If you encounter Iwagakure and Rain Shinobi Village along with the local forces along the way, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble to Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"We only have two hundred people. If we encounter such a desperate fight from them along the way, even if we really rush to the battlefield, there will not be many people left." Uchiha Qing said to Kimimaro in front of him.

Tsunade frowned and said: "The people of Yuno Country are really useless, and they actually let the enemy come to the rear arbitrarily."

Uchiha Qing stood up and said: "Yunokuni is just a small country. It is not easy for them to withstand the attacks of Iwagakure and Rain Shinobi Village. However, Iwagakure sent us snipers at this time, which sent us a signal. "

"What signal?" Kimimaro stepped forward and said.

Tsunade folded his hands on his chest and said: "It seems that Iwagakure and Rain Shinobi Village are about to defeat the country of Yu. If they hold us back, it will definitely not affect their occupation of the country of Yu. Once the country of Yu is defeated, we will rush to the battlefield. It doesn’t make any sense.”

"But we can help restore Yunokuni from their hands." Kimimaro stepped forward and said.

Uchiha Ao shook his head and said: "It's useless. If Yuno Kuni is completely defeated, even if we can defeat Iwagakure and Rain Shinobi Village, we can't change the fact that Yuno Kuni will not have the strength to protect their territory in a short time." .

"At that time, the territory of Yuno Country will still be invaded by Rain Shinobi Village and Iwagakure, and we are far away from our own village and have no backup. We cannot be here forever." Tsunade stepped forward and said: "Once Yuno Country is defeated, we will catch up. There is no way.”

Kimimaro stepped forward and said, "That's it."

Uchiha Qing stood up and said: "Quickly inform Lin Jiachen and speed up the pace of progress.

Kimimaro stepped forward and said, "Yes."

Just as Kimimaro was about to leave the house, suddenly there were footsteps leaving outside.

"Is there anyone?" Uchiha Ao quickly looked outside.

A figure left quickly outside the house, and Uchiha Ao, Tsunade, and Kimimaro started to chase after him.

As the three of them caught up, Uchiha saw the hotel waiter moving around.

"It's a blessing"~. " Tsunade said.

Uchiha took a breath and said, "Our conversation just now must have been heard by Fu."

"But why did he run? Is he Iwagakure's spy?" Kimimaro said to Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes and said: "It's very possible. It seems that we only paid attention to the children in Ruixiang Restaurant, but not the people here."

It turns out that Xianghe's Xiao Erfuku is also a spy. Except for Iwagakure, Rain Shinobi Village will not send anyone to investigate.

Under normal circumstances, Jue in Guang Xiao will act as an investigator and take over the entire Xiao investigation work.

Therefore, only Iwagakure will send spies to investigate Uchiha Ao and others.

"Kimimaro, stop Fuku." Uchiha Qing said.

Suddenly, Kimimaro's blood boundary appeared, and countless bones began to attack Fu in front of him.

Following Kimimaro's attack, Fukuoka, who had been in front, began to form seals.

"Earth Style!" Fu shouted, and suddenly, as Fu pressed his hands on the ground, a thick wall appeared.

Uchiha's eyes lit up, he was indeed a ninja from Iwagakure.

Kimimaro's bones were blocked by the wall. At this time, Uchiha's Qing Qilin appeared and cut open the wall.

The wall cracked, and the three Uchiha Qings appeared in front of everyone.

"He's missing?" Kimimaro went up and said.

At this moment, Fu disappeared without a trace.

"It must still be nearby, search around." Uchiha Qing's figure left.

Tsunade and Kimimaro also started to catch up in other directions, and after a long time, Fu's figure appeared.

"It's really easy to lie." Fu laughed.

In fact, Fu was hiding behind a nearby rock, hiding from the detection of Toyoshiha Ao's master under disguise.

"It's you who is innocent." The unicorn in Uchiha's green hand appeared and attacked the blessing in front of him.

Suddenly, Fu's face changed in shock, and he raised his head and looked at Uchiha Qing.

Uchiha Qingqilin smashed in front of Fu, Fu was shaken away by Uchiha Qing's resistance and hit the tree.

At this time, Uchiha Ao stood on the ground with both feet and a smile on his face.

"You guys, didn't you split up and chase me?" Fu also waited for a while and made sure that no one came out around him.

Uchiha Ao snorted coldly and said: "Although you stopped us with ninjutsu, time is short after all, and you cannot leave, which means you must be hiding nearby."

Fu's eyes twitched, Uchiha Ao, Tsunade, and Kimimaro split up to look for him. It was obviously a pretense, just to attract Fu's appearance.

As long as Fu comes out and hides in the ambush, Uchiha Qing and the others can easily catch Fu.

"Damn it." Fu Leng snorted and looked at Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and looked at Masaru in front of him.

"You are Iwagakure's spy, right?" Uchiha Qing said to the blessing in front of him.

Fuku took a deep breath and stared at Uchiha Ao in front of him.

*`〃Since I've been caught by you, you can kill me if you want, but I won't say anything. "Fu showed a look of disdain.

Tsunade picked up the blessing and retorted, and quickly went up and said: "Damn guy, do you still want to show off your strength here?"

At this moment, following Tsunade's words, Uchiha Qing quickly stopped Tsunade in front of him.

"Wait a minute, actually we don't need to take action at all." Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said.

Suddenly, Tsunade was stunned and said, "What do you mean?"

Uchiha Qing sneered and said: "Let Qi come."

Kimimaro left the scene, Uchiha Ao and Tsunade were in front of Fuku, and Fuku obviously didn't have any chance to escape.

"You brought a sentient ninja?" Tsunade suddenly understood what Uchiha Ao meant.

Uchiha Ao smiled, he would definitely encounter a lot of trouble along the way, so Uchiha Ao naturally had to be well prepared.

"If there are sentient ninjas, you won't have to worry about not knowing the information in Fu's head. (That's good)" Uchiha Ao snorted coldly.

When Fu heard this, he quickly became extremely nervous. He quickly picked up the kunai in his hand and thrust the dragon into his chest.

Uchiha Ao teleported to Fu. The level gap between Fu and Uchiha Ao was too big. Uchiha Ao kicked Fu hard in the face.

Suddenly, Fu's body flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

At this moment, Fu was unable to move, looked at Uchiha Ao and said: "Kill me."

Iwagakure is one of the five major villages in the Ninja League. Although the strength of the ninjas is not as strong as that of Konoha Village, after all, it is still at a certain level compared to other villages.

So when Iwagakure's spy identity was discovered, he would choose to commit suicide on the spot. Unfortunately, he met Uchiha Ao this time, and Uchiha Ao didn't give Iwagakure's people any chance.

"Asshole." Iwagakure kept glaring at Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha Ao took a breath and stared at the Iwagakure ninja in front of him.

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