However, Danzo's behavior now makes Konoha's top management extremely dissatisfied, and Danzo is placed under house arrest in Konoha Village.

However, Danzo has not given up on his ideas. At this moment, as Danzo begins to unite with Orochimaru, he must want to make a comeback.

Early on the next morning, as Tsunade and others arrived at the entrance of Konoha Village, Uchiha Ao and others slowly walked out.

"Uchiha Ao, Master Hokage has other things to do. Please ask me to come and see you off this time." Jiraiya said standing at the door.

Uchiha Ao smiled, this time he came to Konoha Village and had already taken advantage. Not only did he reach an agreement with Konoha, but at this moment, he could take away Tsunade himself.

It is precisely because of this that Uchiha can understand why Hokage does not come to see him off.

"I can understand that Danzo's matter will make Konoha Village more upset." Uchiha Ao turned to Jujiro and the others at "630" and said, "Let's set off."

Tsunade's team was also ready to follow, but just as they were leaving, Jiraiya suddenly came to Tsunade's side.

"Master once asked me if there was an unclear relationship between you and Uchiha Qing. I helped you hide it this time, but I won't be so kind next time." Jiraiya said.

Tsunade's face turned red and she pursed her lips slightly.

"Thank you very much." Tsunade left.

At this moment, as Tsunade left, Jiraiya took a deep breath.

"It's really heartbreaking to watch the woman you love being taken away." Jiraiya took a deep breath.

As Tsunade left, Jiraiya turned to leave.

At this moment, Uchiha Ao took Tsunade and started heading towards the Chinese Hidden World Village ahead.

"Uchiha Qing, Danzo's story has spread throughout the Ninja Alliance. I wonder if there are any ninjas from other villages coming to your Chinese Hidden World Village?" Nate turned to look at Uchiha himself.

Uchiha Qing took a breath and frowned slightly.

"No, after our Chinese Hidden World Village and Konoha Village became allies, no one dared to take advantage of our Chinese Hidden World Village."

Whether it was the five major villages or other ninja villages in the Ninja Alliance, they began to adopt a wait-and-see attitude after hearing that the Chinese Hidden World Village and Konoha had become allies.

Uchiha Qing not only signed an agreement with Konoha, but also brought Tsunade.

"Tsunade from Konoha actually stationed in the Chinese Hidden Village. What does Hokage want to do?" After Raikage arrived at Tsuchikage, Tsunade and Uchiha Ao began to leave Konoha Village according to the instructions from Iwagakure's people.

"Master Tsuchikage, you have heard that Konoha Village is serious this time and must unite with Uchiha Ao." Raikage snorted.

"What does Hokage want to do?" Tsuchikage looked serious.

According to Tsuchikage, what Hokage is doing now will inevitably cause other villages to imitate.

"Hokage seems to be very confused. It seems that we still have to protect the interests of the five major villages in the future." Raikage said bluntly.

Tsuchikage narrowed his eyes and said: "Raikage, you are right. This time Hokage allows Uchiha Ao to join, which will definitely break the balance of our five major villages. I am willing to cooperate with you."

Iwagakure is the largest among the five major villages. Because of this, Iwagakure has always relied on the large number of ninjas in the village and has never looked down upon other ninja villages.

Iwagakure will not be afraid of even the two villages of Konoha and Kumo. In the last ninja war, it was Iwagakure who took the initiative to launch a war against Konoha.

Although it ended in failure, it will not affect Iwagakure's status in the five major villages.

"Tsuchikage said so, of course it is good." Raikage said: "Bring out the alliance agreement.

Raikage's men, who had already prepared the alliance agreement, came up with the agreement.

"It seems Raikage came prepared." Tsuchikage smiled slightly.

At this moment, following Tsuchikage's words, Raikage smiled.

"I had already guessed that based on the relationship between Konoha and the Chinese Hermitage Village, their alliance would definitely be achieved this time, but I didn't expect it to be so thorough. This guy Hokage let Tsunade and Anbu elite personnel stationed in the Chinese Hermitage Village. ." Raikage said angrily, slapping the table.

"In this case, we will sign an alliance immediately." Tsuchikage stood up and said.

With the alliance between Konoha and the Hidden World Village of China, the two villages of Cloud and Mist have also officially entered into an alliance with Iwagakure.

In the Ninja Alliance, two camps began to appear.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier is back." As Uchiha Ao returned to Huaxia Hidden Village, there was a burst of cheers outside the village.

Tsunade followed behind, frowning slightly...

"Is it such a big battle every time you come back?" Tsunade asked Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Qing sighed, at this moment, he naturally knew what "Tsunade" meant.

"This time is not to welcome you. Well, I am just a name in the village." It seems that Uchiha Ao is the soul of Huaxia Hidden Village, but Uchiha Ao never handles matters in the village personally.

These matters were handled by Lin Jiachen, Cheng Mengmeng and others.

As Uchiha Qing returned, Lin Jiachen stepped forward and said: "Welcome the people of Konoha."

Huaxia Hidden World Village has already received the news. At this moment, Huaxia Hidden World Village and Konoha Village have entered into a joint relationship.

"Thank you." Tsunade said excitedly.

Uchiha Qing, Tsunade and others walked into the village together. Huaxia Hidden World Village has become stronger since experiencing the war with Yunwu Village.

Whether it is the reserve of ninjas in the village or the construction of the weapons depot, it is second to none in the Ninja League.

"It's really amazing. Under your leadership, Huaxia Hidden World Village has begun to catch up with our Konoha Village." Tsunade looked extremely happy after officially visiting Huaxia Hidden World Village.

At this moment, Uchiha Qing smiled slightly, showing an extremely calm expression.

"Compared to Konoha, we are still far behind." Uchiha Qing said truthfully.

Konoha is one of the five major villages in the Ninja League, and coupled with their profound heritage, even though the Chinese Hidden World Village has grown at a rapid rate of 1.8, it still cannot compare to Konoha.

"You are so polite." Tsunade snorted.

At this time, Lin Jiachen's men came, and Lin Jiachen's expression changed after hearing the news.

"Uchiha Qing god-tier." Lin Jiachen quickly stepped forward and said to Uchiha Qing: "There is something I want to explain to you.

For a moment, Lin Jiachen looked a little strange, and Uchiha Ao frowned.

"What on earth is going on?" Uchiha Qing asked Lin Jiachen himself.

Lin Jiachen stepped forward and said: "Cloud Shinobi Village and Iwagakure have become an alliance, and now two major camps have emerged.

The two major camps, Uchiha's eyes lit up, were Konoha, Huaxia Hidden Village, Sunagakure, and Iwagakure, Cloud and Mist Village.

These two camps are the most powerful camps in the Ninja Alliance. .

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