Konoha Village, not a place where he behaves recklessly.

Sarutobi stopped Jiraiya with one hand and said: "No one is allowed to do anything without my order."

The Konoha Shinobi put away their weapons one after another. At this time, even Uchiha Qing knew in his heart that it was Konoha that made Uchiha Qing angry first.

Everyone in the Ninja League knows who Danzo is. He is a high-level official in Konoha. It would be unjustifiable if the high-level officials in Konoha do not know about Danzo's attack on the Hidden World Village in China.

"Teacher." Jiraiya became anxious. .

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