Outside of existence, the battle between Uchiha Ao and Jiraiya aroused the attention of Konoha Anbu, and even Jujiro himself came around.

"It's Uchiha Ao god-tier. He and Jiraiya actually caused a fight." Jujiro laughed.

Tsunade glanced around, not only Anbu from Konoha, but also people from the Chinese Hidden Village came.

Uchiha Ao must be the soul of Huaxia Hidden Village, and Jujiro and others will definitely not put Uchiha Ao in any danger.

"It seems that there are a lot of spectators around, Jiraiya, if you lose here, you will be very embarrassed." Uchiha Qing laughed.

Jiraiya pointed at Uchiha Ao and said: "Uchiha Ao, today I will break your undefeated myth."

Uchiha Ao took a deep breath, how lonely it is to be invincible. Ever since Uchiha Ao never encountered any opponent in the Ninja League, he seemed extremely lonely.

Both Akatsuki and Raikage were defeated by Uchiha Ao.

Although Jiraiya is powerful, after all, his Sage Art has a time limit.

"It seems that your Sage Art has a time limit. If you are talking nonsense here, I think you may not be able to defeat me." Uchiha Ao laughed.

Suddenly, Jiraiya narrowed his eyes.

"Little Jiraiya, what Uchiha Qing said is right, he is a man who possesses Rinnegan and Sharingan. With your ninjutsu, it is difficult to defeat him." said the frog-sama on Jiraiya's shoulder.

Jiraiya frowned and glanced at the two frog masters from the corner of his eye.

"Don't let other people's ambitions destroy my prestige." Jiraiya said unceremoniously.

"Idiot, we are only doing it for your own good, but you are so ungrateful." Lord Frog roared loudly.

Jiraiya shivered all over. In Mount Myōboku, Jiraiya was the youngest, and now Jiraiya could only look extremely aggrieved in front of the two frog masters.

"In that case, you two adults will help me defeat Uchiha Ao." Jiraiya took a step forward and said, "Bunta, start the attack.

Bunta blew out a smoke ring and said: "I would not get involved in such a troublesome matter. Since you are doing it for Lord Tsunade, I will reluctantly fight."

Uchiha Ao's eyes lit up, Jiraiya was about to launch an attack. At this moment, Uchiha Ao knew clearly that with the help of Bunta and the two frog masters, Jiraiya's strength had greatly increased, especially in Sage Mode, Jiraiya was almost invincible.

Even if Jiraiya meets Pain Six Paths, he can still have a certain advantage. Now Uchiha Qingke is only one person, and he is still on the territory of Konoha Village.

Killing Jiraiya is obviously not possible. Konoha Anbu is watching all around and is wary of all this. If Uchiha Ao uses powerful ninjutsu, it will inevitably make the alliance between Hanache Hidden World Village and Konoha extremely fragile.

"Uchiha Ao, how do you decide?" Jiraiya smiled.

Although Jiraiya is usually crazy and lustful, at this moment, Jiraiya is very clear in his heart.

Because after Uchiha Ao agrees to duel with Jiraiya, the result of the battle between the two will cause a lot of things.

"Uchiha Ao, I'm going to use my full strength." Jiraiya lay on Bunta's body, and Bunta stood up and jumped up, spitting out a water bullet.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath, and the moment Sharingan opened it, the figure disappeared from the place.

"Here." Jiraiya smiled, and as Uchiha Ao ducked for a moment, Jiraiya had already captured Uchiha Ao's figure.

At this time, Uchiha Ao was even more shocked. Bunta's attack was just a feint, and the person who really attacked him was Jiraiya himself.

"Attack, little Jiraiya." Lord Frog called.

Jiraiya's figure flew up and headed straight for Uchiha Ao himself. In mid-air, Uchiha Ao frowned and saw Jiraiya's figure getting up and heading straight for Uchiha Ao himself.

"Crash!" Lord Frog roared.

In mid-air, a trace of cold sweat broke out on Uchiha Ao's forehead, and under Jiraiya's powerful Chakra, it went straight towards Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha Ao pressed (afbb) Jiraiya's head with both hands, showing a difficult expression.

"Damn it." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and felt the impact of Jiraiya all over his body. His figure kept retreating in mid-air.

Jiraiya smiled and looked at Uchiha Ao in front of him.

"Two adults, this is the best time to attack Uchiha Ao." Jiraiya smiled proudly.

The two frog masters were stunned and said: "Little Jiraiya, by attacking Uchiha Ao like this, does it feel like you are taking advantage of others' danger?"

Suddenly, following the words of the two frog masters, Uchiha Qing broke out in cold sweat. If the two frog masters launched an attack at this time, Uchiha Qingzhen would not have a good way to avoid it.

"In order to help little Jiraiya, we can only take advantage of it once." Lord Frog showed a murderous look and quickly began to form seals.

Uchiha Ao was shocked and began to notice the actions of the two frog masters, showing a surprised expression.

Do they want to launch an attack at this time? Uchiha Ao was shocked, and Jujiro took a step forward, extremely shocked.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, how are you going to deal with it?" Jujiro couldn't help asking himself.

Anbu from Konoha Village laughed and said: "As expected of Jiraiya-sama, in just a moment, Uchiha Ao was forced into a desperate situation."

"Ninpo!" the two frog masters roared.

Uchiha Ao was stunned. He saw two water bombs attacking, and Uchiha Ao had no room to escape.

The water bomb hit Uchiha Ao's forehead, and Uchiha's figure fell down in mid-air.

"What?" Jiraiya was shocked.

The crowd around seemed shocked. Uchiha Ao was in Jiraiya Sage Mode and had no power to fight back, which shocked everyone.

"Is Uchiha Ao dead like this?" Jiraiya landed on his feet and his expression became shocked.

This was originally a private duel between him and Uchiha Qing, but if life was harmed, Jiraiya would not be able to withstand the pressure from the Huaxia Hidden Village.

"How could you kill Uchiha Ao?" the male frog accused.

The female frog shouted: "How do I know that he has no power to fight back and will be killed so easily?"

The two frog masters began to argue, and Jiraiya was in the middle, looking extremely uneasy.

"Two adults, please stop arguing." Jiraiya knew that the matter was serious.

Tsunade was shocked and stared at the fallen Uchiha Ao.

"Uchiha Ao." When Tsunade stepped forward, Uchiha Ao's figure disappeared in mid-air and appeared on the ground.

"Jiraiya, you look down on me a little too much." Uchiha Ao laughed. .

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