The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 485 The Battle Of The Strong

"Yes, Uchiha Qing is right, Tsunade must stay with the strong." Jiraiya stepped forward and said.

Tsunade frowned. Although he had no love for Jiraiya, after getting along for a long time, Tsunade and Jiraiya still had feelings for each other.

"Jiraiya, how could you be so stupid? You must know that Uchiha Ao is one of the top masters in the Ninja League." Tsunade said: "You may not be his opponent."

"Not necessarily, but there is hope." Jiraiya sneered and said, "I'm not idle usually. Don't think that I'm always idle all day long."

Uchiha Qing laughed, he didn't think that Jiraiya was idle all day.

"In that case, let's choose a place." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes. In Konoha Village, it is impossible for Uchiha Ao and Jiraiya to fight, as this would cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Suddenly, following Uchiha Ao's words, Jiraiya pointed at Uchiha Ao.

"Come with me." Jiraiya left the place together.

When Uchiha Ao was about to follow Jiraiya, he was caught by Tsunade beside him.

"Uchiha Ao, Jiraiya must be one of the wood industry Sannin, his strength cannot be underestimated." Tsunade said.

The Sannin of Konoha Village has extremely powerful strength in the Ninja League. Whether it is the entire Ninja League or Konoha Village, there are not many people who can defeat the main ninja.

"If Jiraiya is not convinced, I believe he will not let you leave." Uchiha Ao smiled bitterly: "This battle is inevitable."

In Uchiha Ao's view, Jiraiya's obstruction was expected, but Uchiha Ao did not expect Jiraiya to be so determined. If Jiraiya was not defeated here in Konoha Village, it seemed that taking away Tsunade would not be so smooth.

"But." Tsunade hesitated.

Uchiha Ao held Tsunade's hand behind his back and said, "It doesn't matter, I won't let you down."

Tsunade was a little confused for a while. She didn't know how to choose. On one side were Tsunade's comrades who had gone through life and death together, and on the other side was Uchiha Ao, whom Nashou had always had a crush on.

Now both of them are fighting for Tsunade. Tsunade doesn't want to see the two fighting, but it seems he can't stop him.

"There's nothing wrong with this competition. It's just a matter of time. We'll be fine." Uchiha Qing said with great certainty.

Tsunade let go of Uchiha Ao's hand and nodded slightly.

Uchiha Qing's figure left Konoha Village, followed closely behind Jiraiya, and came to the woods outside the village.

"Are you so slow, are you afraid of me, Master Jiraiya?" Jiraiya shouted arrogantly.

The figure of Uchiha Ao appeared in front of Jiraiya. Since Uchiha Ao appeared in the Ninja League, he has not been afraid of anyone.

"Would I be afraid of you?" Uchiha Ao sneered.

In Uchiha Ao's view, Jiraiya is indeed powerful, but after all, there is still a gap between him and the top players in the Ninja League.

"Uchiha Ao, don't underestimate my strength. I have learned a lot of unique skills in private." Jiraiya said smugly.

When Uchiha Ao controlled the Ninja Alliance, defeated Raikage, and captured the tailed beasts, Jiraiya was in seclusion a lot in private and was practicing hard.

It is precisely because of this that Jiraiya has the confidence to appear in front of Uchiha Qing and let Uchiha Qing know that Sannin is not in vain. If he wants to take Tsunade away, Uchiha Qing must defeat him here Jiraiya.

Uchiha Ao smiled. Uchiha Ao knew the strength of the Sannin in Konoha Village. Now at this time, even Uchiha Ao himself would not take it lightly.

"I know the strength of the Konoha Village Sannin." Uchiha Qing smiled and said, "I have never underestimated your strength."

Uchiha Qing knew in his heart that the person who appeared in front of him now was not someone else, but Jiraiya who mastered senjutsu.

Whether it's Jiraiya, Tsunade, or Orochimaru, with their strength, they can surpass all previous Hokages.

However, at this moment, Jiraiya's strength has not yet reached its peak, and precisely because of this, Uchiha Ao is not worried about losing this battle at all.

"Uchiha Ao." Tsunade quickly stepped forward and said: "You and Jiraiya are both top masters in the Ninja League. If you two fight, your lives will be in danger at any time."

Uchiha Ao laughed and looked at Tsunade in front of him.

"Tsunade, don't worry, I won't hurt Jiraiya's life." Uchiha Qing said with great certainty...

Following Uchiha Ao's words, Jiraiya looked very angry and stepped forward and said: "Asshole, you won't hurt me, and I won't endanger your life.

Tsunade originally came to persuade the two of them to stop, but they didn't expect that as soon as Tsunade's words came out, the sparks in Uchiha Ao and Jiraiya became even stronger.

"You won't hurt me?" Uchiha Qing smiled.

Although Jiraiya is a legendary Sannin in the wood industry and a person with magical powers, Uchiha Ao understands in his heart that Jiraiya has not grown up enough to defeat Uchiha Ao.

"Uchiha Ao, I will not let you take away Tsunade." Suddenly, Jiraiya yelled and quickly began to form seals.

Uchiha Ao snorted coldly, watching Jiraiya perform the ninjutsu [his whole body became on guard.

"Ninjutsu." Jiraiya roared angrily, and the long hair on his body turned into needles, and he kept attacking Uchiha Ao himself. The speed was so fast that even Uchiha Ao couldn't fight back.

Uchiha Ao took a breath and looked at Jiraiya.

"It's so fast." Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and quickly started to avoid it.

Jiraiya smiled proudly and turned to look at Tsunade.

"How are my ninjutsu?" Jiraiya asked Tsunade.

Tsunade froze on the spot and said: "Jiraiya, when did you learn ninjutsu so quickly?"

Tsunade, who has been with Jiraiya for 4.6 years, was surprised in his heart. If Jiraiya hadn't performed the ninjutsu with his own eyes, even Tsunade wouldn't have believed it.

"Although it is very fast and the area is large, it is not a ninjutsu that can hurt me after all." Uchiha Ao snorted and kicked Jiraiya in the face when he cloned himself.

When Jiraiya came back to his senses, Uchiha Ao's figure had teleported before him, and he had no defense at all.

With a "boom", Jiraiya's figure flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

For a moment, Tsunade covered his head and shook his head helplessly.

"It's still the same as before, give your opponent a chance when you are proud. Fortunately, this time the opponent is only Uchiha Ao." Tsunade sighed.

Jiraiya stood up and touched his hot face.

"Uchiha Ao, you dare to sneak up on me, how despicable you are." Jiraiya roared angrily. .

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