"Who did Konoha send this time?" Uchiha Qing asked Lin Jiachen.

Lin Jiachen stepped forward and said, "It's Hatake Kakashi."

Uchiha Qing stood up and looked at Cheng Mengmeng beside him.

"Let's go meet Hatake Kakashi." Uchiha Qing said.

Hatake Kakashi and Uchiha Qing had fought before, but neither of them was Uchiha Qing's opponent. Now at this time, Hatake Kakashi came as Konoha's envoy. At this moment, Uchiha Qing knew even more clearly that Konoha must be taking action.

"Hatake Kakashi." Uchiha Qing came out and came to Hatake Kakashi.

With the arrival of Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Qing must know that there is something that Konoha should tell Uchiha Qing this time.

"Uchiha Ao, Konoha sent me here to inform you. I wonder how China's Hidden World Village will act on "Nine Zero Three" regarding Yuno Country?" Hatake Kakashi stepped forward and asked.

Uchiha Qing sat on the chair and looked at Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng beside him.

"We have just learned about this matter. Huaxia Hidden World Village just informed people from Yuno Country and asked them to go back and tell the name of Yuno Country, and we will consider it." Uchiha Qing said.

Hatake Kakashi said: "This matter is very involved, and people who heard about Iwagakure are also involved."

"Iwagakure?" Uchiha Ao was stunned. He didn't expect that as one of the five major villages of the Ninja Alliance, Iwagakure would be so close to the Akatsuki organization. Uchiha Ao asked back: "But according to what we know, Rain Shinobi Village has now It’s Akatsuki’s base, and Iwagakure is involved. Could it be that he has some connection with Akatsuki?”

"They did not act jointly, they acted in Rain Shinobi Village, and the people of Iwagakure also took the opportunity to start carving up the territory of Yuno Country." Hatake Kakashi said truthfully.

As for Iwagakure's actions, Huaxia Hidden Village has no accurate information yet, but since Konoha Village has learned such important news, Uchiha Ao cannot sit idly by and ignore it.

"In that case, what is Konoha's plan?" Uchiha Qing looked at Hatake Kakashi and asked.

This time, Konoha sent Kakashi, and he was naturally prepared. Now that the Chinese Hidden World Village has formed an alliance with Konoha, it will not go its own way.

"Hokage means to hold an alliance meeting in the Hidden World Village of China. After all, we Konoha, and your village, have not officially held a meeting since we became an alliance with Sunagakure." Hatake Kakashi said what Hokage meant.

Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng were shocked and looked at Hatake Kakashi's expression.

"People from Konoha are coming to our Chinese Hidden World Village for a meeting?" Lin Jiachen took a deep breath.

Hatake Kakashi turned to look at Lin Jiachen and said: "Yes, China Hidden World Village must be our most important alliance partner in Konoha. At this time, holding a meeting in China Hidden World Village will further strengthen our alliance. relation."

"What Hokage said makes sense. We in China will actively prepare for this meeting." Uchiha Qing said.

Suddenly, Hatake Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I will take your intention back."

In Hatake Kakashi's opinion, now that Uchiha Qing has agreed, Konoha will notify Sunagakure.

"Uchiha Ao-sama, when I came here Hokage told me to go see Tsunade-sama and inform them of anything." Hatake Kakashi said politely.

Uchiha Ao waved his hand and said: "Lin retainer, take Kakashi to Novice Village to meet Tsunade.

"Isn't Tsunade in the village?" Hatake Kakashi asked in surprise.

Uchiha Ao frowned and said: "Isn't Tsunade sent to station in Novice Village? Of course he is not in the village, but our Novice Village is not far from the village, and you will see Tsunade himself soon."

"Yes." Kakashi left, and Lin Jiachen personally took Kakashi to see Tsunade.

When Kakashi walked out of the office, Cheng Mengmeng stepped forward and said, "How does Konoha want to deal with the incident in Yunokuni this time?"

Uchiha Ao shook his head. Even Uchiha Ao himself didn't know what Hokage had in mind, but the only thing that was certain was that Konoha felt pressure.

"The last ninja war was started by Iwagakure and he took the initiative to attack Konoha Village. Now Konoha Village will certainly not forget it." Uchiha Ao took a deep breath and said: "As Iwagakure begins to invade Yunokuni, Konoha will naturally become nervous. "

Yunokuni is a neighbor of Konoha Village. Yunokuni has always had a relatively large territory. In addition, Yunokuni took advantage of the war in Rain Shinobi Village and continued to invade Rain Shinobi Village...

Now at this time, even the people of Konoha Village have to be a little nervous. Once Iwagakure and Rain Shinobi Village completely divide the territory of Yuno Country, Konoha will be naked in front of Iwagakure.

"Iwagakure is now united with the two villages of Yunwu. Any actions taken by Konoha will inevitably cause concern to the other two villages." Uchiha Ao laughed and said, "The Ninja Alliance suddenly became lively."

Cheng Mengmeng stepped forward and said: "So, the invasion of Tang Country is actually a place where the major villages in the Ninja Alliance compete?"

Cheng Mengmeng only now thought that Uchiha Qing knew this very well after hearing Lin Jiachen's report about Tang Zhiguo in the morning.

"It is inevitable that Konoha Village will be nervous, but now it seems that we should prepare as soon as possible for the work of Hokage and Kazekage." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes.

Cheng Mengmeng lowered her head and said, "Yes."

Things in the village are basically handled by Cheng Mengmeng and Lin Jiachen, while Uchiha Aoya is only in charge of the general direction.

At this time, since Hokage proposed to hold a meeting of the Three Kingdoms Alliance, Uchiha Qing did not object. This matter was beneficial to Uchiha Qing and Huaxia Hidden Village.

"I'm going to prepare now." Cheng Mengmeng turned around and left.

After Cheng Mengmeng left, Uchiha Qing began to sit in a chair and meditated. This time was different from the past. It could no longer be solved by force alone.

Nowadays, the situation of the Ninja Alliance has undergone huge 1.3 changes due to the alliance between Konoha and Huaxia Hidden Village. Whether it is Huaxia Hidden Village, Konoha, Iwagakure, Yunwu Village, and even the Akatsuki organization have begun to seek breakthroughs.

The forces of the three parties began to become tightly entangled, and a new ninja war might break out at any time if their guns misfired.

By that time, Uchiha Qing knew that Huaxia Hidden Village could not stay away, and the grievances between Uchiha Qing and Raikage, and the Akatsuki organization, would eventually be completely resolved.

"Although I don't know what Hokage means? At least he won't watch Iwagakure threaten the safety of Konoha Village." Uchiha Ao laughed.

There is no Chinese Hidden World Village. Except for those adjacent to Konoha, other villages are no longer a threat to the Chinese Hidden World Village.

Longyin Village has been eliminated, and now the surrounding area of ​​Huaxia Hidden Village is safe. .

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