"Nothing was found nearby." Uchiha Ao took a deep breath and said, "This is trouble. Judging from the situation, the Kazekage probably encountered trouble on the way.

"Anyone dares to attack Feng Ying?" Lin Jiachen stepped forward and said, "Is it the Akatsuki organization?"

Uchiha Ao shook his head. Even Uchiha Ao was not sure this time, because not only the Akatsuki organization but also Iwagakure were involved in the matter of Yuno Kuni.

It's hard to say whether it's the people sent by the Akatsuki organization or the people sent by the Iwagakure alliance.

"The only thing that is certain is that there are not many people who can attack the Kazekage." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and said: "Go back and tell the village to strengthen the guards so that Kimimaro and Cheng Mengmeng cannot take it lightly. We immediately went outside the village to look for a person along the road. Fan.

"Yes." Anbu from Huaxia Hidden World Village immediately returned to the village after hearing this.

Uchiha Ao led Hayashi, Sasuke, and Jujiro towards the outside of the village.

With the four Uchiha Ao, there are not many opponents in the Ninja League. Even if they encounter Akatsuki's troops, they will not be at a disadvantage.

"Uchiha green god-tier." Lin Jiachen frowned, and while moving quickly, he saw something unusual on the cliff.

The green figure of Uchiha stopped, came to the cliff, and looked down at the situation below.

"Kazekage's body?" Uchiha Ao's face changed.

Jujiro jumped down together and began to investigate the scene.

"He was killed not long ago," Jujiro said.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes, not expecting that the Kazekage would be killed on the way to the Huaxia Hidden Village.

"Send the signal immediately." Uchiha Ao turned to look at Sasuke.

Suddenly, the signal from Huaxia Hidden World Village was sent out, but it was at an unexpected place in Huaxia Hidden World Village.

Cheng Mengmeng and Kimimaro from the hidden village came out and saw signals from outside the country.

"This is Sasuke's signal. Uchiha Qing and the others have found the trace of Kazekage?" Cheng Mengmeng was stunned.

Anbu from Huaxia Hidden World Village came and came to Cheng Mengmeng.

"Uchiha Qing god-tier has found Kazekage's body and wants to invite Master Hokage to come." After Anbu from Huaxia Hidden World Village finished speaking, a figure fell softly to the ground.

Running back and forth has already made many people in Zhenyinshi Village feel weak.

Cheng Mengmeng was shocked, and a figure began to walk towards the Hokage house.

"Lord Hokage." Cheng Mengmeng met Hokage after the announcement.

Hokage took a puff of cigarette and said, "Is there any information about Feng Ying?"

"The Kazekage was killed, Uchiha Qing asked you to go to the scene in person." Cheng Mengmeng was shocked.

"The Kazekage was killed?" Jiraiya snorted and said, "What on earth is going on?"

Cheng Mengmeng did not respond because she did not know the situation.

"I understand." Hokage quickly dressed and walked out of the house.

Outside the house, Hokage Anbu members suddenly gathered. Not only were Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi, and Guy around them, but three teams of Anbu elite members appeared around them.

This time, Konoha's lineup that came to protect Hokage was unprecedentedly powerful. When Hokage walked out of Huaxia Hidden World Village, Huaxia Hidden World Village sent many Anbu members.

All around were people from the Huaxia Hidden Village. After a long time, the figure of Hokage Shanshan arrived.

"Uchiha Ao." Hokage came to Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Ao turned to look at Hokage, frowned and said: "The Kazekage was killed, this matter is a bit troublesome."

Although the Kazekage occurred outside the borders of Huaxia Hidden World Village, the three-village alliance meeting of Sunagakure, Konoha Village, and Huaxia Hidden World Village was destroyed in this way.

"Who did it?" Hokage stepped forward and said.

A large number of elites from the Huaxia Hidden World Village and Konoha Village are gathered around the cliff. This is a cliff not far from the Huaxia Hidden World Village. It proves that the people of Sunagakure are approaching the Huaxia Hidden World Village and Tuanhui will be killed.

"Orochimaru." This is something Uchiha Qingdu didn't expect.

"What?" Tsunade was shocked and stepped forward and said, "Orochimaru actually killed the Kazekage?"

Although Uchiha Ao didn't expect it, judging from the traces left at the scene, it was Orochimaru's ninjutsu.

"Are you sure?" When Hokage asked, Jiraiya personally stepped forward and began to check.

Although the sky is getting dark, it does not affect Jiraiya's evidence collection.

"When we arrived, Orochimaru must have just left not long ago. In our haste, we were unable to clean up the scene in time. Uchiha Qing looked at Hokage.

"That's what Orochimaru said." Jiraiya choked with a lump in his throat.

Although Orochimaru left Konoha Village, his relationship with Jiraiya and Tsunade was so deep that they would not be cut off easily.

"Orochimaru took advantage of the Kazekage to come to our Chinese Hidden World Village and actually killed the Kazekage. I don't know what the conspiracy was." Uchiha Ao frowned.

"Jiraiya." Hokage was furious and said: "Go check the traces of Orochimaru immediately."

"Master." Jiraiya was stunned.

Hokage glanced at Jiraiya from the corner of his eye and said: "Now I am giving you orders in the name of Hokage.

"But I may not be Orochimaru's opponent." Jiraiya frowned.

"You don't have to kill Orochimaru with your own hands, as long as you can find his traces." Hokage said: "If you have news, you can send a signal to the village, or you can send a signal to the Huaxia Hidden World Village, and we will naturally come."

"Yes." Jiraiya disappeared from the spot.

Uchiha Qing frowned slightly, the Hokage had already sent people, and Huaxia Hidden World Village would send people no matter what.

"Sasuke." Uchiha Qing looked at Sasuke himself.

Sasuke lowered his head and said, "I understand, brother."

Sasuke's figure left and disappeared.

Kazekage's body has been found, which is not a good thing for Hokage and Uchiha Ao.

At night, everyone returned to the hidden village, and Hokage and Uchiha Ao were sitting in the conference room.

"Although the Kazekage was killed this time, our meeting will continue as usual." Hokage took a deep breath.

Uchiha Qing supported (Li Dezhao)'s head with both hands and said: "I guess Master Hokage will do something this time?"

Hokage raised his head and looked at Uchiha Ao, and said: "Originally we planned to support the country of Yu, but now that the Kazekage is killed, Sunagakure will inevitably be in some turmoil.

The strength of Konoha, Sunagakure, and the Chinese Hidden World Village has been weakened. Under the current circumstances, it is no longer feasible to quell the Yuno Country war in the form of an alliance.

"What if it's not an alliance?" Uchiha Ao laughed.

Hokage raised his hat and looked surprised.

"What do you mean?" Hokage asked confused.

Uchiha Ao laughed and said: "The Akatsuki organization is not only the enemy of the Ninja League, but also the enemy of Uchiha Ao. Now that they have begun to invade the country of Yu, the country of Yu has made a request to our Chinese Hidden World Village, so we must Lend a helping hand.”

"Are you planning to use the power of the Chinese Hidden World Village?" Hokage asked. .

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