Jōnin from Iwagakure said: "In that case, these are your deposits. Once the thing is successful, we will give you all the rewards."

Iwagakure's man took out half a bag of gold coins, and the devil smiled.

"It's a deal, we, the demon mercenary group, will definitely obey the orders of the Iwagakure people." The demon stepped forward and said.

Iwagakure Jōnin said: "Tomorrow night, we will ambush on the hillside of the mass grave, and you also need to be prepared then.

According to the report from the Iwagakure spy, the people from Huaxia Hidden Village returned here the day after tomorrow.

"Okay." The devil promised firmly.

"Four Nine Seven" Iwagakure's Jōnin turned around and left, and the devil's men couldn't wait to step forward.

"Boss, have you forgotten that we promised Uchiha Qing before that once there is news about Iwagakure, we will definitely tell him. Now we have promised Iwagakure's people. Do you want to side with Iwagakure?" The devil's subordinate asked.

The devil slapped his subordinate's head with one hand and said: "You are mentally ill. You didn't know how powerful Uchiha Ao was before. Even Raikage failed. A majestic Cloud Shinobi Village was beaten to pieces by Uchiha Ao. We are against him." , isn’t it just looking for death?”

Following the devil's words, the devil's men began to become confused.

"But you took money from Iwagakure's people. If we help Uchiha Qing, aren't we afraid that Iwagakure's people will retaliate?" the devil's subordinate asked in confusion.

The devil narrowed his eyes and said, "Of course I'm afraid, but in comparison, Uchiha Qing is a greater threat."

From the devil's point of view, at this time, the matter must be told to Uchiha Ao himself.

"We can only choose Uchiha Qing, who is more reliable, and Iwagakure's Jōnin who may not be telling the truth. Will they really send five hundred people here?" The devil laughed.

The devil's subordinates were stunned and said: "How does the boss know?"

The devil sat on the chair and said: "You don't have to think about it. Although Yuno Country is attacked by Iwagakure and Rain Shinobi Village, it must be a local battle and will not be easily defeated by these people in front of you."

"What do you mean, boss?" The devil's subordinate was puzzled.

The devil narrowed his eyes and said: "Iwagakure's people are tight on the front line, and they want to stop Uchiha Ao's army at this time. In fact, they are just here to stop Uchiha Ao and others' progress. They can be said to be a death squad. If I hadn't guessed If I’m wrong, it’s only about a hundred or so people.”

The devil's men were shocked. The devil had never missed what he said. Otherwise, the devil's mercenary group would not have become the largest force here.

"Boss Yingming, I will go to the town now to inform Uchiha Ao and the others." The devil's subordinate said.

The devil said: "No, I will go there myself this time. You go down first because the outer door is ready."

The people in Iwagakure almost saw the flaw just now. If the devil didn't cover it up, the people in Iwagakure would definitely think that it was Uchiha Ao.

Because in the vicinity, only Uchiha Ao and others had such courage, and others did not dare to come to the demon army to cause trouble.

"Yes." The devil's men left.

The devil sat in the room and closed his eyes.

Although the devil has always been a wandering ninja, years of wandering have made him tough.

"Uchiha Ao." The demon took a deep breath.

As the sky darkened, the devil quickly put on his night clothes and quietly headed towards the town.

At night, Uchiha Ao finally persuaded Tsunade, and just when he was about to lie on the bed, the figure of the devil came...

"It's you again?" Tsunade's eyelids twitched.

The devil was stunned and said: "Uchiha Ao stopped him at the beginning and said that he could not reveal his identity. "Who is he?"

"Who are you?" Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and said, "You come to us again and again?"

Suddenly, the demon quickly took off his mask, revealing his original appearance.

"It's me." The devil stepped forward and said.

From the devil's perspective, he and Uchiha Ao are now on the same team.

"Is that you?" Uchiha Qing looked at Tsunade beside him and said, "You go down first."

What Uchiha Ao said in the woods was heard by the devil, so in order not to reveal Tsunade's identity, Uchiha Ao did not want Tsunade to be at the scene.

Tsunade bowed his head and walked out of the house, and the devil smiled bitterly.

"I didn't expect Uchiha Ao-sama to have such a hobby." The devil stared at Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath, stepped forward and said: "This is my private matter. Last time it seemed that I was not your subordinate, but you."

Uchiha Ao asked about the devil in 3.6 at that time, but the devil said that he sent his subordinates here.

The devil smiled bitterly and said: "After all, I was injured by Kimimaro, but things are urgent today, and there is no need for me to hide.

Uchiha Ao was stunned and stared at the demon in front of him.

"What on earth is going on?" Uchiha Qing asked the demon in front of him.

The devil stepped forward and said: "It's about Iwagakure's movements.

At this moment, following the devil's words, Uchiha Ao was stunned, stepped forward and asked: "Do you have any news about Iwagakure?"

The devil walked up to Uchiha Qing and hesitated slightly. .

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