The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 496 Heading To Novice Village

"I didn't expect Raikage to be so quick and reach an agreement with Iwagakure immediately." Uchiha Ao frowned.

In fact, the grudge between Uchiha Ao and Raikage did not disappear completely because of the last armistice agreement.

After all at this moment, as Uchiha Ao returns to the village, an alliance is reached between Raikage and Iwagakure.

Then Raikage must want to use Iwagakure's power to check and balance the Chinese Hidden Village.

There is also Konoha. Konoha has always been cloudy and Iwagakure's mortal enemy. Now Konoha has become an alliance with the Huaxia Hidden World Village, which suddenly makes these three villages feel wary.

"Lord Tsuchikage, here is someone from Konoha Village." After reaching an agreement between Raikage and Tsuchikage, Fire immediately sent his henchmen.

Between the five major villages, once something happens, they will usually communicate with each other.

However, now with Raikage's actions, it seems that Konoha and Sunagakure are very wary.

"Hokage sent someone here? How rare." Tsuchikage snorted.

In the Tsuchikage conference room, Hokage's messenger was waiting. The door opened, and two figures, Raikage and Tsuchikage, appeared in the conference room.

"See the two adults, Tsuchikage and Raikage." Hokage's messenger said.

Tsuchikage sat in his seat, and Raikage looked even more aggrieved.

"What's the matter? If you have anything to say, just say it." Raikage said bluntly.

The Hokage messenger said: "Sir Hokage is very worried about your actions. At this moment, I don't know what the alliance between Tsuchikage and Raikage will mean?"

When Tsuchikage saw the question from Hokage's messenger, he said bluntly: "What can we represent? What Hokage wants to do now makes us very worried."

"It turns out this is a question about Master Hokage. If you have any doubts, I can talk to Hokage when I get back." The Hokage messenger said.

Raikage patted the table and said: "Go back and tell Hokage what he wants? The establishment of the Novice Village is obviously a matter for our five major villages, why should we acquiesce to the Huaxia Hidden Village?"

"Hokage-sama told me about this matter on the way here. If Tsuchikage and Raikage have any doubts, I can explain it clearly now." The Hokage messenger said confidently.

Tsuchikage leaned back in his chair, looking calm.

"Tell me about it." Tsuchikage said.

The Hokage messenger said: "We in Konoha Village were extremely opposed to it at first, but because of Danzo's excessive behavior, he was caught on the spot by Uchiha Ao. The two adults must know about it."

"Tell me the important point." Raikage said disdainfully.

Regarding the attack on the Chinese Hidden Village by Danzo and Orochimaru, everyone in the Ninja Alliance knew that at this moment, Raikage did not want to listen to the nonsense of the Hokage messenger.

The Hokage messenger stepped forward and said: "Master Hokage agreed to form an alliance with Huaxia Hidden World Village in order to calm Uchiha Qing's anger. Besides, once we Konoha Village and Huaxia Hidden World Village become allies, we can better monitor their every move.

"Is this what you mean, or Hokage's?" Raikage said in surprise.

The Hokage messenger lowered his head and said: "This is what Hokage meant. He said that this alliance between Konoha and the Hidden World Village of China will not target any village and will not cause any trouble."

"We understand what Hokage means. You go back and tell Hokage that we do too." Tsuchikage waved his hand.

The arrival of the Hokage messenger this time surprised both Tsuchikage and Raikage. Not only did Tsuchikage feel a little quiet after listening to the words of the Hokage messenger.

"Hokage is really cunning. He even formed an alliance to monitor the Chinese Hidden Village." Raikage snorted coldly.

Tsuchikage turned to look at Raikage and said, "Do you believe what Hokage said?"

Raikage nodded and said: "At least now it seems that what Hokage said is correct, but this does not affect the agreement between us. Whether it is Konoha or the Hidden World Village of China, they must be a thorn in our side. If we want to become a ninja alliance The most powerful village must get rid of Konoha."

Whether it's Tsuchikage or Raikage, they are in a remote place in the Ninja League and really want to get the status of Konoha Village.

Konoha is located in the center of the Ninja Alliance and is the only way to go from all directions. Whether it is Iwagakure or Cloud Shinobi Village, they are extremely jealous of Konoha's geographical location.

It is precisely because of this that after Konoha Village and Huaxia Hidden Village formed an alliance, Raikage and Tsuchikage seemed to have a tacit understanding of each other.

"Master Raikage is right. No matter what happens in the future, we will stand on the same front." Tsuchikage stepped forward and said.

Suddenly, following Tsuchikage's words, Raikage stood up and said: "I will tell Mizukage-sama our situation now, I believe she will be happy.

The two villages of Yunwu have always had a friendly relationship, and Raikage and Mizukage have always maintained contact.

Now Tsuchikage has reached an agreement with Raikage, and in the agreement, Raikage has also added Mizukage's village.

In this way, Raikage will have enough strength to compete with Konoha and Uchiha Ao.

"Master Tsuchikage, now that we know Hokage's purpose, why do we still stand with them?" said the guard next to Tsuchikage.

As the Tsuchikage guard questioned, Tsuchikage laughed.

"No matter what Hokage's purpose is, if we stand with Raikage, we will avoid being swallowed up by Konoha Village. Don't forget the last ninja war, but we started the war against Konoha first." Tsuchikage glanced at the guards around him and said.

Following the words of the Tsuchikage813 guards, the two guards at this time seemed extremely convinced.

"We understand." Guard Tsuchikage said.

The combination of Raikage and Tsuchikage once again detonated the entire Ninja Alliance, and everyone started talking.

"What is going on? Is there going to be a new ninja war?"

In the channel, those low-end players frequently began to speculate. Even some people in the village were always paying attention to the movements of the entire Ninja Alliance.

However, neither Uchiha Ao nor Konoha thought of launching any ninja war.

At this moment, as Uchiha Ao returned to the village, he was about to take Tsunade and others to the novice village.

"Uchiha Qing god-tier, aren't you worried about Raikage and the others?" Lin Jiachen stepped forward and said.

Uchiha Qing smiled slightly and said: "The alliance between Raikage and Tsuchikage does not explain the problem. Now we only need to do our own thing to make the novices and the strong ones different. 11

Konoha Anbu looked at each other, Uchiha Ao's mentality was very good, even in the entire ninja league, it is difficult to find people like Uchiha Ao.

You know, everyone knew about the grudge between Uchiha Ao and Raikage. When Uchiha Ao joined forces with Konoha Village, Raikage quickly took action, which also caused great changes in the entire Ninja Alliance. .

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