Although the child was well hidden, when he himself was attacked by Tsunade, the child instinctively released Chakra.

"He is a ninja. It seems that our every move is being monitored." Uchiha Qing sneered.

In his opinion, he did not expect that he was being monitored here.

"You are really looking for death. Didn't I say that I have nothing to do with this guy?" Tsunade walked towards Xiao'er angrily.

The child raised his head with a troubled expression and said, "You didn't tell me at all."

Tsunade no longer listened to Xiao'er's explanation, and grabbed Xiao'er by hand.

"I told you." Tsunade yelled and said, "But now you know what will happen, it's too late, I'm going to kill you."

Uchiha Qing stood up. The child came to monitor Uchiha Qing. Uchiha Qing didn't know the other party's identity yet.

"Tsuna." Uchiha Qing thought about it, immediately changed his title, and said, "Actually, you really didn't say that.

Tsunade was stunned and let go of the child's collar with one hand, causing the child to fall to the ground on the spot.

"Didn't I say that?" Tsunade asked Uchiha Ao with wide eyes.

Uchiha Qing walked to the child, helped the child up with one hand, and threw a lot of tips to the child.

"You didn't say at all that you had nothing to do with him." Uchiha Qing turned around and said, "My friend has a bad temper, so you don't take it to heart."

"I don't dare." Xiao'er glanced at Tsunade's face and said, "But what does your friend do? Why is he so strong?"

"Am I strong? To deal with a weakling like you, I can do it with just one finger." Tsunade raised his fist and said.

Suddenly, following Tsunade's words, a fierce look appeared.

The child froze in place, and Tsunade slightly stretched out a finger.

"Hurry up and leave." Uchiha Qing reminded the child beside him.

The child reacted and quickly turned around to leave. The child who didn't pay attention tripped to the ground on the spot and ran outside with a hurried expression.

As the child left in a hurry, Tsunade laughed.

"What a rookie." Tsunade turned around and sat on the chair.

When the child was running away, his head kept turning to look behind him.

"The acting is really good." Uchiha Ao sneered.

The moment Uchiha Ao closed the door, he smiled slightly.

Originally, Tsunade was no longer angry, at least not as angry as before, but Uchiha Ao's words made Tsunade a little unhappy.

"What did you say?" Tsunade frowned and stepped forward and said, "Am I acting?"

Uchiha Ao shook his head and looked at the wall beside him, which was where the child was hit by Tsunade just now.

"What are you thinking about?" Tsunade asked Uchiha Ao next to him.

Uchiha Qing smiled and slowly squatted down.

"I'm not talking about you acting, but the kid who left just now." Uchiha Qing said: "He is a ninja."

"Ninja?" Tsunade was shocked and said: "Impossible, he didn't show any flaws in my unexpected attack just now.

"The flaw has been exposed, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed it." Uchiha Qing touched the wall dust on the ground, frowned slightly, and said, "It's really amazing. If I hadn't accidentally noticed the Chakra next to him, See through it.

Following Uchiha Ao's words, Tsunade was stunned.

"He revealed the Chakra?" Tsunade stepped forward.

Uchiha Ao nodded and looked at Tsunade beside him.

"That's right, the child showed Chakra when you attacked him." Uchiha laughed.

0…Please give me flowers…

"How come I didn't notice it?" Tsunade was shocked.

Tsunade was in front of the child, and Uchiha Ao stood up and clapped his hands.

"When you are angry, you are simply wary of the child in front of you, but my eyes are attracted by you, and I am ready to help the child at any time, but I never expected that I found Chakra leaking around him." Uchiha Qing laughed. .

Following Uchiha Ao's words, Nashou narrowed his eyes.

"If the child is a ninja, then there is a problem with this hotel. Who could it be?" Tsunade became confused.


Uchiha Ao slowly sat on the chair and smiled: "No need to ask, it must be Iwagakure's spy.

"Iwagakure's spies, why aren't they from the Akatsuki organization?" Tsunade snorted coldly.

Uchiha Qing smiled, picked up the tea cup and said: "Because Akatsuki would not do such a clumsy thing. Have you forgotten that if Akatsuki wants to inquire about our whereabouts, we have almost no way of knowing."

Uchiha Ao's extraordinary detection ability ranks first in the Ninja League. Uchiha Ao knows very well that if Akatsuki comes to conduct reconnaissance, it will be difficult for Uchiha Ao and others to detect it.

"What you said makes sense. Since Iwagakure's spies are here, then." Tsunade stood up and said, "Iwagakure's people will definitely come here."

Uchiha Qing laughed, and a figure disappeared from the place.

At night, the door to the children's room suddenly opened, and a figure began to move towards the woods.

In the night sky, Uchiha Qing's eyes were watching the actions of the child in front of him. At this moment, he followed Ogawa to the woods.

Uchiha Ao and Tsunade hid behind the tree, showing a look of disdain. .

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