The child looked around, quickly took out the carrier pigeon that had been prepared in his arms, and put Superstition Han in.

The pigeon flew up and the child's figure quickly disappeared into the woods.

Uchiha Ao's eyes appeared and he smiled. When Uchiha Ao knew the identity of the child, he already thought that he would send the information back.

"He really is a spy." Tsunade snorted coldly.

Uchiha Ao's figure slowly appeared, chasing the homing pigeon, and the homing pigeon headed in the direction of Iwagakure.

When the pigeon was about to fly high into the sky, Uchiha Ao flew up, grabbed the pigeon in mid-air, and took out the pigeon's note.

"The traces of Uchiha Ao have been identified. They are at the border of Yuno Country. They are waiting to join the army of the Hidden World Village of China behind them. A mysterious man appears next to them. It seems to be Uchiha Ao's man. They did not expect Uchiha Ao's "Nine-Seven" Qi: "Fortunately, this one." Uchiha's eyes darkened, and he choked up as he looked at the words of information.

Tsunade laughed and said, "I believe that the news about Uchiha Ao becoming a short-sleeved girl will spread throughout the Ninja League soon."

"Are you happy about this?" Uchiha glanced at Tsunade beside him.

Tsunade had not taken the initiative to pay attention to Uchiha Ao in front of him all day, but now he saw the note from the child and started laughing.

"It's really funny. It's fun to think about this kind of thing. No matter where you go in the future, I believe there will be a handsome man hooking up with you in order to become the strongest ninja." Tsunade said proudly.

Uchiha's green eyeliner darkened and he slowly lowered his head.

"Damn it." Uchiha Ao quickly put the note in intact. Uchiha Ao didn't want this note to be sent to Iwagakure. Who knows what the people in Iwagakure would say.

It's just that at this moment, Uchiha Qing can't intercept the information, otherwise Iwagakure's people will notice it soon.

It will take two days for the army led by Lin Jiachen to arrive. Now Uchiha Ao must take confidentiality measures to see how Iwagakure will act.

"Let's go." Uchiha Qing looked at Tsunade beside him.

Tsunade raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Uchiha Ao beside him.

"You still have to thank you properly this time. If it weren't for me, how would you know that the kid in the hotel is a ninja from Iwagakure." Tsunade said to Uchiha Qing.

Uchiha Qing took a breath and turned to look at Tsunade. Tsunade was in a good mood.

"Aren't you going to ignore me all day?" Uchiha Ao put one hand on the branch and pressed Tsunade on top of him.

"You're talking nonsense." Tsunade's face turned red and he turned his head, not daring to look Uchiha in the eye.

Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes and said, "Am I talking nonsense?"

Obviously Uchiha Qing was not talking nonsense at this moment, but when Uchiha Qing was so close to Tsunade, Tsunade was almost shy and charming.

"You are so charming even if you are dressed as a man." Uchiha Qing took a deep breath, his heart racing.

Tsunade was stunned, gently pushing Uchiha Ao himself, and said: "Don't be like this, you'd better go back quickly, otherwise it will be easy for others to see you."

"See?" Uchiha Ao laughed. Who would come to this grove in the middle of the night? It must be only Iwagakure, a spy.

Tsunade kept pushing Uchiha Ao, but he couldn't push Uchiha Ao.

"Don't force me to take action." Tsunade said angrily: "I am very powerful, you know this."

Before Tsunade could finish speaking, Uchiha Ao's figure forcefully kissed Tsunade. In the woods, Tsunade's body was leaning tightly against the branches, and his hands kept grasping Uchiha Ao's sleeves.

"What are you going to do?" Tsunade asked confused.

The moonlight shone on Tsunade's face, and that shy expression made Uchiha Aomoto look flat.

Now Uchiha Ao knows that he wants to get Tsunade himself.

"What did you say you were going to do?" Uchiha Aoichi hugged Tsunade tightly.

Tsunade was stunned. At this time, all the strength in his body seemed to have disappeared, and he could only hold Uchiha Ao's sleeves tightly with both hands.

"Uchiha Ao, please don't do this, okay?" Tsunade said to Uchiha Ao.

The moment Uchiha Qing pinched Tsunade's chest, Tsunade cried out shyly.

In the woods, Uchiha Ao pushed Tsunade and squandered it to his heart's content under the moonlight. Tsunade fell to the ground with a pool of blood flowing out.

For one night, Tsunade became Uchiha Ao's without her.

"Uchiha Ao." When Tsunade woke up the next morning, why didn't he refuse Uchiha Ao last night?

Uchiha became green and said: "What? Someone is coming?"

Tsunade raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you mean you were so tough on me last night..."

Uchiha Qing's throat was choked, Tsunade had already put on clothes, and in the early morning, Tsunade looked even more charming.

"Yes." Uchiha Ao kept nodding.

Tsunade narrowed his eyes and said: "If you want to do it next time, you can't do it forcefully. You have to get my consent. Do you understand?"

"Is there a next time?" Uchiha coughed and kept nodding.

Tsunade suddenly blushed and let go of Uchiha himself.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I felt it was too sudden. We'll do it all at once." Tsunade lowered his head.

Tsunade, who has always been strong, began to feel overwhelmed. She always saw other women snuggling in the arms of men. Although Tsunade was envious, she had never done this.

Uchiha put his hands on Tsunade's shoulder and said: "I understand how you feel, I just like you like this."

Tsunade raised his head and said, "You like it when I'm so cruel to you?"

Uchiha's green eyeliner turned black. Even though Tsunade was the legendary Sannin, he had already become famous in the Ninja League, but after all, he knew nothing about feelings.

"That's natural. You are charming no matter what, especially when you catch me." Uchiha Ao laughed.

Following Uchiha Qing's words, Tsunade's face turned slightly red and she lowered her head.

"You really know how to talk." Tsunade seemed to remember something, and quickly raised his head and said, "Speaking of 5.0, how many women are there? How many ignorant girls have you deceived with this trick."

Uchiha Ao's eyeliner darkened. Fortunately, Uchiha Ao already knew Tsunade's personality that could easily get angry.

"No, you are the last woman." Uchiha said.

Tsunade rubbed his lips slightly, Uchiha Ao was inherently smart and brave, and in a place like the Ninja League, he would definitely attract many members of the opposite sex.

But what Uchiha Qing said just now was enough to make Tsunade tremble.

"You can still talk." Tsunade stood up.

Uchiha Ao wiped his forehead. He seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit last night. He couldn't help it when he saw Tsunade. Now he really regrets it, as if his life will be lost at any time.

By Tsunade's side, Uchiha Ao must be worried. After all, at this moment, Tsunade was extremely conflicted. .

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