The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 519 Iwagakure’S People Come

In front of Kimimaro, he looked at Uchiha Ao's back.

"Boss is really awesome." Kimimaro secretly admired him.

Not long after Uchiha Ao left, several figures came forward with the Iwagakure symbol on their foreheads.

"Boss, it's not good, Iwagakure's people are here." said someone from the Demon Mercenary Group.

The devil was stunned, and the tea cup in his hand fell to the ground.

"Damn it, that guy Uchiha Ao just left, but I didn't expect someone from Iwagakure to come again." The devil ordered.

At this time, the demon quickly got up as Iwagakure came.

"Are the doors closed?" The demon roared: "How could Iwagakure be allowed in?"

The devil's subordinate said: "Boss, our gate was destroyed by Uchiha Qing and has not been repaired yet.

At this time, Iwagakure's people kept walking in, and the people from the demon mercenary group around them couldn't stop them.

"Boss, Iwagakure's people have already entered the yard." Suddenly, the devil's men came one after another.

For a moment, following the words of the devil's men, Iwagakure's people walked into the hall.

"What? Aren't we welcome?" Iwagakure's Jōnin asked.

A smile appeared on the devil's face and he looked at the Iwagakure man in front of him.

"What's going on? It's too late for me to welcome you. How could I not welcome you?" The devil went up and quickly said to Iwagakure's people: "Please sit down."

Iwagakure's Jōnin sat on the chair and turned to look at the demon.

"We are the ninjas of Iwagakure. Are you welcome?" The ninja of Iwagakure asked again.

At this time, the devil smiled and looked indifferent.

"We are all wandering ninjas, not natives of the Country of Yu, so for us, it doesn't matter who becomes the master of this country." The devil stepped forward and said.

Suddenly, Iwagakure's Jōnin smiled and nodded slightly.

"You are very aware of current affairs. The most important thing is not to affect your survival, right?" Iwagakure asked about the devil.

The devil smiled and said, "My lord, I wonder if you have any important matters going deep here?"

"Don't you know it clearly? Uchiha Qing from Huaxia Hidden World Village is nearby, which means that China's Ninja Legion will rush here later." Jōnin from Iwagakure said.

The devil was stunned and said: "Uchiha Ao, he is a very powerful person. If he doesn't have many subordinates, how could he come here in person?"

"Didn't you members of the Demon Legion have a dispute with their subordinates?" Jōnin from Iwagakure stepped forward and said, "Don't you know?"

The devil refused to admit it and said: "We did encounter a difficult opponent in the small town. Are you talking about them?"

"That's right." Iwagakure's Jōnin said: "Only Kimimaro next to Uchiha Ao can use such a powerful blood successor limit."

The devil was immediately stunned and said: "I'm still in the dark that there is such a thing. Fortunately, we haven't gone to deal with this matter yet.

"Isn't it related to the matter of your demon army that you didn't come to deal with it urgently?" Iwagakure was more thoughtful and stepped forward to question: "I saw that your door was vandalized, as if you were in some trouble.

The devil's eyes immediately lit up and he said: "The people from the Angel Mercenary Group on the hill next door came to cause trouble, but we have beaten them away."

"Angel mercenary group?" Jōnin of Iwagakure said: "Why haven't we heard about this?"

The people from Iwagakure came from the angel mercenary group, but they had not heard of any conflict with the demon mercenary group. In addition, at this time, Uchiha Ao was in a small town, so the ninjas from Iwagakure were extremely careful.

Suddenly, the devil said quickly: "What happened just now was also done by outsiders from the Angel Mercenary Group, but we have already reached an agreement."

Since things are like this, then we can rest assured. "Jōnin from the rock gap said.

The devil quickly stepped forward and asked: "Are you here from the Angel Mercenary Group?"

"That's right, we have a very important task to entrust to you this time. Of course, the reward is quite considerable." Iwagakure Jōnin said in an extremely emotional tone.

For a moment, the devil was stunned and stepped forward and said: "What kind of mission is it?"

At this time, Iwagakure Jōnin stood up and said: "The ninja legion ambushed the Huaxia Hidden World Village."

When the devil heard Iwagakure's words, his expression suddenly changed and he kept shaking his head;

"I'm afraid we can't help you with this matter. We are just some skirmishers. How can we compete with the regular ninja army in Huaxia Hidden World Village? Besides, with Uchiha Qing here, we can't hide in time." The devil said truthfully.

0…Please give me flowers…

At this time, Iwagakure's ninja took out a few bags of gold coins and said, "This is your reward."

The devil stood up, showing an extremely shocked expression.

"In this ambush, we, Iwagakure, are the main force, and you are the auxiliary, to help us complete the mission." Jōnin from Iwagakure said.

The devil frowned and rolled his eyes.

"You Iwagakure people also sent ninjas here?" the devil asked.

Iwagakure Jōnin snorted and said: "Uchiha Qing must have thought that we Iwagakure would not send out ninjas to snipe them, but we caught them off guard.

"How many people are here this time?" the devil asked quickly.

Jōnin from Iwagakure said: "We have five hundred elite ninjas here. Do you know how many people the Huaxia Hidden World Village sent to the Country of Yu this time?"

"About two hundred people. The devil took a deep breath.

With such a huge disparity in power, the devil lamented that Iwagakure was indeed one of the top five villages in the Ninja League.

Iwagakure Jōnin said proudly: "It seems that you know a lot more than the angel guy, so I won't talk nonsense to you. Now that we are here, we are hiring local forces such as you demons and angels to form a barrier to stop Uchiha Qing. Waiting for others to enter the Kingdom of Tang."

"But if Uchiha Qing himself is here, how can he stop it?" the devil said in confusion.

Iwagakure Jōnin laughed and said: "Uchiha Qing is just one person. No matter how powerful he is, he cannot control the normal battlefield."

The people of Iwagakure know very well that even if Uchiha Ao wins the local war, as long as enough time is given to the people of Iwagakure to defeat the country of Yu, the final winner will still be you, Iwagakure.

By then, Huaxia Hidden World Village will not be able to stay in Tang Country for a long time without support from the rear.

"Unite us? But don't you already have a ninja army of five hundred people? Why do you still want to unite us?" The devil asked in confusion.

Iwagakure is Jōnin said: "Uchiha Ao himself is very powerful, we plan to attack with the main force, entangle Uchiha Ao, and Kimimaro, the main character."

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