"What's going on?" With Tsunade's attack, not only Jujiro and others came, but even the ninjas from Konoha Village came.

Tsunade walked out from the cracked wall, looked at the members of the Huaxia Hidden World Village who hit the wall, stepped on the wall, and said: "If you dare to talk nonsense, I will not let you go."

The Anbu members of Huaxia Hidden World Village were stunned and looked extremely scared.

"I, I understand." Anbu member of Huaxia Hidden World Village said.

Suddenly, as Tsunade left, the people in Huaxia Hidden World looked at each other. When the Anbu members were about to step forward to stop them, Jujiro stepped forward and started to stop everyone.

"What's going on?" Uchiha Qing walked up to the Anbu member who was attacked by Tsunade.

Anbu members lowered their heads and said: "This subordinate deserves to die."

"It's okay, just tell me what happened?" Uchiha Ao rubbed his nose. In the past, when the Anbu members came, they would come in such a hurry if something was urgent.

It's just that this Anbu member was unlucky and met Tsunade today.

"Konoha Convenience is ready and we can sign an alliance agreement with us tomorrow morning." Anbu member of Huaxia Hidden World Village said truthfully.

Uchiha Qing smiled, Konoha was well prepared, but he didn't expect that the alliance agreement would be signed so soon.

In the Konoha conference room, Uchiha Ao and Jujiro went to formally sign an alliance agreement with Hokage.

Hokage was accompanied by Tsunade and Jiraiya. From then on, Konoha and the Chinese Hidden World Village would officially form an alliance.

"From now on, we are allies." Hokage said: "It is precisely because of this that any actions taken by Huaxia Hidden World Village in the future must be discussed with our ally, and we can no longer do it alone."

Obviously, Konoha has Konoha's considerations, because Huaxia Hidden Village has repeatedly done extraordinary things recently, but no one can easily subdue Uchiha Ao. Now Konoha is using an alliance to restrict Uchiha Ao and Huaxia Hidden Village. .

"If that's the case, I understand..." Uchiha Qing sneered and said: "Whatever our Chinese Hidden World Village does in the future, we must discuss it with Konoha.

In addition to the internal affairs of Huaxia Hidden World Village, all external matters in the future seem to have to be discussed with Konoha.

Konoha is the most powerful among the allies, followed by Sunagakure, and Huaxia Hidden Village ranks at the bottom.

"If you can say that, that's the best thing." Hokage said with great relief.

In Hokage's view, today's Uchiha Qing is no longer the one who can act alone.

"But Lord Hokage, since we are an alliance, I still have to discuss something with you." Uchiha's tone became gentler.

Hokage was stunned. Uchiha Ao signed an alliance with Konoha this time, and his attitude suddenly changed.

"If you have any problem, just say it." Hokage stepped forward and said.

Uchiha Ao laughed and said: "What I want to say is, since we are already an alliance, I believe Konoha will not attack our novice village again in the future, right?"

"What? Your Huaxia Hidden World Village is not one of the five major villages, do you still want to continue to maintain the Novice Village?" Jiraiya said angrily.

Hokage did not stop Jiraiya. If the novice village of Huaxia Hidden Village is closed, it will be ten good news for Konoha.

"The opening of the Novice Village was something our Chinese Hidden Village did before the alliance with Konoha. Moreover, it is an internal matter within our village. If we close it now, we will definitely face opposition from the village." Uchiha Qing laughed.

Hokage frowned, Uchiha Qing's tone was very firm, and it seemed that he had no intention of closing the novice village.

"Since you don't want to close it, we don't need to force you on this matter, but the Novice Village must be regulated and recorded how many people there are. We hope to share this information with Konoha." Hokage said: "That's no problem."

"No." Uchiha Qing had already expected that the reason why Konoha became an ally with Huaxia Hidden World Village was because he wanted to obtain information from Huaxia Hidden World Village to monitor Uchiha Qing's growth.

Hokage said: "In this case, we in Konoha will not attack Novice Village, a hidden village in China. As for Danzo, he acted privately and we will be strict afterward."


"It's the best thing for Konoha to do this." Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said: "It's just that the Novice Village has just been established, and I'm afraid many villages have objections to our Chinese Hidden World Village.

"Uchiha Qing, what do you mean?" Hokage said in surprise.

Jiraiya even said sarcastically: "When you, the Chinese Hidden World Village, established the Novice Village, you should have been able to imagine the pressure from many villages. Now, at this time, you are already an ally with us, Konoha, and you still expect us to send people to help. Are you guarding it?"

"`〃 Jiraiya's suggestion is quite good." Uchiha smiled.

Tsunade was stunned. Uchiha Ao once told her that she would exchange Danzo for Tsunade himself, but she didn't expect that at this time, Uchiha finally got to the point.

"Uchiha Ao, this is not in compliance with the alliance regulations. Your Huaxia Hidden Village must have offended the interests of many villages by establishing the Novice Village. Now you want to drag us Konoha into trouble?" Hokage said angrily.

Jiraiya said rudely: "Uchiha Ao, you are really good at planning. You know that Novice Village may be blocked by all parties, but you want to let us Konoha Village protect it. Isn't that the reason why you signed an alliance with us? ?”

"What Jiraiya said is correct. Your Chinese Hidden World Village is now our ally of Konoha. I believe no one in the Ninja Alliance will dare to take action against your Chinese Hidden World Village." Hokage said.

Uchiha Qing frowned and said: "We are not afraid of the open ones, but we are afraid of secret attacks on our Huaxia Hidden World Village." (Li Liaohao)

It is precisely because of this that Uchiha Ao understands in his heart that if it were not for Tsunade, Uchiha Ao would not take the initiative to become an ally with Konoha. Although Uchiha Ao and the Huaxia Hidden World Village have received a lot of benefits, in the end, because of this, the True Hidden World Village Completely under Konoha's surveillance.

"What do you want?" Hokage asked.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and said: "I just want Konoha to send a small team to our novice village so that we can easily face the pressure level of other villages."

"No, if you do this, wouldn't you tell the Ninja Alliance that your Chinese Hidden Village has established a novice village, but Konoha is behind it." Jiraiya was shocked.

Hokage nodded and said: "Jiraiya is right, we have no obligation to help you defend Xinshou Village, the Chinese Hidden World Village.

"It's not defense." Uchiha Qing said with great certainty. .

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