Tsunade frowned and looked at Uchiha Ao's face.

"It's really that simple, but I always feel a little weird." Women in love have very low IQs, and even Tsunade cannot escape such a curse.

Uchiha Qing touched Tsunade's face and said softly: "Don't you even believe me?"

Suddenly, Tsunade blushed and looked around quickly.

"You're still in Konoha Village, don't do this." Tsunade said softly. It was hard to believe that a princess of Konoha Village would say such gentle words.

Uchiha released his green hands, exposed his arms, and said: "In this case, absolutely exercise restraint."

In Uchiha Qing's opinion, Tsunade's behavior now is definitely like that of a little woman. Even Uchiha Qing did not expect that Tsunade would be so gentle.

"I'll wait for you at the village gate tomorrow morning." Tsunade smiled slightly.

Uchiha Qing nodded and disappeared into the corridor.

When Uchiha Qing left, Tsunade turned around, looked at Hokage's office, and turned back.

"Master." Tsunade walked up to Hokage Sarutobi-.

Sarutobi took a puff of cigarette and frowned slightly.

"What's the matter?" Sarutobi knew that there must be something wrong with Tsunade's return.

Tsunade walked up to Sarutobi and said, "Master, besides sending us to the Hidden World Village in China, do you have anything else to do this time?"

Tsunade always felt that Master's arrangement had other profound meanings.

Sarutobi stood up and looked Tsunade up and down. Tsunade paid more attention to dressing up than usual.

"Since the establishment of the Novice Village in Huaxia Hidden World Village, it has been resented by many villages in the Ninja League, especially the five major villages. The news that our Konoha Village attacked Huaxia Hidden World Village this time must have spread a lot." Hokage Sarutobi said.

Tsunade was physically shocked and said: "How is it possible? Danzo's attack on the Huaxia Hidden Village is very confidential."

Hokage Sarutobi said: "Orochimaru has already spread the news. Unexpectedly, Danzo actually cooperated with Orochimaru. This time, Konoha's top management is very angry."

Under Sarutobi's explanation, Tsunade was stunned.

"There is such a thing." Tsunade frowned.

Sarutobi said: "As for Danzo's matter, you don't need to pay attention to it for the time being. Konoha sent you this time to take advantage of the opportunity to repair Huaxia Hidden World Village and tell the people of the Ninja League that there is our Konoha Village in the novice village of Huaxia Hidden World Village." I hope they will not go against Uchiha Qing of Huaxia Hidden World Village."

"Is that true?" Tsunade burst into joy.

Sarutobi nodded and said, "Is there anything else?"

Tsunade shook his head, a smile on his face.

"Master, if there is nothing else to do, I will take my leave first." Tsunade left with a smile on his face.

When Tsunade left, Hokage Sarutobi looked serious and turned to look in the corner.

"Jiraiya." Hokage Sarutobi called.

Jiraiya quickly appeared in front of Hokage Sarutobi and said: "Master, what is going on?"

"How far have Tsunade and Uchiha Ao developed? Why do I feel that Tsunade's position has changed seriously?" Sarutobi frowned, looking very worried.

Jiraiya smiled slightly and said: "According to my understanding, Tsunade just has unrequited love. Uchiha Qing still won't pay attention to Tsunade's kindness."

Sarutobi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "If this is the case, there is nothing to worry about. I am afraid that this mission will make Tsunade fall into too deep."

Tsunade has always had a good impression of Uchiha Ao. In the past, Tsunade always helped to say good things about the Huaxia Hidden World Village.

Now at this time, what Sarutobi is most afraid of is the dangerous situation that Tsunade Huaxia Hidden Village will put in.

"Tsunade." Jiraiya lowered his head and said, "This is the last time I will help you. Next time I encounter something like this, I will definitely explain the situation truthfully to the master."

When Jiraiya lost the bet with Uchiha Ao, he knew in his heart that he had to help Tsunade hide the incident. Otherwise, Hokage would not let Tsunade go to the Chinese Hidden Village because of Jiraiya's words, and Tsunade would hate Jiraiya himself for the rest of his life.

"Jiraiya." Hokage Sarutobi said: "Monitor Danzo himself. Konoha's top management is very dissatisfied with Danzo's actions this time, especially his cooperation with Orochimaru, which has seriously damaged Konoha's image."

"Yes, Lord Hokage." Jiraiya lowered his head and said.

Suddenly, as Jiraiya left, Sarutobi turned to look outside Konoha Village and frowned.

Although Danzo holds a lot of weight in the minds of Konoha's top brass, Orochimaru is a defected ninja from Konoha after all. In order to deal with Uchiha Ao, Danzo actually cooperated with Orochimaru, if this matter had not spread out.


Konoha's top brass may turn a blind eye, but after the news spreads, Konoha's top brass will not let Danzo go.

Konoha senior officials fired Shikai to remove Danzo from his position and disbanded the roots, allowing Danzo to start cultivating himself. However, Konoha senior officials were still worried that Danzo would do bad things, so they began to let Hokage monitor Danzo himself.

"Sir Danzo, the people at the top of Konoha are really hateful. We worked hard for Konoha, but in the end we were beaten." A confidant around Danzo said unwillingly.

Suddenly, Danzo narrowed his eyes, slapped the confidant beside him, and said rudely: "What are you talking about? The top management of Konoha naturally has his reasons for doing this. Now the roots have been disbanded."

"Lord Danzo." Danzo's men said in surprise.

Danzo turned around and left, saying to the people around him: "You don't need to say anything."

Danzo's men looked at each other, puzzled for a while.

At this moment, even Jiraiya was surprised. He who was watching Danzo in the dark smiled.

"I didn't expect Danzo to listen to Konoha so much." Jiraiya disappeared.

Danzo glanced in Jiraiya's direction with his peripheral vision and returned to the secret room.

"Lord Danzo." Danzo's confidant came to Danzo.

Danzo narrowed his eyes and said, "Go and contact Orochimaru."

For a moment, Danzo's confidants were shocked and said: "It was Orochimaru who deliberately embarrassed Danzo-sama. If it weren't for him, how would anyone know about our affairs?"

Danzo snorted coldly and said: "The purpose of Orochimaru doing this is simply to want me to cooperate with him."

At this moment, following Danzo's words, Danzo's confidants were shocked.

"But just now, Lord Danzo." Danzo was confused.

Danzo closed his eyes, and the people in Konoha Village began to monitor us. From now on, our actions must be kept secret, and Sarutobi cannot catch any more.

"Yes, Lord Danzo." Danzo's confidant heard Danzo's words and immediately understood the meaning and quickly left the room.

In Konoha Village, people led by Danzo guard Konoha Village with cruel methods. .

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