"I'm sorry, you know I haven't been in the village during this time. The biggest threat to Huaxia Hidden World Village now is none other than Konoha Village. As long as Konoha Village doesn't stab Huaxia Hidden World Village behind, I believe no one will dare to attack Huaxia Hidden World Village. Shimura takes action." Uchiha Qing said with great certainty.

Looking at the distribution of Ninja Alliance forces, Konoha Village is the most powerful, but Huaxia Hidden World Village and Konoha Village are already in an alliance.

The Hokage may be wary of Uchiha Qing, and secretly wary of the Chinese Hidden Village, but they are not enemies after all.

As long as Konoha Village doesn't take action when Uchiha Qing goes out this time, then other forces will not have the ability to do so.

The people of the two villages of Yunwu have long been defeated by Uchiha Ao, especially Cloud Shinobi Village, which has signed a temporary ceasefire agreement with Huaxia Hidden World Village. Once Uchiha Ao leaves and attacks Huaxia Hidden World Village, "Zero Five Seven" Then it is a direct provocation to the Three Kingdoms Alliance of Huaxia Hidden Village, Konoha Village, and Sunagakure.

Such a result will only trigger a ninja war. No one wants such a thing. Even if Raikage has a bad temper, he will not do such a stupid thing.

The forces in the five major villages dare not touch the Huaxia Hidden World Village, so the other small villages in the Ninja Alliance are attached to the five major villages, let alone the Huaxia Hidden World Village.

In the Ninja Alliance, there are only two forces that dare to take action against Uchiha Aomura, one is Orochimaru and the other is Akatsuki.

Akatsuki is deeply involved in the war in Yuno Country and has no time to care about it. Orochimaru is being pursued, so the other idle players have no strength to threaten Huaxia Cun.

"I know what you are worried about, but we in Konoha Village will not do such a thing. At this time, once Konoha Village loses the ally of Huaxia Hidden World Village, won't it put itself in danger?" Tsunade stepped forward and said.

Uchiha Ao took a deep breath, Tsunade at least gave the attitude of Konoha Village, so Uchiha Den

"If you think so, it seems that Hokage will not do anything detrimental to our Chinese Hidden World Village. I am too worried." Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said: "I want to leave here, you wait for me in Novice Village. "

"Why should we women always be your men?" Tsunade shook off Uchiha Ao's hand.

Uchiha Ao was stunned. Tsunade seemed a little shy about Uchiha Ao's approach a second ago, but this second he was very disgusted.

"Don't you want to?" Uchiha Qing asked.

Tsunade said without hesitation: "I don't want to."

For a while, the woods were extremely quiet.

Tsunade gritted his teeth and said: "I don't want to wait here, I want to go to the Kingdom of Yu with you.

"What?" Uchiha Ao finally understood what Tsunade meant. At this moment, even Uchiha Ao himself was shocked.

"That's right, waiting for you here is very passive. If something happens to you on the battlefield, I can't help you at all." Tsunade raised his head and said firmly: "I want to go to the battlefield with you."

Uchiha Ao took a breath and said, "But even so, if Hokage finds out, he may summon you back to Konoha Village at any time."

"I can't control so much anymore. Don't forget, I am a real medical ninja. When I enter the battlefield, I will be of great help to you and your Chinese Hidden World Village." Tsunade stepped forward and said.

Uchiha Ao frowned, Tsunade was right, but if Tsunade went to Yu no Kuni and people knew about it, I'm afraid things between Uchiha Ao and Tsunade would no longer be able to be concealed in the future.

It's okay for Uchiha Qing to be in Huaxia Hidden Village. As long as he can talk to Cheng Mengmeng and Lin Jiachen and maintain trust in Tsunade, Tsunade will have no problem entering Huaxia Hidden Village.

It's just that how could the people of Konoha Village really let Tsunade leave? Hokage would definitely be the first to not allow such a thing to happen.

"Are you going to Yu no Kuni?" Uchiha Ao began to hesitate.

Tsunade said with absolute certainty: "That's right, I want to go."

For Tsunade, she will not wait for Uchiha Ao to come back in Novice Village, Tsunade will take the initiative to follow Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and said, "But if you follow me, things will be very troublesome later on."

"I've already said that I'm not afraid of trouble." Tsunade stepped forward and grabbed Uchiha Qing's hand and said, "Take me with you. I can help the ninjas of your Chinese Hidden World Village with treatment." Tsunade said affectionately.

Tsunade is right. On the battlefield, what is most lacking is medical ninja. Although the Chinese Hidden World Village has risen, Uchiha Qing is powerful.

But in terms of medical ninjas, Huaxia Hidden World Village is not even comparable to Konoha Village, even the other five major villages are not as good as 0...

"If you insist on going, just come with me." Uchiha Ao looked at Tsunade and said.

A smile appeared on Tsunade's face and he looked at Uchiha Ao in front of him.

"Are you telling the truth?" Tsunade held Uchiha Ao's hand.

Uchiha Qing almost couldn't help but smile. Tsunade had a serious expression just now, but now she looks like a little girl again.

"Of course." Uchiha Qing took a deep breath, quickly came to Tsunade, and said, "If you go this time, don't reveal your identity unless it is absolutely necessary."

Tsunade froze in place, frowning slightly.

"You mean, if I reveal my whereabouts in Yuno Country, I will definitely attract the attention of others?" Tsunade turned around and said.

Uchiha Ao nodded slightly. After all, Tsunade was a ninja from Konoha Village and a legendary Sannin.

"This is easy to handle. At worst, I will disguise myself as a man. It's not like I have never done this before." Tsunade waved his long hair and quickly tied it into a braid.

Suddenly, Uchiha Ao was stunned on the spot. Tsunade's character of doing whatever he said really caught Uchiha Ao off guard.

Tsunade walked behind the tree and said, "Don't peek at me.

Uchiha Qing stood there seriously and said, "I don't want to watch."

But Uchiha Ao's peripheral vision still glanced behind the trees curiously, wanting to know what Tsunade's posture was when changing clothes. 2.

Just as Uchiha Ao took two steps, Tsunade came out from behind the tree.

"What do you want to do?" Tsunade's eyelids fluttered, looking like he was beating a pervert to death.

Uchiha Ao was trembling in his heart. Tsunade's incredible power was unrivaled in the Ninja League. Compared to Tsunade's monster power alone, Uchiha Ao couldn't even compare.

"I'm just helping you protect this place, yes, I'm protecting this place." Uchiha Ao coughed.

Tsunade was the only one who could let Uchiha Ao guard in the Ninja League. Seeing Uchiha Ao's serious look, Tsunade quickly stepped forward and said, "Really?"

Uchiha Qing nodded slightly and said, "Of course I speak from the heart.

Tsunade said mischievously: "I'm kidding you.".

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