Chapter 478: Leave a backup plan

"Needless to say." Hokage Sarutobi raised his hand to stop Jiraiya from speaking, and responded to Uchiha Ao: "I alone cannot have the final say on this matter, at least I need some time."

Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said, "I'm waiting for your good news here."

Hokage Sarutobi seems to be tempted, and reaching an alliance with Konoha is Uchiha Ao's first step. The person he really wants to get must be Tsunade.

"That's the purpose? Right?" Tsunade stepped forward and sneered.

Uchiha Ao stood there. Once Uchiha Ao told Tsunade his purpose, Tsunade was dubious at first. It can be seen that from the moment Uchiha Ao came in person and started to hold Danzo hostage in Konoha, he really believed that Uchiha Ao came for her. .

But Tsunade didn't expect that in the end, Uchiha Qing proposed only to maintain an alliance with Konoha.

Once the two villages become an alliance, it will unintentionally raise the level of the Huaxia Hidden Village.

Everyone knows that among the five major villages of the Ninja Alliance, there is no Chinese Hidden World Village. However, once Konoha and Chinese Hidden World Village become an alliance, then Chinese Hidden World Village will inevitably rise to a higher level.

"The fun is yet to come, why are you anxious." Uchiha Qing said very gently.

Tsunade clenched his fist tightly. In Tsunade's view, at this time, what Uchiha Qing said before 997 was a lie.

"Uchiha Ao." Tsunade punched the ground in anger.

Uchiha Ao blocked him, and Jiraiya was surprised. Before Hokage left just now, he handed over an order that no one could do anything.

Immediately, Jujiro, Konoha and others picked up their weapons and became vigilant.

Uchiha Qingyi raised his hand and said to Jujiro beside him: "It doesn't matter, this is just a personal grudge between me and Tsunade."

Uchiha Qing knew that Tsunade took such action because she felt that Uchiha Qing had deceived her.

However, following Uchiha Ao's actions, at this time, in Tsunade's eyes, Uchiha Ao still did not reveal his subsequent plan.

If the people in Konoha had known about it earlier, they would not have been able to take Tsunade away.

"Sarutobi, you called us here, what's going on?" Two high-level officials from Konoha came to Sarutobi.

Sarutobi sat on the sofa and smoked a cigarette.

"There is something I must discuss with you two." Sarutobi looked at the two senior officials of Konoha.

The two senior officials of Konoha were stunned and said, "What's going on? Does it have anything to do with Danzo?"

When Danzo went to attack Konoha Village, he got the promise of two high-level officials of Konoha. Now, at this time, something happened to Danzo, and Uchiha Ao came to escort him in person, so he must have some requirements.

"That's right, Uchiha Ao's request to let go of Danzo is to become an ally with our Konoha." Hokage Sarutobi said.

The two top leaders of Konoha were shocked on the spot and said: "Impossible. With the status of the Hidden World Village in China, how can it be on an equal footing with our Konoha Village?"

Sarutobi took a deep breath and said: "Danzo attacked the Huaxia Hidden World Village and was caught by Uchiha Ao on the spot. Uchiha Ao said in front of me that if we don't agree to his request, then the group will

He won't let it go.

"Now that Uchiha Ao has arrived in Konoha Village, if he is so arrogant, he will definitely be killed. Are you still afraid of him?" Two senior officials of Konoha said disdainfully.

"What kind of personality Uchiha Ao has, I think the entire Ninja Alliance knows it. If Danzo is escorted by Uchiha Ao's relatives to come to Konoha to fight with him, he will definitely start with us Konoha when he returns. The two villages of Yunwu are examples." Hokage Sarutobi said .

The two senior officials of Konoha were shocked and said, "What do you want me to do?"

"If we don't agree and let Uchiha Ao leave with Danzo, our extradition of Danzo will be ruined. But if we agree, we will maintain an alliance with Huaxia Hidden World Village in the future." Third Hokage said seriously.

"Regardless of whether I agree or not, Chiha Ao has taken advantage of everything." said the two senior officials of Konoha.

Hokage Sarutobi nodded and said: "That's right, but I'm worried that once Danzo is taken (afdf) back to the Chinese Hidden Village, Uchiha Qing will definitely try his best to steal the secrets of our Konoha Village from Danzo, and the consequences will be dire. Imagine.”

For a moment, following Third Hokage's words, the room seemed quiet.

After a long time, the two senior officials of Third Hokage and Konoha walked out and came to Uchiha Ao.

"Even two high-level officials from Konoha are here. It seems there is hope." Uchiha Qing sneered.

Third Hokage Sarutobi had a solemn look on his face [accompanied two high-level officials of Konoha.

"Uchiha Ao, let me ask you, why can't we change the relationship with Konoha to become an ally besides this requirement?" Konoha senior officials asked.

Uchiha Qing shook his head and said: "Our Huaxia Village has always maintained a good relationship with Konoha, but Danzo's behavior this time has made the whole village start to worry that Konoha may take action against us at any time. If I come this time, I will not bring him back. If I get an answer that satisfies the village, I don't think anyone will want to deal with Konoha anymore.

Suddenly, the two senior Konoha officials turned to look at Danzo with expressions of hatred.

"Okay, we Konoha promise you, please let Danzo go." Two senior Konoha officials said.

Suddenly, the Konoha Village ninjas were shocked, but Hokage Sarutobi closed his eyes on the spot, so everyone did not object again.

"Let him go." Uchiha Qing said.

As Konoha agreed to Uchiha Ao's request on the spot, Jujiro released Danzo and handed it over to the people of Konoha Village.

The two top leaders of Konoha also left immediately, Jiraiya couldn't believe it.

"Master Hokage, how can you agree to Uchiha Ao's request?" Jiraiya said unwillingly.

Third Hokage Sarutobi said: "This is a decision discussed by the top management of Konoha. No one can change it. Uchiha Ao, since you have come to Konoha, please stay here for a while before going back."

A smile appeared on Uchiha Qing's face. Now that Konoha has agreed to Uchiha Qing's request, Uchiha Qing will naturally not have any complaints anymore.

As for Danzo's attack on the Huaxia Hidden Village, Uchiha Qing regarded it as a big gift from Danzo.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama. Then I'll be more respectful than obey." Uchiha Qing said very politely.

For a moment, the ninjas of Konoha looked at each other. They did not expect that the mighty Konoha Village would become an ally with the Hidden World Village of China.

After the news spread, the entire Ninja Alliance became excited.

"Uchiha Ao, this B, has completely hooked up with Konoha." Players who have always been jealous feel their hearts sinking. The Huaxia Hidden World Village led by Uchiha Ao has developed so rapidly that it has become an ally with Konoha Village.

In the Ninja Alliance, the five major villages have always occupied the vast majority of resources. .

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