Cheng Mengmeng took a deep breath and saw Uchiha Qing's extremely confident expression, but did not stop him in any way.

"If you insist, I will stay in the village, but nothing will happen to you this time." Cheng Mengmeng stepped forward and said.

Cheng Mengmeng always felt a little bad, because after all, this time Uchiha Qing was heading to the Kingdom of Yu, and the other party was a joint effort between the Akatsuki organization and Iwagakure.

Iwagakure is one of the five major villages in the Ninja League. Although it is not as strong as Muye, its ninjutsu is not as lethal as that of Cloud Shinobi Village.

But Iwagakure must be the village with the largest territory and the most ninjas among the five major villages. The last ninja war was also started by Iwagakure.

The people of Iwagakure have long been jealous of the geographical location of Konoha Village, and they have wanted to defeat Konoha Village several times.

It just failed many times, but this time Iwagakure was smart and took advantage of the war between the people of Rain Shinobi Village and the Kingdom of Yu, and began to take advantage of it to divide the Kingdom of Yu.

Once Yunokuni falls, Konoha Village will be completely exposed to Iwagakure's attack range, and there will be no buffer barrier.

A war between the Ninja Alliance may break out at any time. The safety of Konoha Village may not be that important to Uchiha Ao, but once a Ninja War breaks out, Huaxia Hidden World Village will definitely be implicated.

Uchiha Qing looked at Jujiro and said: "You rush to Yuno Country first."

This time, the Huaxia Hidden World Village sent not many people, but they were all elite ninjas, and Uchiha didn't want to suffer any big losses.

Jujiro is currently the one who can be appointed as the vanguard. Sasuke is tracking Orochimaru, and now Uchiha Qing has Jujiro take action.

"Yes, Uchiha Ao god-tier." Jujiro quickly left.

In the Huaxia Hidden Village, following Uchiha Qing's actions, Lin Jiachen began to prepare.

"Uchiha Qing god-tier, we will encounter many difficulties this time when we go there. Do you want Samyi to come back?" Lin Jiachen asked Uchiha Qing.

Samyi is still guarding the border of Huaxia Hermitage Village. If she also withdraws, there will be less people to guard the border of Huaxia Hermitage Village.

"She will stay at the border for the time being." Uchiha Qing looked at Lin Jiachen and said, "I will leave the people in the village to you.

Lin Jiachen felt a burst of pressure.

"Uchiha Qing god-tier, you are acting like a scapegoat again." Lin Jiachen smiled bitterly.

This time, Uchiha Ao was not able to get rid of his burden easily, but if he followed the army, it would take a lot of time.

Uchiha Qing plans to lead Kimimaro's team to support Jujiro behind him, and the teams in Li Zhen's Hidden World Village are divided into three groups.

Pathfinder Jujiro and his team went to reconnoiter the crisis ahead, while Uchiha Ao and Kimimaro followed closely behind.

Often the enemy will not attack Jujiro's team easily, because they know that they are only here for reconnaissance, so they will focus all their attention on the follow-up troops.

This time, the Huaxia Hidden World Village sent out a small number of ninjas, but each one was an elite ninja. It would be very difficult to encounter an ambush.

Uchiha Qingcai and Kimimaro became the second line of sight to ensure the safety of Lin Jiachen's ninja army behind them.

"This matter is very important, you can't take it lightly." Uchiha Qing patted Lin Jiachen on the shoulder and said.

Suddenly, Lin Jiachen looked extremely serious.

"Uchiha god-tier, since you entrusted your troops to me, I will naturally not let you down." Lin Jiachen lowered his head and said.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath. It will take some time for the ninjas in Huaxia Hidden World Village to gather together, and Jujiro has been gone for a while.

"Kimimaro, we can go." Uchiha Qing said to Kimimaro beside him.

Kimimaro lowered his head and said, "Yes, Uchiha Aoten God."

As Uchiha Ao gave orders, Kimimaro and his squad followed Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Ao's team has a total of seven people, which can be regarded as an extremely large team.

In particular, Uchiha Ao is among them, which greatly improves the combat effectiveness of Kimimaro's team.

"Uchiha Qing god-tier, there seems to be someone in front of me." Not long after leaving Huaxia Hidden Village, a person stood in the woods.

Kimimaro narrowed his eyes, sensing the other person.

"I already knew. You and your men went ahead, and I will come over later." Uchiha Qing said to Kimimaro.

Because the person in front of Uchiha Qing is none other than Tsunade of Konoha Village.

Tsunade originally wanted to return to Novice Village, but he knew that Uchiha Ao was going to the country of Yu, so he came here to wait for Uchiha Ao himself.

"It's you." Uchiha Qing stopped, and Kimimaro and others left.


Tsunade raised his head and looked at Kimimaro as he left, saying: "I have seen Jujiro and others leaving, and I know you will follow closely."

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and said: "I didn't expect the support coming to Yuno Country this time."

Originally, Konoha Village held a meeting of the Three Kingdoms Alliance, and Konoha Village had already taken the lead. However, the Kazekage was assassinated by Orochimaru. Orochimaru was once a member of Konoha Village. In addition, some time ago, the Konoha Village group was closely united with Orochimaru.

Now Konoha Village seems to be in a dilemma even if it wants to support Yuno Country.

"Hokage-sama has left the village?" Uchiha Qing looked at Tsunade and asked.

Tsunade nodded and said, "That's right."

"What instructions did he give you when he left?" Uchiha Ao leaned against the tree and asked Tsunade.


Tsunade bit her lip, this was something she shouldn't have said to Uchiha Qing himself. Uchiha Qing must be from the Hidden World Village in China.

"Master Hokage asked me to support Jiraiya at any time this time. If Orochimaru can be executed, then Konoha Village can answer to Sunagakure." Tsunade said.

"Apart from these?" Uchiha Ao obviously didn't ask about this kind of thing.

There is indeed some distance between Konoha Village and Sunagakure now, but after all, because of the alliance between the two countries, they have a deep understanding.

Therefore, Uchiha Qing knew very well that as long as Konoha Village remained strong, Sunagakure would not dare to make any move.

"He made me wary of you. After Feng Ying was assassinated, the relationship between the Three Kingdoms Alliance has undergone subtle changes. The power of Huaxia Hidden World Village may surpass Sunagakure at any time.

Tsunade raised his head and said.

Uchiha Ao laughed, he knew that Hokage had always been wary of Uchiha Ao himself.

"I guessed that Hokage was wary of me. Didn't he give any other instructions that were detrimental to our Chinese Hidden World Village?" Uchiha Ao frowned.

Now that Uchiha Ao himself is leaving, it's better to be careful about this kind of thing. As the saying goes, those who harm others must not be defensive.

"Of course not, who do you think we are from Konoha Village?" Tsunade said angrily.

Uchiha Ao took a deep breath. He knew that asking this was a bit rude, but because Uchiha Ao must leave Murakomaru. .

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