Chapter 489 Body

The moment Uchiha Ao appeared in front of people again, everyone began to be surprised.

Tsunade stopped, his face regained some color, and at this time, Jujiro looked extremely calm.

"How could Uchiha Ao god-tier be killed so easily? I wouldn't worry at all." Jujiro snorted.

Anbu from Konoha Village was surprised and stepped forward one after another.

"What tricks did Uchiha Qing use just now? He was obviously killed by Lord Jiraiya." The Anbu members asked each other.

Tsunade took a deep breath and smiled as she stood there.

"It seems that Uchiha Aoya has used his trump card." Tsunade said with interest.

Jiraiya stood above Bunta's head and narrowed his eyes.

"Two adults, what did you notice just now? Why is Uchiha Ao so unscathed?" Jiraiya asked in confusion.

"How do I know? Just now, in order to deal with Uchiha Ao, I was scolded by the old man for no reason." The female frog said angrily.

"Honey, I wrongly blamed you. Although we were called out, we cannot kill Uchiha Ao himself here, otherwise little Jiraiya will be in trouble." The male frog said.

Suddenly, following the words of the two frog adults, Jiraiya took a deep breath and looked in front of him.

"I didn't expect that at this time, the two adults are still thinking about me so much." Jiraiya laughed.

Uchiha Ao stood there, watching the breeze blowing, watching everything in front of him.

"Jiraiya." Uchiha Ao laughed and said: "Your Sage Mode is really powerful, and with their help from Mount Myōboku, it's just impossible for you to kill me."

Suddenly, Jiraiya's eyelids twitched.

"Uchiha Ao, what kind of cover-up did you use to avoid my attack?" Jiraiya couldn't understand it. When he attacked Uchiha Ao, he didn't realize that it was the Body Replacement Technique or Clone Technique.

But Uchiha Ao is not dead. This is a fact. From now on, it is indeed puzzling that Uchiha Ao is standing in the same place again.

"It's not a substitute book, let alone a Clone Technique. He was resurrected. It's really scary." Mr. Frog seemed unable to understand.

"What? Resurrection?" Jiraiya was shocked.

Back then, Uchiha Ao had fought with Danzo. When Danzo was using Sharingan, he activated the Forbidden Technique and kept resurrecting in front of Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Ao is also a person who possesses Sharingan, so he naturally knows the secrets of it, but Uchiha Ao has used this Forbidden Technique to a superb level.

The Sharingan in Uchiha Qing's eyes did not disappear. At this moment, as Uchiha Qing stood there, his eyes were fixed on Jiraiya.

"Sharingan's Forbidden Technique, I just changed it slightly, and when the frog attacked on your shoulder, I already activated it." Uchiha Ao laughed.

It's not an illusion, let alone resurrection. It's just that in an instant, Uchiha Qing used Sharingan to change time and space, and appeared from where he was the moment Jiraiya and others left.

"Change time and space?" Jiraiya gasped.

The frog on Jiraiya's shoulder suddenly said in surprise: "Isn't it impossible for Uchiha Ao to be killed?"

In Uchiha Qing's view, it is impossible for him to use Kirin, a highly damaging ninjutsu, but he needs some workarounds to defeat Jiraiya skillfully and let Jiraiya know the gap between him and Uchiha Qing.

"It's not that it's impossible to defeat. There is a time gap in Sharingan like Uchiha Ao, and if you look at his Sharingan, it's obviously a bit dim, which means he can't activate this ninjutsu a few times." Jiraiya said with great confidence.

Uchiha Qing laughed, Jiraiya was indeed the apprentice of Hokage Sarutobi, and his eyes noticed the shortcomings of his ninjutsu.

Without sacrificing Sharingan, ninjutsu like Uchiha Ao requires time to recover, but the pressure on Sharingan is huge.

If something goes wrong along the way, Uchiha Ao himself will not only be unable to escape, but will also die as a result.

It is precisely because of this that the Uchiha family lists this type of ninjutsu as Forbidden Technique, but the appearance of Danzo reminded Uchiha Ao and asked Uchiha Ao to develop his own ninjutsu in private.

"Time and Space Ninjutsu, we're in trouble now." Lord Frog, standing on Jiraiya's shoulder, said, "Then how do we get rid of this troublesome guy Uchiha Ao."

"It's best if you can't kill him." Jiraiya didn't think it was anything, and said: "If Uchiha Ao is really killed here, it will put Konoha under unprecedented pressure. "The people of Kangzhihua Shanxia Hidden World Village will come to take revenge."

0…Please give me flowers…

Jiraiya has no intention of killing Uchiha Ao, but at this moment, he wants to defeat Uchiha Ao with all his strength and not let Tsunade leave.

"Little Jiraiya seems to be quite infatuated. She would risk everything for Tsunade." The female frog said with great approval.

"In this case, we will have some trouble." The male frog looked at the female frog.

The female frog immediately understood what the male frog meant and said, "I don't want to hurt my throat by singing."

At this point, the female frog rejected the male frog's suggestion.

"Are you going to use genjutsu?" Uchiha Ao frowned.

This is the most troublesome thing. Although Uchiha Ao possesses Sharingan and Rinnegan, he cannot defend himself against the sound illusion in front of the two frog masters.


Even Uchiha Ao found it difficult. Uchiha Ao knew that even if he blocked his ears, he could not stop this illusion.

"For the happiness of little Jiraiya, we will make an exception and sing a song in front of people." The male frog said again and again.

Jiraiya said even more anxiously: "I also ask the two frog-samas to help me defeat Uchiha Ao himself here."

This is a battle that does not harm lives, and both Uchiha Ao himself and Jiraiya have reservations.

But this has many advantages for Jiraiya, because Jiraiya is a person who uses Sage Mode to fight.

In the Ninja League, there are not many people who can fight in Sage Mode. In addition, most of his ninjutsu are activated in conjunction with the Summoning Beast of Mount Myōboku, so Toyochiha Ao is extremely passive in this battle.

"Okay, for the sake of little Jiraiya's happiness, I will make an exception and sing a song in front of humans." Immediately, as the female frog agreed, the two frog adults began to prepare.

Jiraiya smiled and Tsunade took a step forward.

"What is Jiraiya going to do?" Tsunade didn't understand.

Uchiha Qing nodded silently and smiled bitterly.

"This is terrible, how can we break the illusion of Mount Myōboku Summoningmon?" Uchiha Ao took a deep breath, and there was no way at all for a while.

"Quack!" A frog's voice sounded in the air, and it seemed to be just a frog's cry. .

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