"I have made preparations and strengthened the security in the village. I even asked Kimimaro to come back to prevent any accidents in this meeting." Cheng Mengmeng returned to Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Qing raised his head and said: "Well done, now at this time, we just wait for Hokage and Kazekage to come."

In the novice village, Hatake Kakashi met Tsunade's team.

"Hatake Kakashi, how did you come here?" Tsunade was shocked and stared at Hatake Kakashi in front of him.

Kakashi stepped forward and said: "Sir Hokage is going to come to China Hidden Village to discuss important matters with Uchiha Qing and Kazekage, so Hokage asked you to go to China Hidden Village during this time.

"Master Hokage, are you coming?" Tsunade frowned and said, "What happened?"

"Iwagakure cooperated with Rain Shinobi Village and began to divide the territory of Guanyun Country." Hatake Kakashi said: "Master Hokage is more worried."

It was Iwagakure who took the initiative to provoke the war, and Rain Shinobi Village had a fierce battle with Konoha Village. Although Konoha Village finally won a complete victory, it also lost many ninjas.

Nowadays, although the five major villages are in harmony and there is no sign of a ninja war breaking out, with the expansion of Iwagakure05, the whole of Konoha is worried.

"I understand." Tsunade said to the three Anbu members behind him: "You guys are on standby here."

Tsunade was about to return to the Chinese Hidden Village with Kakashi. Lin Jiachen frowned and looked at Uchiha Sasuke and Tianjiro.

"The village needs manpower recently. Kimimaro has returned from the front line. You two have also returned to the village to help." Lin Jiachen said.

Jujiro put his hands behind his back and said, "It's really troublesome. Sasuke and I are having the most miserable life right now, running around here and there."

"This is the village's trust in you, so you don't want mother-in-law and mother-in-law." Lin Jiachen said.

Immediately, Lin Jiachen, Jujiro, and Sasuke also returned to the Chinese Hidden Village.

The Huaxia Hidden World ushered in the busiest day. This time, Hokage and Feng Ying came to the Huaxia Hidden World Village for the first time.

To this day, in the Ninja League, it is still a period of rule by the Five Kages. No matter how powerful Uchiha Ao is, he is only the leader of the Hidden World Village in China.

If you want to become the shadow of the Ninja Alliance, you can't do it just by having strength, so Uchiha Qing still attaches great importance to this meeting.

Huaxia Hidden Village has strengthened its security inside and outside. Whether it is Sasuke, Jujiro, Hayashi retainer, or Kimimaro, they are patrolling around the village 24 hours a day and will not let anyone disrupt this meeting.

"Here comes Lord Konoha Village Hokage." The Hokage and members of the Konoha Village Anbu slowly walked into the village.

The people of Huaxia Hidden World Village began to welcome him warmly. This was the first time since the establishment of Huaxia Hidden World Village that they officially welcomed a figure like Konoha Hokage.

"The people in Huaxia Hidden World Village are really enthusiastic," said Guy, who was following Hokage.

Kakashi and Tsunade were already in the village, and Hokage was accompanied by Guy and Jiraiya.

"Master Hokage, we have been waiting here for you for a long time." Kakashi said to Hokage with great respect.

Hokage nodded slightly and saw Uchiha Qing leading Cheng Mengmeng and Lin Jiachen walking forward.

"Master Hokage, welcome to your arrival. On behalf of everyone in Huazhen Hidden World Village, I welcome you." Uchiha Qing said very politely.

Hokage said: "Uchiha Qing, this time it is really troublesome for your village, so laborious and laborious.

Since the establishment of Huaxia Hidden World Village, there has never been such a big event, so this time the whole village has huge benefits.

"Hokage-sama is really talented." Uchiha Qing led Hokage Yuan Fei into the conference room.

The conference room has already been arranged, and the three parties, including people from Konoha Village, have arrived, except for the people from Sunagakure.

Time passed by, Uchiha Qing and Hokage were sitting in the conference room, waiting for Iwagakure's people.

"Uchiha Qing god-tier, according to Jujiro's report, no one from Sunagakure was seen along the road." Lin Jiachen stepped forward and said.

Hokage lowered his head and said: "Impossible. I remember that Feng Ying had sent someone to say that they had already gotten up and should arrive in the village earlier than us."

Let the border patrol around. "The Uchipa frowned under his skin.

This time, with the Three Kingdoms Alliance meeting held in Konoha, Huaxia Hidden Village, and Sunagakure, it has already attracted the attention of the Ninja Alliance.

The level of screen swiping is no less than other things. Even the war in Yu no country that has attracted the most attention recently seems inconspicuous.

"Could it be that the Kazekage encountered trouble on the road?" Uchiha Ao frowned and said to the Hokage: "It seems that it will be difficult to hold an alliance meeting between our three villages today. Why don't you go back and rest first, and I will go find the leewind. Shadow’s whereabouts.”

Hokage was stunned, Uchiha Qing actually wanted to find the Kazekage himself.

"In that case, we will stay in the village for one night temporarily." Hokage said.

Shadow is the highest leader of the five major villages and rarely appears in other villages. Originally, this meeting was scheduled to be held on the same day, and the meeting would end after Hokage and Feng Ying stayed overnight in the Huaxia Hidden Village.

But the Kazekage did not come on time [which aroused the alarm of Uchiha and Hokage.

Nowadays, the situation in the Ninja Alliance is in turmoil. Akatsuki, Iwagakure, and the Cloud Alliance are all watching closely, and no one dares to take it lightly at this time.

"Cheng Mengmeng, you stay in the village to greet Hokage." Uchiha Qing looked at Lin Jiachen and said: "Let's go to pick up Feng Ying and see if Feng Ying is in trouble.

Lin Jiachen and Uchiha Qing left the conference room, and everyone started heading straight out of the village. 020 "The Kazekage is very powerful, so he shouldn't encounter enemies outside." Lin Jiachen asked Uchiha Ao himself on the way.

Uchiha Qing frowned and stared at Lin Jiachen in front of him.

"That's not necessarily the case." Uchiha Ao stepped forward and said, "Kazekage is a Kage-level character from Sunagakure, so he usually won't be late."

Lin Jiachen came back to his senses and frowned slightly.

When the Kazekage didn't show up on time, Uchiha Ao felt something was wrong.

The Hidden Village of China is heavily fortified, and no one comes to cause trouble. Whether it is the island country, the stick country, or even the players from the United States, they all appear to be very restrained.

Now that Huaxia Hidden World Village has grown, it is no longer a place where these players dare to cause trouble.

That is to say, it is difficult for Kazekage to encounter trouble within the territory of Huaxia Hidden World Village. Uchiha Qing suspected that he encountered some troubles on the way.

So Uchiha Qing still considered tracking down the whereabouts of the Kazekage along the way.

At the border, Sasuke, Jujiro, and Hayashi retainers follow Uchiha Ao.

"The outside of the village has been searched, and there is no sign of Kazekage or Iwagakure." Jujiro said with great certainty.

Sasuke stepped forward and said: "We also checked near the border, and they were nowhere to be found."

Uchiha Qing raised his head and looked beyond the Huaxia Hidden World Village. .

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