"Are you kidding?" Uchiha Ao finally reacted.

Tsunade turned around with a proud expression.

"That's right. Who told you to moji? It's impossible for you to see me changing clothes. Maybe you can even see my underwear. I'm wearing an extremely sexy dress." Tsunade said with a smug look on his face. .

Uchiha Qing clenched his fist tightly, and suddenly felt that there was an opportunity to take action.

I wanted to pick up countless girls, but I fell into Tsunade's hands. Uchiha Qing cursed himself in his heart, why are you so honest?

Tsunade turned to look at Uchiha Qing and said, "You must be very upset, but there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

Tsunade changed into the clothes of a ninja from a hidden Chinese village. After slightly modifying his appearance, others couldn't tell at all.

"There will be plenty of opportunities in the future." Uchiha Qing kept nodding and said, "What you said makes sense, so I will let you go this time."

Tsunade was stunned, seeing the impulsive look in Uchiha's blue eyes behind him.

"Hey you gangster, it turns out you have other plans in mind. Tell me, what are they?" Tsunade pointed at Uchiha Ao and asked.

Naturally, Uchiha Qing couldn't say such a dirty thing, and it would just rot in his stomach.

"Let's go, Kimimaro and the others are still waiting for us in front." Uchiha Ao looked at Tsunade.

The two headed towards Kimimaro. Seeing that Uchiha Ao had not followed, Kimimaro waited with his team.

Uchiha Ao and Tsunade appeared, and Kimimaro stood up.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, Tsunade." Kimimaro looked Tsunade up and down in disbelief.

Tsunade was stunned and said: "Can you recognize me dressed like this?"

Kimimaro kept shaking his head. If Kimimaro hadn't seen Tsunade earlier, he would not have recognized Tsunade himself.

"I can't recognize you. If I hadn't seen you just now, I wouldn't have thought it was you." Kimimaro said with great certainty.

Uchiha Ao smiled slightly. Now with Tsunade, Uchiha Ao's team now has eight people.

According to the practice of the Ninja Alliance, there are enough people for two teams.

It's just that this is a time of war, and Uchiha must be divided into such details.

"Let's set off to clear the way for Lin Jiachen and others." Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said.

"Yes." Kimimaro and others said.

The eight figures began to move towards the country of Yu. After three days and three nights of trekking, the eight figures of Uchiha Qing finally arrived outside the country of Yu.

According to the clues Jujiro left along the way, at least now Jujiro's team has not encountered anything wrong.

"This is the territory leading to the Kingdom of Yu. Now that the Kingdom of Yu is in flames of war, people are beginning to escape, and only we will enter like this." Kimima Kushi stepped forward and said.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and said: "In this case, we will not be able to hide our identities."

The people of Yunokuni fled their homes, and Uchiha Ao and others went upstream. It was obvious that they would be noticed along the way.

"As a result, it will be difficult for us to escape." Tsunade frowned.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and said: "We will stay here for a day and wait until the big team arrives before setting off.

The roads within the Kingdom of Tang are places where it is easy to ambush. If there are natural dangers and obstacles, if they are ambushed, the people of Huazhang Yinshi Village will definitely be hit hard.

"Yes." Kimimaro and the others lowered their heads and said.

In Yunokuni, eight people from Uchiha Qing walked to the small town. The people here seemed very indifferent. Even in the lively market, there was no one.

"Boss, come to three rooms." Kimimaro stepped forward and said to the hotel owner.

The hotel owner frowned, glanced at Uchiha Aoba, took out the room key, and asked the boy in the hotel to take Uchiha Aoba upstairs.

Three houses, one for Uchiha Ao and Tsunade, and two for Kimimaro.

"Why do I want to live with Uchiha Ao?" Tsunade said with a wary look.

Kimimaro was stunned and said, "Don't you live together?"

Kimimaro thought that Uchiha Ao already lived with Tsunade, so he asked for three rooms.

"I didn't develop so quickly with Uchiha Ao." Tsunade stepped forward and said, "I am here to help you this time as an ally."

Kimimaro looked at Uchiha Ao himself, and then realized that he was a bit reckless, and quickly went down to make a replacement, but the room was no longer enough.

"Forget it, I'll squeeze into the same room with you." Uchiha Ao looked at Kimimaro and said.

Kimimaro was stunned and said: "But Uchiha Ao god-tier, how can you live with us?"

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and said, "That's all, who told us to only need three rooms?"

Immediately, following Uchiha Ao's words, Kimimaro led Uchiha Ao into the house.

In fact, the hotel room is very small, and it is more than enough to accommodate three people. Once Uchiha Qing comes in, there will be one more person patrolling outside.

In the house, three people were huddled together to rest, while another person was patrolling outside, taking turns guarding.

But when Uchiha Ao comes, Kimimaro seems a little embarrassed and is ready to let his two subordinates take turns together.

350 "Forget it, I didn't explain it clearly before, so Kimimaro was in trouble, come with me." Tsunade entered the room and realized that the room was very small, so if Uchiha Ao, Kimimaro and others were to squeeze together, it would definitely be crowded. stand up.

Uchiha Ao was stunned and looked at Tsunade beside him.

"Do you really want me to live with you?" Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly.

Tsunade held Uchiha Qing's collar with one hand and said, "When did I look like I was joking?"

Uchiha Qing entered the room, Tsunade sat on the bed and looked at Uchiha Qing.

"I'll sleep on the bed and you sleep on the floor." Tsunade said.

Uchiha Qing had already guessed that Tsunade would say this. Although the two of them had an inexplicable relationship in private, it was not enough for the two of them to sleep in the same bed.

"I understand." Uchiha Ao spread a quilt on the floor and quickly started to fall asleep.

Tsunade walked into the bathroom and started to take a shower. It must be at this moment that Tsunade was with several stinky men, and he smelled bad.

Tsunade, who was wearing pajamas, opened the bathroom door and saw Uchiha Ao sleeping on the floor with her eyes closed and walking cautiously around the room on her toes.

"Hey." Tsunade knelt down and poked Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha Ao's body shook slightly, but there was no reaction at all. .

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