The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 53: The Upcoming New Version, Genocide Night? (Seeking The First Order, One Update!)

"Genocide Night? Let me see..."

Li Qing walked over quickly, at this time Sha Mei also turned on the video, and a 3D animation holographic projection immediately appeared in front of the two of them.

The content of the animation, Li Qing has seen it in animation more than once.

On a gloomy and dark night, a man with scarlet eyes shone slowly down, took out a long sword from his waist, and appeared in front of Uchiha's mansion. The wind blew his cloak into chaos, and the man quickly Drilling into the mansion, accompanied by bursts of screams, in a short while, the dead of Uchiha's people were scattered all over the field...

At this time, a child who was only seven or eight years old rushed back home, and happened to witness the scene where the man killed his parents. The child was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, crying hysterically, while the man held a long sword Walking slowly towards the boy.....

The animation ended here, and finally a few large characters appeared: [Hokage Ninja: Chapter 2: Genocide Night], there is a line of small characters below: The new version will be updated soon, at noon on Tuesday, hundreds of millions of players, you are still here wait for what?

After turning off the video, Li Qing fell into silence.

Needless to say, the two characters in the picture are Uchiha Itachi and the grown-up Uchiha Sasuke.

He always thought that there was enough time for him to become stronger, but to change the tragedy of the Uchiha clan's genocide, and he has been working hard for it.

But he didn't expect that the version update would be so fast, which caught him off guard.

[Night of Genocide], which was seven or eight years away from [Nine Tails Unrest], is about to be released so soon! Could it be that he really can't avoid the tragedy of Night of Genocide? Become Uchiha's soul?

"Saturday at noon?" Li Qing frowned slightly, he was never one to give up, and the same was true for the night of extermination!

"Scarlet eyes, Li Qing, how do you feel that they are similar to your eyes when you were fighting?" Shamei chewed a lollipop slowly in her mouth: "There seems to be something wrong

"This is [Sharingan], the unique blood inheritance boundary of the Uchiha tribe, just like your white eyes, and it is one of the three powerful pupil techniques." Li Qing explained briefly, clicked on the post, and his gaze was unprecedented focus.

Seeing Li Qing's concentration, Sha Mei stuck out her tongue and didn't bother her anymore.

Worried that Li Qing would catch a cold, she deliberately found a blanket and threw it on Li Qing's body, and gently put aside all her food and drink. Because she was worried about disturbing Li Qing, she moved very lightly, and The blanket has just been washed, and there is still a faint fragrance on it, mixed with the smell of sassy.

At this time, Sha Mei is like a considerate and kind housewife, helping Li Qing take care of everything.

At this moment, the post has already received millions of hits in just a few tens of minutes. In addition to the video he saw just now, the post also talks about the changes after the new version is updated.

1: The new version adds a new Yinyin Village: Yinyin Village. Players who have become rebels can apply to become Yinyin Village ninjas.

2: The new version adds new characters: Hyūga Hinata, Hyuga Neji, Tiantian, Locke Lee, Uzumaki Naruto, etc...

3: The new version adds a new blood follower limit ice escape.

4: The new version adds new secret techniques: Book of Shadow Binding, Meatball Chariot, Heart Turning Technique.....

5: The new version adds new forces, Root, Anbu.

6: The new version adds [main missions] of many families

Looking at these newly added elements, Li Qing immediately understood. I am afraid that the main plot of this version update is from [Night of Genocide] to [Chūnin Exam]. The span is very long, but it is not ruled out. It is possible to update these (bdbb) elements when the version of Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 is updated...

Everything was so unexpected that Li Qing was completely unprepared now, but soon, he calmed down and glanced at the calendar.

The version update will be carried out at noon the day after tomorrow, when many characters in the game will grow up, that is to say, before that, he still has a day and a half to prepare.

"Everything should be in time." Li Qing took a deep breath, finished her lunch in a hurry, sat cross-legged on the bed, put on the online game device and entered the game.

As soon as he entered the game, he went straight to the Uchiha mansion.

Due to the release of the version update news, many players came here. At this time, Uchiha's mansion was completely crowded with people everywhere like the Hyuga family's before.

In the mansion, Uchiha Fugaku, the patriarch of Uchiha, stands on a high platform, and the most players gather around him. The players are tentatively talking to Uchiha Fugaku to see if there will be any hints.

Uchiha Fugaku's answer is simple: Ah, it's going to change. …

"Change the sky? Change the sky, sister, what is the story mission that will be updated soon? Ahhh..." Players often can't help but complain, and then leave in awe, looking for the next Uchiha tribe See if you can gather any useful information.

In the backyard, Uchiha Itachi is instructing Uchiha Sasuke to train. It is also a scene that is often played out in the original novel. Uchiha Itachi hits all the kunai at once, even the kunai that is impossible to hit.

There are quite a few players gathered here by the two of them.

Players talk to Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Itachi will say: Sasuke is growing up, as an older brother, I will protect him to the end.

Talk to Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke will say: Humph, I finally caught my brother today, you can teach me to throw kunai, just now my brother is so handsome!

"Fuck, the family is crazy..." The player who got nothing couldn't help but swear angrily, and left in embarrassment.

At this moment, Li Qing returned to the mansion, Uchiha Fugaku, who had been speaking sarcasticly to the players, suddenly walked over to Li Qing, and said in a gentle tone: "Ah, Qing, you are back... Itachi is in the backyard Teaching Sasuke to throw kunai, it seems that I have something to do with you, so hurry up!"

Hearing this sentence, many closed players who ate Uchiha Fugaku instantly vomited blood!

Nima, even the prompt information is different?

At this time, Li Qing heard a system prompt: Uchiha [main mission] is triggered, please go and talk to Uchiha Itachi!.

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