"Raikage, my lord, I'm really sorry." Tsuchikage said as he stepped forward, his waist suddenly hurt, and his expression changed drastically.

"Lord Tsuchikage." The Tsuchikage guard quickly stepped forward.

Movie walked into the lobby with a cold expression and said: "Tsuchikage looks very fragile, and he is actually wrapped around his waist."

The guard next to Raikage chuckled secretly. This old guy must have done many bad things when he was young, and he will have such a physical condition when he is old.

Suddenly, Tsuchikage's expression became serious as Raikage's guard snickered.

"Raikage came here this time, what's the matter?" Tsuchikage walked into the room and saw a movie sitting on the sofa.

Raikage raised his head and said: "I have important matters to discuss with you."

"These are my confidants, Raikage-sama, but it doesn't matter." Tsuchikage said generously.

"217" Raikage paused slightly and began to step forward and said: "Wasn't Tsuchikage a little nervous after hearing that Konoha Village and Huaxia Hidden World Village signed an alliance?"

Following Raikage's words, Tsuchikage laughed at this time.

"We Iwagakure have always maintained neutrality and have not provoked Uchiha Qing. There is nothing to worry about. Raikage must be restless." Tsuchikage looked at the rich shadow in front of the emperor.

Raikage snorted coldly and said, "Tsuchikage-sama is really short-sighted."

"What did you say?" Guard Tsuchikage said angrily.

Tsuchikage closed his eyes and said: "What did you do? Now this is a conversation between Raikage and I, and you have no say in it.

"But Tsuchikage, Raikage is scolding you." Guard Tsuchikage said coquettishly.

Suddenly, with the response of the Tsuchikage guard, Wang Ying became helpless.

"People around me are spoiled by me, but if she hadn't massaged me often, my back pain would have given me a headache." Tsuchikage laughed.

Raikage was much more restrained than usual, got up and came to the window.

"Tsuchikage, I believe you also know the purpose of my coming here. Akito will not tell secrets. Don't you have a little worry in your heart?" Raikage asked Tsuchikage.

Tsuchikage frowned, did not get up, sat on the sofa and asked: "What does Raikage mean?"

Raikage narrowed his eyes and said: "After Uchiha Qing established the Huaxia Hidden World Village, it began to rise in a short period of time. No one can believe how far it will develop in the future? Now Konoha Village is even more infested with tigers. In the future, when the Huaxia Hidden World Village When the world's villages grow, there will no longer be the problems of our five major villages.

"Raikage is a little too worried. With the strength of Huaxia Hidden World Village, how can it surpass our five major villages? Even Hokage must not agree." Tsuchikage said.

Raikage turned around and shouted: "Don't you understand that the alliance signed between Konoha and Huaxia Hidden World Village this time is an equal relationship. Huaxia Hidden World Village has indirectly become a village that can be on par with our five major villages."

"What?" Tsuchikage was stunned and his body became sluggish.

Raikage took a deep breath to calm down his emotions.

"This is what worries me the most." Raikage said: "Not only do we have personal grudges with Uchiha Qing, but what I am worried about is that once the Huaxia Hidden World Village rises and becomes the most powerful village, then our five major The village will suffer."

"If this is the case, how could Hokage sign such an agreement with Uchiha Ao? Raikage is still a little overly worried." Tsuchikage said.

"According to the investigation by our Cloud Shinobi Village spies, Konoha attacked the Chinese Hidden World Village. Although it was only for a short time, all the root members led by Danzo were buried in the Chinese Hidden World Village. Konoha did not dare to announce this matter. There must be a reason for it. ." Guard Raikage said.

Tsuchikage's eyes lit up and he suddenly looked surprised.

"What?" Tsuchikage frowned, looked at Raikage in front of him, and asked, "Is there really such a thing?"

"That's right, this is the information we obtained from various sources in Cloud Shinobi Village. After Uchiha Aoya escorted Danzo back, "Konoha signed an alliance with Hanazhong Hidden World.

Movie said bluntly.

Suddenly, Tsuchikage laughed and said: "Collect evidence from multiple parties? Is it from the Akatsuki organization?"

Raikage narrowed his eyes and said: "My brother Rabichi did cooperate with Akatsuki, but it was only to deal with Uchiha Ao, and to prevent the Chinese Hidden World Village from quickly rising. Unfortunately, it failed."

"Then where did you get the news?" Tsuchikage narrowed his eyes.

Raikage laughed and said: "As far as I know, the only village that has real connections with the Akatsuki organization is you, Iwagakure, and I learned about it from Orochimaru because he participated in the attack on the Chinese Hidden Village with Danzo. ....”

"What?" Tsuchikage stood up and said with a vigilant expression: "Raikage, you can't talk nonsense. How could we have cooperated with the Akatsuki organization?"

"It doesn't matter whether there is or not. What's important is that right now, we must beware of the rise of Uchiha Ao." Raikage said very firmly.

Tsuchikage narrowed his eyes and turned to look at Raikage.

"Then what do you mean?" Tsuchikage asked Raikage.

Raikage snorted coldly and said: "Since Konoha and the Hidden World Village of China have signed an alliance, why don't we become allies, so that the strength of the Ninja Continent will be balanced, right?

Tsuchikage had already thought of Raikage's purpose, but at this time, Tsuchikage still seemed a little hesitant.

"But why should I believe you? Besides, Iwagakure has always remained neutral and has never thought of forming an alliance with other ninja villages." Tsuchikage said disdainfully.

Suddenly, with Tsuchikage's response, Raikage laughed.

"This is no longer the time for you, Iwagakure, to hesitate. If Tsuchikage remains neutral at this time, you will inevitably see Huaxia Hidden Village grow. Are you also willing to see Huaxia Hidden Village build a novice village?" Raikage asked stand up.

Iwagakure has always had the largest land area among the five major villages. In addition, the Jōnin village has strong strength. Although it is not as powerful as Konoha in terms of strength and the ninjutsu is not as powerful as Kirigakure, it still occupies a huge position among the five major villages because of the large number of ninjas. quantity.

In the last ninja war, Iwagakure was the first to attack Konoha.

"Even if we are an alliance, we can still find Konoha. Konoha must have a Chinese hidden village now." Tsuchikage glanced at Raikage.

Raikage clenched his fists tightly and began to roar.

"Tsuchikage, are you confused? You have forgotten how Konoha defeated you in the previous two ninja wars. Will you unite with Konoha?" Raikage asked angrily.

The angrier Tsuchikage gets when he sees Raikage, the happier he becomes.

"But now, if you don't choose to stand with Konoha, how can you survive in the Ninja Alliance?" Tsuchikage said.

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