The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 493 Romance Under The Rainbow

"I understand." Tsunade lowered his head.

Uchiha Qing pulled Tsunade to sit down and admired the rainbow in front of them together. The rainbow was very beautiful and made the two of them extremely quiet.

"Uchiha Qing." Tsunade turned around and asked: "Why do you want to take me to the Huaxia Hidden World Village at this time? Is there no other purpose?"

Uchiha Ao gently touched Tsunade's face and said, "They say women in love are slow. It's true. Even you can't escape."

Tsunade raised his eyebrows, held Uchiha Ao's hand, and said, "You haven't answered my question yet."

Uchiha Qing laughed and said: "Of course not, my purpose this time is to take you away, but it will take a lot of effort to take you, this proud princess, away from Konoha."

In Uchiha Ao's view, Tsunade is not only the princess of Konoha Village, but because of Tsunade's strength, many things in Konoha Village will be completed by Tsunade.

Konoha Sannin Although Orochimaru left, after all, Jiraiya and Tsunade can resist how many Konoha elites.

"You're so mean." Tsunade said as he ducked into Uchiha Ao's arms.

Uchiha Qing gently hugged Tsunade's waist and looked at the lovable woman in front of him.

Tsunade, who once shocked 097, turned into a little woman in front of Uchiha Ao.

"Although there were some twists and turns, we finally achieved our goal." Uchiha Qing said softly.

The process no longer seems important. What is important is that Uchiha Qing did fulfill what he said to Tsunade at the beginning, and took Tsunade away from Konoha Village and went to the Chinese Hidden World Village.

It wasn't until evening that Uchiha Ao and Tsunade came back from the woods.

In Konoha Village, Hokage Sarutobi was already waiting for the two of them.

"Master Tsunade, Master Hokage please come over with Uchiha." Members of Ye Anbu came to Tsunade.

Tsunade was stunned and turned to look at Uchiha Ao. In Konoha Village, Uchiha Ao and Tsunade did not have any intimate behavior, let alone expose their relationship.

"Do you know what is going on?" Tsunade asked the people in Konoha Anbu.

People from Konoha Anbu responded: "It's about you entering the Chinese Hidden World Village with other members."

"I see." Tsunade took a deep breath, and walked into Hokage's office with Uchiha Ao.

In the Hokage office, three Anbu (afaa) members gathered, wearing masks.

"Hokage-sama, are you looking for me?" Tsunade came to Hokage.

Hokage Sarutobi smiled, as for the private duel between Jiraiya and Uchiha Ao, Hokage Sarutobi also heard about it.

"Yes, since no one in the village objects to you entering the Chinese Hidden World Village, then I will officially appoint you to lead the three Anbu members in front of you to the Chinese Hidden World Village to protect the safety of the Novice Village together." Hokage Sarutobi said affirmatively.

Tsunade calmed down and said, "Yes, Hokage-sama."

Hokage Sarutobi said bluntly: "It will last for one year, and someone will naturally take over for you by then. Are you satisfied with my arrangement, Ao Chiha?"

"Very satisfied, and grateful to Konoha for supporting our Chinese Hidden World Village at this time." Uchiha Qing smiled slightly.

Hokage Sarutobi said: "Whether it is Tsunade or the three Anbu behind her, they are all elites among our Konoha Village elites. When they go this time, they will always be in the novice village as we agreed."

"I understand what Hokage-sama means. I will also let people give them enough space and will not make it difficult for them." Uchiha Qing laughed.

Protecting the Novice Village is just a formality. There are Konoha Shinobi stationed in Huaxia Hidden World Village. So in the Ninja League, whoever wants to prevent Huaxia Hidden World Village from establishing a Novice Village needs to make some careful calculations.

It is precisely because of this that Uchiha Qing knew very well that this time Hokage could arrange for three Anbu members in addition to Tsunade, and obviously had other intentions.

"In that case, Tsunade and the three of them will follow you now." Hokage said.

Uchiha Qing nodded slightly and agreed with Hokage's decision.

Although Uchiha Ao is still in Konoha, he will leave Konoha Village sooner or later, so Hokage made arrangements in advance.

"Hokage-sama, let's go down then." Tsunade said.

Hokage Sarutobi waved his hand and let the others leave.

As Uchiha Ao left, Hokage Sarutobi smiled.

"Although Huaxia Hidden World Village has risen very quickly, after all, it is still inferior to our five major villages." Hokage Sarutobi said: "As long as we people from Konoha Village monitor it, you will only become one after the five major villages." It’s just a ninja village.”

After Uchiha Qing and others left, Tsunade walked on the road and glanced at the three Anbu members behind him.

"You should retreat for the time being. We will gather at the entrance of the village tomorrow morning. We are going to follow Uchiha Qing to the Huaxia Hidden World Village." Tsunade said seriously.

The three Anbu members left, and Uchiha Qing was stunned to see Nate next to him.

"You seem to have deliberately let the three Anbu members around you leave?" Uchiha Ao laughed.

Tsunade took a deep breath and said: "Don't you think it's a little strange? The three Anbu members sent by Lord Hokage are all very skilled. In fact, protecting the Huaxia Hidden World Village Novice Village is just a formality. Why would he send such powerful ninjas?"

Anbu has always been an undisclosed identity in Konoha Village. The three people behind Tsunade are wearing masks and it is impossible to take off their masks.

This is true even in the Huaxia Hidden World Village, but the Huaxia Hidden World Village can be regarded as a regular village in the Ninja League. With the establishment of the Novice Village and the reform of the education system, the strength of the village is close to that of the five major villages. .

Now Hokage sends three elite ninjas Anbu to go, even Tsunade is confused.

"Fool, which side are you on?" Uchiha Ao gently tapped Tsunade's head and said, "Hokage does this to show that he values ​​this friendship."

If it were anyone else, they would definitely be flattered. Konoha Village must be one of the most powerful villages in the Ninja Alliance. It is an honor for other villages to have the support of Konoha.

"Of course I am a ninja from Konoha Village." Tsunade was very excited and almost said that he was from Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Qing knew in his heart that even the Hokage did not want the rise of the Chinese Hidden Village to threaten Konoha Village. This was an unavoidable thing.

"Don't think about it. In fact, the matter is very simple. Hokage is showing the outside world how much he values ​​our Chinese Hidden Village." Uchiha Qing said with a smile.

Tsunade only noticed it and did not expect that the Hokage sent Anbu to monitor the Huaxia Hidden Village.

But Uchiha Ao can't say it in front of Tsunade. After all, Tsunade is a ninja in Konoha Village. This will make it difficult for Tsunade himself. .

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