The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 523 The Information In Fu’S Mind

"Go to the rocky hill far ahead, but the people you see should be Iwagakure's intelligence officers." Qi stepped forward and said.

Uchiha Qing frowned and said: "No matter what, I have to try it. I must still care about some of the things the devil said."

The devil guessed that Iwagakure only had a few hundred people coming this time, but Iwagakure claimed to be an elite ninja with five hundred people.

Now Uchiha Qing wants to find out how many people from Iwagakure came at this time.

Huaxia Hidden World Village only dispatched 200 elite ninjas. After this, Uchiha Qing understood one thing, that is, if he knows the strength of the opponent, he can win every battle.

"Are you going to pretend to be Fu himself?" Qi said in surprise.

Uchiha Qing nodded and said: "Search for information about Fu and find out everything about him.

Qi stepped forward again and began to search for Fu.

At this moment, after Yi Qi spied on Fu's identity again, he told U787 Chiha Ao himself all the information.

It was going to be dawn soon, Uchiha Qing looked towards the rocky hill.

"You go back first with Fu." Uchiha Qing said: "Don't let anyone notice."

Tsunade smiled and said: "This is easy to handle, but if you run in front of the Iwagakure ninja now, it will easily ruin our plan."

Now Uchiha Ao already knows when Iwagakure is going to take action. If Uchiha Ao is noticed at this time, Iwagakure will inevitably adjust.

"I don't think so." Uchiha Qing said: "It is impossible for people in Iwagakure to tell the truth to the devil, so if we do not use Fu's identity to confirm, it will make us misunderstand the true situation of Iwagakure.

Catching Fuku is an opportunity. Uchiha Ao cannot miss this opportunity. Otherwise, when he meets the Iwagakure ninja, Uchiha Ao and others may be put into a passive position due to errors in intelligence. situation.

"Qi has told Fu everything. I am recognized by the people in Iwagakure. The hope is not very high. "Tadaya, it's my God's heart that made the trip in vain." Yang Zhiha Qing took a deep breath.

Fu is just an intelligence officer, and the person he comes into contact with is also his superior, so it is impossible for him to come into contact with other people.

Besides, regarding Iwagakure's deployment, Fuku's boss might not say so, and Uchiha Ao was just going there with luck.

If there is no news, the trip is mostly in vain.

"Let's go." Uchiha's blue eyes lit up and he said to Tsunade and others.

Tsunade and the other three took Fuku back, while Uchiha Qing transformed into Fuku and quickly headed towards the rocky hill.

The Rock Hill is still some distance away from here. When the sky gets slightly brighter, Uchiha Qing himself comes to the Rock Hill.

"Who?" At this time, as Uchiha Ao transformed into Fuku and came, several people from Iwagakure suddenly appeared in front of Fuku.

"I am also a ninja from Iwagakure, and I am here to see Lord Takashi." Uchiha Qing said.

The ninja from Iwagakure looked Fuku up and down and said, "Do you have any proof?"

Uchiha Qingzong raised the sign he took out from Fu's body and said, "Can you confirm it now?"

The people in Iwagakure looked at each other, stretched out their hands and said: "Leave the sign to us, and we will report to you now.

Uchiha Ao handed over the sign and began to wait where he was.

And the people of Iwagakure have been standing by their side, wary of Uchiha Ao himself.

At this time, Takashi appeared in front of Uchiha Ao and looked at the blessing that Uchiha Ao had transformed into.

"Fu, you're finally here," said Takashi of Iwagakure.

Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said, "Takashi-sama."

Takashi handed Fu's token to Uchiha Ao and said, "What's the news?"

Chiha Ao stepped forward and said: I have detected Uchiha Ao. They feel that the surroundings are very safe. They will have a day off tomorrow to prepare for the arrival of the Chinese army.

Long stepped forward and said, "Is what you said true?"

Long was really worried that he didn't have much time to prepare. Although Iwagakure and the demons and others now had a thousand people, the time to prepare to ambush the Chinese Hidden Village was very short.

Iwagakure's people are planning to ambush Yamanaka at midnight tonight and wait until the people from Huaxia Hidden World Village arrive to launch an attack.

However, the short time had affected the effectiveness of their ambush. Now that Long heard the news about Fu, a smile appeared on his face.

Uchiha Ao lowered his head and said, "I heard it clearly."

"In that case, we will have enough time to prepare tomorrow." Long snorted coldly.

The reason why Uchiha Ao said this was that he just wanted Takashi to arrange it in advance, so that Uchiha Ao would have the opportunity to spy on Iwagakure's ambush personnel.

"Lord Takashi, what should we do now?" Uchiha Ao lowered his head and asked.

When Long was happy, he quickly looked at the blessing in front of him.

"I will lead Iwagakure's ninjas to ambush, and add those stupid wandering ninjas to prepare in advance." Long said with certainty.

Uchiha Ao took a deep breath, Takashi had exactly the same idea as Uchiha Ao.

"What about us?" Uchiha Qing asked.

Long said: "We will make sure again tomorrow. If Uchiha Qing and others are indeed no longer going out for patrols, we will start preparations."

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