Uchiha Qing shook his head and said: "When you used the ninjutsu just now, didn't you take it by surprise?"

Without any warning, Jiraiya used ninjutsu in front of Uchiha Qing. Now at this time, Uchiha Qing just took advantage of Jiraiya not coming back to his senses and caught Jiraiya off guard.

"Since you have completely angered me Jiraiya-sama, I will not be polite to you." Jiraiya said, began to cut his fingers, slapped them on the ground and shouted: "Summoning Technique!"

"Oops, Jiraiya is getting serious, Uchiha Ao, you have to be careful." Tsunade said anxiously to Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Ao frowned, and a white smoke appeared in front of his eyes. At this moment, with the appearance of Summoning Beast, Jiraiya summoned his partner Bunta.

"Bunta." Jiraiya smiled.

Gamabunta glanced around, and there were only two people there, Uchiha Ao and Tsunade.

"Is your opponent this time Uchiha Ao? It seems that you are not his opponent, right?" Bunta frowned.

Jiraiya had no confidence on the spot and looked extremely angry.

"Bunta, what are you talking about? How can I, Jiraiya-sama, not be able to defeat Uchiha Ao." Jiraiya's face became serious as he spoke, and said: "Listen to me now. Uchiha Ao wants to take Tsunade away, and I must defeat him." Uchiha Ao stopped me."

"Tsunade-sama?" Bunta turned to look at Tsunade.

Tsunade looked shy and stepped forward and said, "Don't listen to Jiraiya's nonsense. This is an order from the village and no one can stop it."

For a moment, following Tsunade's response, Bunta puffed on his pipe and smiled.

"Generally, I understand, but Jiraiya, if you really want to deal with Uchiha Ao, you need to use Sage Art." Bunta reminded friendly.

Suddenly, following Bunta's words, Jiraiya closed his hands tightly and snorted coldly.

"I have already done this, I delayed the time." Jiraiya said with great certainty.

Uchiha Ao was shocked, looking at Jiraiya's closed hands, frowning, this was Jiraiya trying to use Sage Art.

"Jiraiya plans to use Sage Art?" Uchiha's eyes lit up, and he teleported straight towards Jiraiya on Bunta's body.

Jiraiya's eyes lit up and he said to Bunta: "He's here."

Wentai pulled out the big sword in his hand and looked extremely hasty, saying: "It's so fast."

A figure of Uchiha Ao teleported to Jiraiya. When he kicked Jiraiya, Nannan also swung his sword.

"Damn it, if you don't use destructive ninjutsu, you can't threaten Jiraiya's life for a while." Uchiha Qing felt a murderous aura and quickly left Bunta in front of him.

The big knife in Wentai's hand was cut into the air and fell heavily to the ground.

At this moment, even Tsunade knew very well that at this time, Uchiha Ao was already very restrained and did not use extremely lethal ninjutsu.

"Uchiha Aoya, is that just that?" Bunta snorted coldly.

Jiraiya frowned and said: "I must be a ninja from Konoha Village. Although this competition is to challenge Uchiha Ao, he does not dare to kill, so Bunta, just stop him and delay me for time."

After hearing Jiraiya's words, Bunta looked energetic and stepped forward and said, "I understand."

In Bunta's opinion, Uchiha Ao can only protect Jiraiya's safety if he does not use any extremely lethal ninjutsu.

"It's really despicable." Tsunade stepped forward and said: "Uchiha Ao, in this case, there is no need for you to fight Jiraiya again. I won't stay in the village anyway.

Jiraiya's face turned dark. The words between him and Bunta completely angered Tsunade himself.

"Jiraiya is very smart. I also want to see the power of Jiraiya Sage Art." Uchiha Qing stood there and raised his head to look at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya laughed and said, "Uchiha Ao, you will regret it."

Uchiha Qing and Jiraiya are not really fighting. In this competition, it is obvious that Uchiha Qing wants to convince Jiraiya.

Now if Jiraiya doesn't use ninjutsu, then Jiraiya will not be convinced.

"Jiraiya, Uchiha Ao is so tough, no wonder it attracts Tsunade's heart so much." Bunta mocked.

Although Jiraiya is lustful, he is a person without courage after all. Even Bunta knows Jiraiya's personality very well.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Jiraiya said rudely: "How could Tsunade, a man as beautiful as me, be indifferent to me?"

Tsunade's face darkened, he looked at Jiraiya on Bunta's body, and said without any cover-up: "I'm not interested in you at all."

In Tsunade's eyes, Jiraiya is a tease. Apart from making Tsunade laugh when he is bored, it seems that Tsunade has no feelings for Jiraiya.

"Tsunade, I will be very sad when you say that. You must know that we are comrades-in-arms, comrades in life and death." Jiraiya roared.

Tsunade yelled rudely: "You and I are just companions in life and death, don't you know it clearly?"

Jiraiya was stunned, and stretched out his hands. The appearance of his whole body began to change, his nostrils became larger, and under the Sage Art, Jiraiya's body became burly.

"I understand now, but if Uchiha Qing wants to take you away, he needs to pass me." Jiraiya roared: "Sage Art."

Jiraiya spit out a stream of flames from his mouth, and Bunta spit out oil and attacked Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha427 Ao frowned, Jiraiya's time to concentrate his senjutsu was so short, which was beyond Uchiha Ao's expectation.

"Awesome, as expected of Jiraiya." Uchiha laughed.

From Uchiha Qing's point of view, he didn't expect Jiraiya to be so powerful.

Following Jiraiya's attack, Uchiha's figure avoids Jiraiya's attack.

In the woods, a fire spread, and Tsunade was shocked.

"How could there be such a powerful Chakra? Jiraiya has grown a lot." Tsunade was surprised.

Jiraiya is the weakest of the Sannin, and Tsunade never expected that Jiraiya would have such a powerful Chakra.

"Did you burn to death?" Jiraiya smiled proudly.

Bunta glanced at Jiraiya above and said politely: "Jiraiya, don't underestimate Uchiha Ao."

Jiraiya snorted coldly and said: "It's not that I underestimate Uchiha Ao, not many people can defeat me in my Sage Art state.

Following Jiraiya's words, Uchiha Ao's figure teleported in front of Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya, although you own Sage Art, you have a certain amount of time." Uchiha Ao kicked Jiraiya.

Jiraiya was shocked and quickly blocked his eyes with his arms.

"I really let you escape." Jiraiya laughed.

In Jiraiya's eyes, Uchiha Ao is no ordinary character. .

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