The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 497 Reaching The Destination

"However, what the movie does is obviously aimed at our Chinese Hidden Village. What if we don't take precautions?" Lin Jiachen said worriedly.

Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said: "Don't forget, we are currently in a truce with Cloud Shinobi Village. Raikage will not do anything that violates his original oath. If you are really worried, send more people to the border defense. "

"Yes." Lin Jiachen turned and left.

Cheng Mengmeng stood there, still feeling a little uncomfortable when she saw Uchiha Ao came back with Tsunade.

"Uchiha Qing, let me take Tsunade and the others to Novice Village." Cheng Mengmeng said proactively.

Uchiha Qing raised his hand and said, "Of course I have arrangements for this matter."

After Uchiha Qing finished speaking, he turned to Tsunade and said: "The tour of the village has also been completed. I will take you to the Novice Village now."

"Okay." Tsunade smiled.

Tsunade followed Uchiha Qing to the Novice Village. In the Novice Village, Uchiha Sasuke was there.

Jujiro also followed Uchiha Ao. After returning this time, Jujiro still stayed in the novice village.

"Why do you think of setting up a novice village? This will offend a lot of people." Tsunade took a deep breath.

Although Tsunade has agreed to come to Huaxia Hidden Village with Uchiha Ao, she is still Konoha Village after all.

Fortunately, there was no major war between the Chinese Hidden World Village and Konoha this time. Otherwise, Tsunade wouldn't know how to face Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha Ao smiled slightly and looked at Tsunade in front of him.

"The establishment of the Novice Village can continuously provide new blood." Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said: "Now that we have reached an alliance with Konoha, no one dares to oppose us at this time."

Tsunade said: "Although that is said, there are still many forces that may not be able to shock Konoha."

Whether it is Orochimaru or the Akatsuki organization, they are all forces outside Konoha. They are eyeing the Chinese Hidden Village at any time.

"Orochimaru just wants to use Danzo and seize Danzo's handle. Now Orochimaru has completely betrayed Danzo. They will not come together. As for Akatsuki organizing them, they hope that the Ninja Alliance will be as chaotic as possible. How can it happen here? It’s time to attack us.” "Uchiha Qing smiled.

Uchiha Qing had already measured the actions of all parties long ago. At first, he thought that Raikage was the most opposed and would definitely unite the five major villages to oppose it.

However, he did not expect that Konoha would take the lead, giving Uchiha Ao an opportunity to dismantle the five major villages.

Nowadays, the conflicts in the five major villages are becoming more and more acute, and Uchiha will inevitably be involved in it.

At this moment, Uchiha Qing knew very well that if Huaxia Hidden World Village wanted to be on an equal footing with the five major villages, it would not only have a strong power, but also need an opportunity.

Although the power of Huaxia Hidden World Village has become stronger, it has not been able to catch up with the five major villages. Therefore, Uchiha Qing must continue to improve the village system at this moment.

The Novice Village is currently the most important foundation for training ninjas, where ninjas from different parts of the world gather.

However, except for the island country and the stick country, other ninjas can come in.

"Ninjas from the island country and Bangzi country are not allowed to enter." Tsunade entered the novice village of Huaxia Hidden World Village and saw the sign in front of him.

Uchiha Ao stood next to Tsunade and said with great certainty: "This is also the rule of our village, so the novice village in our village is still very different from your five major villages."

"This will prevent many ninjas from coming in." Tsunade turned around and said.

Uchiha Ao shook his head slightly and stared at Tsunade in front of him.

"This is just one of our methods. We must have built our own village, which is still incomparable to the five major villages." Uchiha Qing said with great certainty.

The five major villages have systematic and direct arrangements, but Uchiha Ao's village cannot do this. No matter how it develops, it will ultimately be unable to break through this limit. Therefore, Uchiha Ao must focus on how to recruit more ninjas at this moment. .

Although the rules of the novice village will make Uchiha Ao's novice village less ninja, he has a clear stance and knows very well that there will be no ninjas from these two dirty countries.

"It's really incomprehensible." Tsunade raised his mouth and said.

Uchiha Ao stretched out his hand and said, "Please go in and take a look."

Tsunade nodded slightly and walked in with the Anbu members.

In the future, members of Tsunade and Anbu will be stationed in Novice Village, where they will become the secret guards of Novice Village.

"We will do our best to protect the safety here in the future. Tsunade said with great certainty.

Uchiha Sasuke said with some disdain: "We will naturally protect the safety of Novice Village. We don't need you to be kind. I really don't know whether you are here to protect our Novice Village or not.

Suddenly, Uchiha's green eyes stared at Sasuke himself, and Sasuke immediately stopped speaking.

# Sasuke, as I explained before, the people in Konoha are completely well-intentioned this time and cannot apologize. "Uchiha Qing said politely.

Sasuke stepped forward with a dissatisfied look on his face.

"Brother, you are afraid that you have fallen into Konoha's trick." Sasuke said unwillingly.

Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said: "Now that China Hidden World Village and Konoha have become allies, if anyone openly questions it, I will definitely deal with it seriously. Even though you are my brother, I will not be lenient.

Jujiro understood the power of this, and quickly came to Uchiha Sasuke and said: "I still haven't apologized to Uchiha Ao god-tier."

Uchiha Ao Sasuke showed hesitation, and Uchiha Ao's extremely angry expression could be seen, and said: "I'm sorry, I made a mistake at the moment, please don't take offense, Tsunade-san.

Uchiha Qing sighed and said: "This silly brother of mine has been staying in Xinshou Village and doesn't know the situation outside, so please don't take it to heart.

"I understand that our coming will definitely cause concern to the villagers, but I think with time, they will definitely accept us. Tsunade said with great certainty.

Following Tsunade's words, Uchiha Ao nodded slightly.

"Tsunade-sama." Konoha Anbu member said: "Let's get familiar with the surrounding situation first."

The Anbu members, led by Jujiro, left Uchiha Qing and Tsunade, and Sasuke also went to the hall.

Only Tsunade and Uchiha Ao were left at the scene.

"Didn't you say that the people in the village welcome us very much?" Tsunade turned around, a little angry.

Compared to others, Tsunade paid more attention to coming to the village, but Sasuke's words made Tsunade extremely embarrassed.

"My silly brother has always been ignorant. Don't take this matter to heart." Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly. .

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