The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 5: A Sensation All Over The World!

at the same time.

"I didn't expect someone to become a Genin so soon."

A dark-skinned player in a white robe standing by the sea, with invincible eyes, looked into the distance, speaking in broken Chinese language.

Behind him stood several white-clothed players, all with dark complexions. They stood like a bell, standing still, faintly exuding an aura different from ordinary people.

When these few people stand together, there is inexplicably a sense of pressure surrounding them, and their names are all written in big blue characters [Delta Special Forces] in front of their names!

In this Hokage online game world, players can not only show their true colors, but also input their own image into the online game world, and the player's own physical fitness also directly affects the character's attribute data!


"Are we still a step behind?"

Outside Konoha Village, a player who had just killed a level 10 [captain level] boss tiger with the help of his companions couldn't help but stop his actions, and couldn't help but look into the huge Konoha Village.

Behind him stood eight burly, muscular players, and in front of the names of these players, [Huaxia Yejia] was written in big scarlet characters!


"Didn't expect that we, who got the first-hand information, would be behind?"

In Konoha Village No. 1234 practice room, a white-haired old man who just completed the task of [Shuriken Throwing] let out a sigh of relief, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

Behind him, there are countless tall men in black uniforms, each wearing sunglasses, standing there with their hands behind their backs. Obviously, they are all the bodyguards of the white-haired old man.

"Go, check this kid! Use all your power."

The white-haired old man narrowed his eyes slightly, and a flame of desire flashed in the corner of his eyes, "If possible, win him over, of course, if he doesn't know how to flatter..."

This online game that can enhance reality has given him the hope of immortality, and he doesn't want some cats or dogs to stop his plan!


A bodyguard nodded and immediately disappeared into the practice room.

After the bodyguard left, the white-haired old man walked slowly towards [novice trainer] and received the next plot task [mastery of Three Body Technique]...


Just when the whole world was shaken by the news that Li Qing became Genin, Li Qing had already opened the [Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique] gifted by Uchiha Itachi.

As he opened it, a mysterious feeling immediately sounded in his mind, as if there was something more in his mind.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Li Qing started to seal.

At the beginning, his speed of seal seal was relatively slow, but as his skills became more and more proficient, the speed of seal seal immediately increased several times!

Intense Chakra gathered at the throat, and with Li Qing's huff and puff, an extremely hot flame rushed out in an instant, and the extremely hot light illuminated the dim Uchiha mansion.

"Congratulations, you have learned the [Secret Technique] of the [Uchiha] family, [Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!]"

"Your current [Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique] level is level 1, which can cause ninjutsu damage of 500 + 120% of ninjutsu attack power to the enemy."

"Reminder: The casting time of [Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique] depends on the speed of the player's [Seal], and the same is true for [Transformation Technique], [Body Replacement Technique] and [Clone Technique]. Yin] Gestures are proficient!"

Seeing that Li Qing learned the Great Fireball Technique in an instant, the NPC Uchiha Itachi on the side showed a surprised expression, and Uchiha Fugaku's eyes widened in the distance, and couldn't help but praise: "I learned it in an instant The fireball technique of our Uchiha clan is really a genius, in terms of talent, it is no worse than Itachi..."

Following Uchiha Fugaku's opening, a wonderful system prompt sounded in Li Qing's ear.

"Uchiha Itachi's favorability towards you has increased to 72 points!"

"Uchiha Fugaku's affection for you has increased to 69 points!"

"System prompt: When the intimacy between the player and the NPC exceeds 65 points, the NPC will [help] the player when the player is attacked."

"I didn't expect to learn the Great Fireball Technique so quickly, and increasing the intimacy of NPCs can also protect me..." Li Qing looked at the tall and mighty Uchiha Fugaku, and then at the talented Uchiha Itachi, and suddenly felt a strong feeling. Strong sense of security.

However, Li Qing is not someone who likes to rely on others. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that the [Gift Pack for Beginners] that the system just presented had not been opened yet.

Without hesitation, he opened the [Newbie Gift Package].

"Congratulations, you have opened the [Gift Package for Beginners]!"

"You got 100 reputation points!"

"You got mid-level HP, mid-level MP potion*12."

"You got the artifact 【Shinigami Breath】!"

"You got Kunai*21!"

"You got a five-piece set for a rare novice: [God Ninja Shoulders], [God Ninja Armor], [God Ninja Helmet], [God Ninja Leggings], [God Ninja Battle Boots]!"

"You got the [Luggage Expansion Box], which automatically expanded 50 spaces for you."


There were so many rewards that it was scary, Li Qing looked at them one by one.

Artifact [Shinigami Breathing]: When you hear Shinigami breathing, it means that you will die here...

Requires [Level] 50, [Physical Damage] increased by 2000 points, [Ninjutsu Damage] increased by 3000 points!

[God Ninja Shoulders]: Requires [Level] 20. Can increase defense by 500 points.

[Shen Ninja Armor]: Requires [Level] 20. Can increase defense by 450 points.


[God Ninja Battle Boots]: Requires [Level] 20. Can increase the player's movement speed by 100 points.

[God Ninja Set] Attributes: Player's all skill level +1, damage dealt +10%.

The equipment is basically level 20 or level 50, and the requirements are relatively high, so Li Qing had no choice but to put these equipment in the luggage first.

After finishing all this, Li Qing wanted to get out of Uchiha's mansion, test the power of the ninjutsu he had just learned, and take a look at the situation of other players.


But before Li Qing left, Uchiha Fugaku behind him looked at the somewhat dark sky, and suddenly let out a long sigh.

"Father, what's the matter?" Uchiha Itachi asked immediately.

"I always feel... that danger is coming." Uchiha Fugaku sighed, turned and walked into the room.

Uchiha Itachi also looked up at the sky at this moment, the scarlet Sharingan flashed a cold light, and then Uchiha Itachi lowered his head and carried the baby [Uchiha Sasuke] back to the room.

Seeing the two of them acting like they were in the anime, Li Qing couldn't help frowning, her eyes full of doubts: "Could it be that [Hokage Ninja]'s opening scene [Nine Tails Riot] happened in the past few days? I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. !"

Thinking of the horror of [Nine Tails], even Kage-level masters [Namikaze Minato] and [Uzumaki 新世NA] would die under it. A [Uchiha Fugaku] has more than 600 levels of strength, let alone [Nine Tails] Tails].

With his current strength of less than level 20, I'm afraid he can't even count as an ant, right?

Then there will be [Night of Genocide], as a member of the Uchiha tribe, how should he face it?

The more she thinks about this, the more urgent Li Qing wants to upgrade her level. Only level is everything!

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