The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 507 This Is A Complete Coincidence

"This is a complete coincidence." Uchiha Ao stood up and said.

Tsunade had just finished taking a shower, and her skin was tender and tender. After looking at Uchiha Ao himself, she snorted coldly.

"You men are all scoundrels." Tsunade said with great disdain.

Tsunade grew up with Jiraiya. Tsunade has seen a lot of Jiraiya's gangster methods.

Coupled with Orochimaru's support, Tsunade already knew almost all of the man's methods. Uchiha Ao's behavior just now seemed nothing to Tsunade.

"I couldn't even wash myself off if I jumped into the Yellow River." Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly.

Uchiha Ao just wanted to open his eyes slightly, but unfortunately he happened to see Tsunade's scene, and Tsunade finally began to question Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath, stepped forward and said, "I have followed your wishes and slept under the bed. You should rest assured."

Tsunade shook his head, looking wary.

"Who knows if you will do anything at night." Tsunade raised his head and said.

Uchiha's eyeliner turned dark. Is he so vulgar? Tsunade said he didn't have any taste at all.

"Action, I will definitely not do such a thing." Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly.

Tsunade quickly put on his coat and began to take out the thin thread and wrapped it around the bed, leaving no gaps at all.

"What is this?" Uchiha Ao was shocked.

Tsunade said rudely: "Didn't you see the mechanism I specially installed to prevent you?"

Uchiha Qing was stunned and suddenly dumbfounded.

"What mechanism is this?" Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly.

The depths of Tsunade are in the thin lines that surround the entire bed.

"This is called anti-wolf tactic, and I specially invented it after meeting Jiraiya." Tsunade said with great pride.

Uchiha's green eyes darkened and he lowered his head, completely defeated by Tsunade.

"How can I compare to the old gangster Jiraiya"'. "After Uchiha Qing finished speaking, he suddenly felt that his expression was wrong.

"So you think you, Jiraiya, are pretty powerful." Tsunade said, "I do think so."

Uchiha Ao took a deep breath and looked at Tsunade.

"Forget it, the more you explain, the less clear it becomes." Uchiha Qing turned around and said, "But don't worry, I won't do what you said.

Tsunade has already wrapped the fine line anyway, and now she said bluntly: "The more men say this, the more they will do the opposite.

Uchiha Ao pretended not to hear, quickly closed his eyes and began to fall asleep.

Tsunade looked a little unhappy when Uchiha Ao didn't respond.

"You stupid young man, don't you know if you can talk to me for a few more words, maybe I will remove these thin threads and let you sleep on the bed." After Tsunade muttered to himself, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

For a moment, Uchiha Qing looked at Tsunade and smiled slightly.

In fact, Uchiha Ao still understands what Tsunade thinks, but now that he is in the country of Yu, Uchiha Ao has to put his mind here.

Lin Jiachen's team will arrive in three days, and Uchiha Qing must check whether the surroundings are safe within three days.

During the night, a cool breeze blew. Uchiha Ao felt a chill while sleeping on the ground and shivered slightly.

Tsunade fell asleep, and the room seemed very quiet. When Uchiha Qing opened his eyes, he stood up, looked into the room, and walked into the bathroom to relax.

After Uchiha Ao was finished, he saw Tsunade on the bed.

"Measures to prevent wolves?" Uchiha Qing snorted and said, "Can this kind of thing also prevent people?"

Although the thin lines were densely packed around Tsunade, Uchiha Ao could see clearly that there were still gaps among them.

Uchiha Qing's hand tried to pass through the thin thread, showing a look of disdain.

"Is this considered a wolf prevention measure?" The moment Uchiha Ao was about to withdraw his hand, he felt as if the skin of his fingers had touched something.

"What? A thin moving line was made in the dark?" Uchiha Ao took a big bite.

But when Uchiha Ao reacted, the mechanism had been triggered. Uchiha Ao's hand was entangled with thin threads, and his whole body began to move, and he kept falling towards Tsunade on the bed.

"Asshole." Tsunade roared angrily, and when he stretched out his fist, he saw Uchiha Ao's face, and pushed Uchiha Ao away.

Uchiha Ao seemed a little shy. He didn't really want to touch Tsunade, he just wanted to test Tsunade's anti-wolf measures.

"What did I say?" Tsunade pushed Uchiha Ao away, and after turning on the light, Uchiha Ao's hands were entangled with thin threads.

"This is a misunderstanding, do you believe it?" Uchiha Qing really fell into Tsunade's hands this time.

Tsunade looked questioning.

"I've been kissed by you, and I've been touched by you. You told me it was a misunderstanding. What do you mean?" Natsu asked Uchiha Ao with a face on his face.

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Uchiha Qing's forehead, and a flame appeared between his hands, quickly burning the thin thread.

"I'm just testing your anti-wolf measures. It's really good." Uchiha Ao kept nodding his head, with a lump in his throat.

Tsunade saw Uchiha Ao fall to the ground, covered his mouth and snickered.

Uchiha Ao is gray-headed, Tsunade has been with Jiraiya for a long time, and has various ways to guard against men. Eight Gate.

In the past, Uchiha Qing might not have believed it, but now he has finally learned it.

Early in the morning, before Uchiha Ao woke up, he only felt someone pressing on his body.

"What to do?" Uchiha Ao didn't have to guess, it must be Tsunade.

Tsunade smiled and said: "You took advantage of me last night, will you let me take it back in the morning?"

"What?" Uchiha Qing saw Tsunade on him, and hoped that Tsunade could occupy it for a while longer, so he said: "If you are willing, you can do whatever you want, I don't mind."

Tsunade smiled at the corner of his mouth, and prepared to take out his hands that had been hidden behind his back. They found a bunch of bells.

"Bell?" Uchiha Ao was stunned.

Tsunade took Uchiha Ao's wrist and said: "Wear this bell on your wrist. I believe that whatever you do in the future will definitely cause a lot of noise.

Uchiha Ao was completely speechless. After one night, Tsunade came up with such an ingenious idea.

After bringing the bell to Uchiha Ao, Tsunade leaned in front of Uchiha Ao.

"It's not easy to be my man, you have to work hard." Tsunade smiled.

Uchiha Ao's throat was choked, and he suddenly didn't want to be Tsunade's man. As long as he had the opportunity to take advantage of Tsunade, Uchiha Ao was actually very satisfied.

At this time, the door opened, and Kimimaro and others were stunned. .

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