The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 52: The Night Of Clan Extermination, Advance?

With the sound of the system prompt, the eyes of the players suddenly changed, and a 3D animation appeared in front of their eyes.

The content of the animation is very simple, that is, the leader of the ninja from the Kingdom of Thunder is eyeing the supercilious eyes of the Hyuga clan, hoping to borrow the opportunity of using Konoha Village to kidnap the Hinata of the clan. In the end, the leader of the ninja was killed by Uchiha Qing, and Uchiha Qing came from Hyūga Hinata was recaptured in the arms of the ninja leader, but the news of the ninja leader's death shook Fourth Raikage far away in Cloud Shinobi Village.

In a rage, Fourth Raikage threatened Konoha Village to hand over Uchiha Qing, the culprit, but was rejected by Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato! In the end, Fourth Raikage had no choice but to give up, but he remembered a person's name, that is [Uchiha Qing]!

The scenes of the 3D animation are vivid, as if the characters appear in front of your eyes. Whether it is the grumpy Fourth Raikage or the young and promising Fourth Hokage, they all left a deep impression on the players... Of course, what impresses them the most is naturally the protagonist Uchiha Qing in the animation.

"I didn't expect there to be such a cutscene..."

After watching the cutscene, Li Qing couldn't help laughing. She didn't expect to be able to make a cameo in the animation after completing the weekend mission this time, in front of hundreds of millions of players.

The key thing that he is most proud of is that he finally changed the tragic plot through his own efforts. You know, in the Hyuga incident in the original book, Hyuga Hizashi had to die for Hyuga Hiashi, which led to Hyuga Neji's later hatred of the Hyuga clan.

Of course, the death of Hyuga Hizashi was also related to the environment of Konoha Village at that time. The Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato had just died, and the Uchiha clan secretly planned. Konoha Village lost two important battle forces. Hyuga Hizashi can only die on Hyuga Hiashi's behalf, so as to calm down the turmoil, but now it's different... Namikaze Minato is not dead, the whole Konoha is still full of vitality, Cloud Shinobi can only choose to hide his strength and bide his time in the end.

"I don't remember anyone in the animation, I just remember you, Brother Qing." A pleasant voice sounded, and Sha Mei blinked her big eyes and leaned over, "I also seem to be the protagonist in front of hundreds of millions of players." , I feel that this is a super cool thing!"

"As long as you have my strength, you can do it too." Li Qing said with a narcissistic smile.

"Tch, you play games first, I'll leave for a while, your home is too messy, I'll help you clean it up, this princess has already decided, I will live with you from now on!" Sha Meibi's blue eyes Blinking, she waved her fist: "Hmph, you will definitely agree, right? Of course, if you disagree, this princess doesn't mind giving you a few fists..."

"With a beautiful woman as my company, I'm sure I'd be more than happy."

"It's more or less the same!" Sha Mei then smiled in satisfaction and withdrew her fist, but then she heard Li Qing's words again: "But as long as you pay the rent..."

"You, you still want the rent with me?" Sha Mei was furious, "A beautiful woman like this princess will accompany you, well you, you, you actually..."

"Stop it, it's okay if you don't want to pay the rent, then take care of my daily life... Of course, it also includes warming the bed..." Li Qing shook his head, as if it should be taken for granted.

"You!" Sha Mei crossed her hips, gritted her teeth and looked at Li Qing.

"What's wrong with me, go, why don't you go to work? Do you still want to eat?" Li Qing glared at Sha Mei, who waved a pair of scissors to Li Qing's lower body sheepishly, and then left the game.

Li Qing subconsciously clutched her crotch, feeling a chill down her spine... She wondered if if she kept this girl, she would ruin her sex life in the back half of her body?

Just when the two were "flirting and cursing", the mighty players also rushed back to their hidden village.

This time, apart from the Konoha Village players who have gained a lot and received nearly 500,000 experience point rewards, many people have also obtained one or two pieces of rare equipment.

Compared with the Konoha Village players, the harvest of players in other hidden villages can only be described as bleak. Many people dropped gold coins, equipment, experience and nothing, and some even returned it. One or two levels...

Some players even want to take refuge in Konoha Village, but it is a pity that they have already chosen the hidden village, and it is impossible to change it.

Simply brushing a few bosses outside Konoha Village, under the [triple reward], Li Qing successfully rose to level 98, only two levels away from level 100, and at this time, his [triple reward] time has arrived.

After playing for a day, Li Qing didn't feel a little tired, so she left the game for a while, preparing to take a short rest and relieve her tense nerves.

Taking off the online game device, Li Qing's eyes widened immediately, she couldn't believe her eyes...

The room was originally messy and full of sundries, but now the sundries are neatly arranged, the cabinets, tables and other things are clean and spotless, and even the floor is so bright that people can be seen.

On the dining table not far away, several dishes of fragrant fried vegetables have been quietly set up.

Well, four dishes and one soup, two bowls of rice.

In this life, Li Qing can no longer eat any dishes from her previous life, except for the takeaways produced by standardized industries, and only the upper-class nobles can afford them.

Seeing the dishes from her previous life reappear in front of her, Li Qing, who had already vomited after eating takeout, was moved to tears.

"This, these are all made by you?" Li Qing looked at Sha Mei suspiciously, after all, it is very difficult for a western girl to make oriental things.

"Well, I have been learning oriental dishes since I was a child, but this is the first time I cook for boys, do you think it's delicious... Uh, why do I feel like you're crying..."

"No, what's the matter... I'll try it first..."

Li Qing picked up the rice and ate it in an orderly manner, with infinite warmth in her heart.

Not to mention, it's nice to have a girl to help take care of the house.

At this time, Sha Mei browsed the Hokage forum casually, and saw the version update announcement of [Hokage Ninja: Chapter 2, Genocide Night] on the first clicked post!

"The night of genocide? What the hell is this?" Sha Mei clicked on the video in confusion.

And here, Li Qing has put down the dishes!

The night of genocide, ahead of schedule?

(It will be on the shelves in the early morning, and there will be more than ten chapters broadcast at that time, please order first!!!!)

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