The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 6: Provocation From Trade Unions? Take A Bite Of Fire Style!

After completing the novice mission, Li Qing went straight to the mission hall of Konoha Village.

At this moment, players were already standing in front of the huge quest hall, and many of them were shouting for teammates to take on the quest together.

At this time, there are already a lot of players who have obtained Genin Forehead Protector. Those who recruit teammates at the gate are generally some poor ninjas. Unlike those unions or families that formed a team early, several people can form a team together, which is very efficient. .

As soon as Li Qing walked into the quest hall, many poor players threw olive branches at him.

Because she became famous all of a sudden, in order not to let others notice her, Li Qing deliberately hid her player name, leaving only the word "Qing".

"Brother Qing, join our team, four teams, only one person is missing right now!"

"Brother Qing, join our team, there are still two young girls who are so juicy!"

"Brother, we are only two people away from forming a team to take on the mission, why don't you join us!"

The captains tried their best to strike up a conversation.

However, Li Qing politely refused. After all, if four people form a group, although the efficiency will be higher, the experience gained will be much less.

He walked straight in.

"Hmph, another idiot who thought he could single out the mission!" Seeing Li Qing walk in, the captains all showed a hint of disdain.

At this time, Li Qing came to the waiting room of the mission hall. The person who sent the mission was a [Mission Ninja]. Seeing Li Qing approaching, he immediately came over: "What mission does this player want to accept? We have A lot of C-level and D-level tasks..."

Then a huge cowhide scroll appeared in front of Li Qing's eyes, which described each task and marked the level of the task.

There are different levels of difficulty in the tasks, but there is no requirement for the number of people to participate in the tasks. Some tasks are very simple, such as taking care of flowers, plants, insects and fish, while others are difficult, such as killing the ninjas in the outer village and getting them from the outer village. The head of a ninja, and often the level of such tasks has reached B level!

Moreover, if the task is not completed or if you die on the way, there will be huge penalties, such as dropping 50% of the gold coins, 50% of the equipment, and so on.

Suddenly, Li Qing noticed that an A-level mission had just been refreshed on the mission scroll, which was the most difficult of all missions!

Without even thinking about it, he directly chose to receive it!

"Damn it, who took away Laozi's A-level [task]?"

At the same time, the several [Union] and [Family] teams that were waiting for the refresh of the A-level missions, but failed to grab them, all looked angry!

"You have successfully accepted the mission【Kill the Mist Shinobi Spy】. Recently, many spies sent by Mist Shinobi have come to Konoha Village to spy on the enemy. Please go to the secret valley in the northeast of Konoha Village and kill the [Mist Shinobi Spy] hiding there. ]!"

"Task level: level 20, difficulty: SSSS, task reward: 12,000 experience points, 50 reputation points, 30,000 gold coins! When the task fails, 50% gold coins will be randomly dropped."

After receiving the task, the nervous Li Qing didn't notice the anger of others, and walked out of the task hall while thinking about how to kill the enemy.

At this time, the big screen in the mission hall also refreshed frequently.

[System Message] Mission Hall: Player [Qing] has just received the most difficult A-level mission so far, 【Kill the Mist Shinobi Spy】. This mission is extremely difficult, and it is easy to lose your life if you are not careful. Before the player [Qing] completes the [Mission], the players in the mission hall can compete with the player [Qing], and if they win, they can get this [Mission]!

[System Message] Mission Hall: Player [Qing] has just received the most difficult A-level mission so far, 【Kill the Mist Shinobi Spy】. This mission is extremely difficult, and it is easy to lose your life if you are not careful. Before the player [Qing] completes the [Mission], the players in the mission hall can compete with the player [Qing], and if they win, they can get this [Mission]!

[System Message] Mission Hall: Player [Qing] has just received the most difficult A-level mission so far, 【Kill the Mist Shinobi Spy】. This mission is extremely difficult, and it is easy to lose your life if you are not careful. Before the player [Qing] completes the [Mission], the players in the mission hall can compete with the player [Qing]. If they win, they can get this [Mission]!

A full three system messages rang in the ears of players next to each mission hall.

Li Qing, who received the task, was a little speechless at once. Didn't expect this [task] to be able to snatch it?

Just as he was thinking, a system prompt popped up: Player [A, I will die in one shot] requested to have a PK with you, do you accept it?

"This name is also drunk..."

Seeing this name, Li Qing almost didn't spit out his saliva, he looked again, [A I'll die at once] is still in the captain's state, accompanied by three companions. Doesn't this mean that as soon as he agrees, he will fight against four people at the same time?

How shameless...

But Li Qing took a look at their attribute boards and was amused, none of them were at level 7 or 8, and the highest was only level 9.

"Little trash, you have the ability to accept it!" After waiting for a long time and seeing that Li Qing didn't agree to the PK, the player [A I'll die in a moment] was very embarrassed, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you don't accept it, anyway, 30 If you don’t accept it after 2 seconds, it will be regarded as admitting defeat, and the A-level task will belong to our [Four Seas] trade union!"

"Tch, he looks like a dick, I dare not accept it at all..."

"Brother Biao, the president of our [Four Seas] trade union, is the son of the president of the Li Group. In order to make the brothers of the [Four Seas] trade union afford good equipment, he deliberately spent 100 million yuan! Boy, it's too late for you to admit defeat!"

Several players from the [Four Seas] trade union clamored, all of them looked smug and beaming.

The poor players around were secretly sweating for Li Qing, like them, even in the game, without any money or resources is the life of the bottom...

"never mind……"

Just when all the players' eyes were on Li Qing, Li Qing clicked agree impatiently.

The next moment, there was a tremor in the mission hall, and a field rose slowly, lifting up Li Qing and the teammates of [A I'll die at once].

This is the PK system of the Hokage online game. When the player agrees to PK, a battlefield will be automatically generated for the player to use.

Of course, in order to meet the needs of players, the PK system has real-time battles in addition to the turn-based battles.

If you PK in a safe area such as Konoha Village, the losing party will not die. If you leave the safe area, the losing party will drop some items or gold coins.

"Hehe, boy, you really have the guts... Brothers, beat him up!"

[A I'll die at once] With a sneer, he directed his companions.

As soon as the voice fell, several players rushed towards Li Qing.

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't you know this is [Hokage World]? They still use such low-level fighting methods..." Li Qing's mouth curled up into a sneer.

Seeing Li Qing's seal, many players in the mission hall couldn't help being stunned!

This, what is this going to do?

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Intense Chakra spewed out along the throat, a hot flame instantly illuminated the mission hall, and the four players who rushed in immediately felt a scorching wave of air rushing towards them, and then were violently blown away .

The blood bars of the four [Four Seas] players who were full of blood went black, and a terrifying number popped out: 1213!

Then the four players turned into a ray of light and disappeared sadly, and were sent back to the spring of Novice Village!

With just one face to face, Li Qing won easily with one against four!

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