Raikage snorted coldly and said: "It's not that I don't believe it. With Iwagakure's style, you can't easily reach an agreement with Konoha and become allies. Even if you agree, Konoha may not believe you."

Suddenly, Tsuchikage frowned.

"If you still remain neutral now, once Uchiha Qing grows stronger, then in the future, not to mention Konoha and Sunagakure, the three remaining villages will suffer." Raikage glared at Tsuchikage and said: "If you really don't want to, forget it. I did not say it."

"Let's go." The impatient Raikage immediately walked outside.

Tsuchikage stepped forward and said, "Wait a minute."

It's not that Tsuchikage doesn't know what Kasumi said, it's just that at such a critical moment, he wanted to see what the movie was thinking.

Today, Raikage took the initiative to come. If Tsuchikage easily agreed, it would definitely cause a lot of things.

"What? You changed your mind?" Raikage looked at Tsuchikage and asked.

Tsuchikage laughed and said: "Actually, what you said is not unreasonable, but if you want to alliance with Kirigakure, you need to give me some time.

This matter is not trivial and cannot be decided by Tsuchikage alone.

"Of course, I will wait for your good news." Raikage left the house and arranged 05 under Tsuchikage to live in Iwagakure.

In Konoha Village, Uchiha Ao made a short stay. Since Konoha has agreed to an alliance with the Chinese Hidden World Village, it will inevitably trigger an earthquake in the Ninja Alliance.

This was even more exciting than when Uchiha Qing led the ninja legion from the Hidden World Village in China to attack Kirigakure.

"Uchiha Ao." Tsunade felt angry and began to rush towards Uchiha Ao's room.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and stared at Tsunade who came and sat on the sofa.

"Jujiro, you go first." Uchiha took a deep breath.

No matter how Jujiro tried to stop Tsunade, Tsunade would forcefully rush in.

"What on earth is going on?" Uchiha Qing looked at Tsunade and asked.

The door closed, and Tsunade came to Uchiha Ao unceremoniously.

"What are you asking me about now?" Tsunade looked at Uchiha Qing himself and said unceremoniously: "Why did you lie to me?"

"I lied to you?" Uchiha Ao touched his chin. Apparently Tsunade was referring to Uchiha's exchange of Danzo for Tsunade.

While in prison, Uchiha Aoko told Tsunade the truth.

At this time, Tsunade seemed extremely angry and questioned Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha Qing shook his head helplessly and looked at Tsunade in front of him.

"I'm not deceiving you. I haven't left Konoha yet?" Uchiha Ao smiled.

Tsunade stood in front of Uchiha Ao, her huge breasts were exposed in front of Uchiha Ao, and she looked extremely beautiful under her fair skin.

It is precisely because Yu Tsunade stood in front of Uchiha Ao, Uchiha Ao's eyes were fixed on Tsunade's chest.

"Asshole, I didn't expect you to be a scumbag." Tsunade raised his hands angrily, ready to hit Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha's green eyes lit up, he saw Tsunade's attacking hand and grabbed it.

"Let me go." Tsunade said angrily.

Uchiha Ao held Tsunade's body in his arms, and the plump body was in Uchiha's feelings.

"I can't bear to let you go." Uchiha Qing said, "But what I want to say is that I have never lied to you."

Tsunade was stunned at first, but Uchiha Ao spoke in his ear, making Tsunade look extremely shy.

Uchiha green. He struggled and said: "Let me go, otherwise, I will not let you go easily." "

Tsunade is a well-known princess in Konoha Village. She has a bad temper and a character that gives in to everyone.

Now, Tsunade came to Uchiha Ao and was hugged all of a sudden. Tsunade naturally seemed reluctant.

"Even if it means death, I am willing to let you go." Uchiha Qing said, grabbing Tsunade's breasts with one hand.

Tsunade couldn't help but scream, her body went limp, and she fell into Uchiha's arms.

"Uchiha Ao." Tsunade's face turned rosy and she bit her lip.

Uchiha Qing's lips gently kissed Tsunade's face. At this moment, Uchiha Qing didn't even think that Tsunade was such a beauty.

"Asshole." Tsunade was furious, pushed Uchiha Qing away, picked up the kunai and pointed it in front of Uchiha Qing.

Uchiha Qing sneered, seeing Tsunade's expression, he said: "I said, even if I die, I will not let you go.

Although Tsunade broke free from Uchiha Ao's arms, Uchiha Ao held Tsunade's arm firmly with one hand.

"You gangster, aren't you even afraid of death?" Tsunade picked up the kunai and stabbed Uchiha Ao desperately.

Uchiha Ao didn't hide away, and he didn't hide away even when he was sitting on the sofa.

Tsunade and Uchiha Ao were only less than one meter apart. When the kunai stabbed in front of Uchiha Ao, Uchiha Ao did not dodge, let alone stop him.

"What?" The moment Tsunade inserted it into Uchiha Qing's chest, his hand stopped, his body trembled a little, and he said, "Why don't you avoid it?"

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and held Tsunade in his arms when Tsunade was in a daze.

"I know you are reluctant to let go." Uchiha Qing said softly: "What I told you, I never lied to you, but the time has not come yet. y

"You didn't lie to me." Tsunade felt a little uncomfortable. She had never been hugged so tightly before.

Uchiha Ao frowned, his face pressed against Tsunade's, and he glanced at Tsunade from the corner of his eye. Tsunade's breathing was a little rapid.

"I didn't lie to you." Uchiha Qing 070 said with great certainty.

In Uchiha Ao's view, Danzo cannot be exchanged for Tsunade now, and no one would agree, but once an alliance becomes an alliance, things will be different.

"You didn't lie to me. Didn't you say you would exchange me for Danzo?" Tsunade snorted and said, "Everything is a scam.

In Tsunade's view, Uchiha Ao was simply deceiving her. If Uchiha Ao brought it up on the spot, even if she disagreed, Tsunade would admire Uchiha Ao in her heart.

But Uchiha Qing did not make such a request, which made Tsunade very disappointed and angry.

"How could I be willing to deceive you? Give me some time, okay?" Uchiha said, touching Tsunade's chin with his green hand.

Tsunade opened Uchiha Qing's hand with one hand and said rudely: "No."

Just as Tsunade responded angrily, an Anbu member from the Chinese Hidden World Village appeared.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier..." The moment Anbu member of Huaxia Hidden World Village appeared, he was stunned and looked at Uchiha Ao and Tsunade in his arms.

Tsunade is the legendary Sannin in Konoha, but now he is in Uchiha.

"Asshole, didn't anyone tell you to say something when you come in?" Tsunade stood up and punched Anbu, a member of Huaxia Hidden World Village.

The Anbu members flew out immediately, and their bodies flew out through the wall.

"Boom" sound. .

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