At night, Uchiha Qing transformed into the figure of Fu again and kept moving towards the rocky hill.

In the woods, Uchiha Ao's figure kept walking. As the rocky hills appeared in front of Uchiha Ao, Uchiha Ao's footsteps slowly stopped.

"Who is it?" Uchiha Qing turned sideways to peek into the rocky hills, and suddenly several figures appeared.

Uchiha Qing raised his head and attacked with a kunai.

Uchiha Ao's figure quickly took a few steps back, and when he saw that it was Iwagakure's ninja, he quickly took off his mask.

"It's me." Uchiha Ao took off his mask and appeared in front of the Iwagakure ninja in a lucky form.

The Iwagakure ninjas looked at each other and said, "Who is it?"

Only Takashi knows Fuku's identity, and even other Iwagakure ninjas rarely know Uchiha Ao's identity.

"Iwagakure's spies were sent out by Lord Takashi. "One-nine-three." Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said.

The Iwagakure village ninjas looked at each other, and the two quickly came to Fuku.

"I'll take you to Lord Takashi." Iwagakure's ninja said.

Long has already told him that if someone who claims to be lucky comes to find him, then let the patrolling people bring him.

The sky had just turned dark, and the figure of Uchiha transformed into a blessing had already arrived in front of Takashi.

"Takashi-sama." Iwagakure's ninja came with Fu.

When Fu saw Mr. Long, he lowered his head and said, "Sir Long."

"Is there any news so soon?" Long asked Qi Fu.

Fu nodded and said: "Uchiha Qing and others were drinking and celebrating in the private room, because during this time they patrolled the area and found that there were no enemies, so they began to relax their vigilance."

Long nodded slightly and looked at Fu in front of him.

"Well done." At this moment, Long said with great appreciation.

Uchiha Qing asked: "I don't know what Takashi-sama's orders are. Should I continue to stay in the restaurant?"

"I have asked the spies in the town to keep an eye on them. Once Uchiha Ao and others go out, a signal will be sent immediately." Takashi glanced at Uchiha Ao behind him and said: Come with me. "

Following Long's words, the Iwagakure people in the rocky hills quickly moved into action.

Uchiha Ao's eyes lit up. Hundreds of elite ninjas appeared. Uchiha Ao took a breath.

"It turned out that there were only a hundred or so elite ninjas, and I was bragging to the demons that five hundred elite ninjas came." Uchiha Ao snorted coldly.

Takashi glanced at Uchiha Qing from the corner of his eye and said, "What are you hesitating about? Come with me."

Suddenly, Uchiha Qing came back to his senses and followed Takashi towards the mountain.

Luo Feng Yamanaka stood on top and said: "We are going to ambush Uchiha Ao here. If you see any unusual movement in Uchiha Ao, if you can't send a signal, come here and report to me immediately. Do you understand?"

Uchiha Ao lowered his head and said, "I understand, villain."

"Go down," Long said.

Suddenly, Uchiha Qing's figure left here, and Takashi began to arrange it.

"Go and notify the demons and the others and come and join them immediately." Long said to the people around him.

Uchiha Qing smiled, Takashi was indeed what he thought, he was the one who wanted to ambush the Huaxia Hidden World Village here.

But now that Uchiha Qing has figured out Takashi's plan, Takashi is doomed to fail.

The Iwagakure began to join the demon mercenaries, and Uchiha Ao followed.

"Master Demon, the plan has changed. Master Long quickly asked the people of the Demon Mercenary Group to prepare and meet at Luo Feng Mountain to start preparing to snipe the people in the Hidden World Village of China." said the ninja from Iwagakure.

Suddenly, the devil was stunned and said, "Are you going to leave now?"

"Yes, is there something wrong with you here?" Iwagakure's people asked the devil.

The devil shook his head and said, "No."

Immediately, Iwagakure's ninja left. Uchiha Qing stared at Iwagakure's ninja in the dark and smiled.

The devil frowned. He was a little confused at this time. If he started preparing early, he would have a better chance of winning against Iwagakure, the Hidden World Village of China tomorrow.

"Boss, what are you thinking about?" the demon's subordinates asked.

At this time, the devil stepped forward and said: "Go and prepare quickly."

After the demon's men left, a black shadow appeared and walked out of the corner.

"Who?" The devil turned around quickly.

Uchiha Ao removes his mask and reveals his true face.

"Devil, you look hesitant." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes.

The devil stepped forward and said: "Iwagakure's people's plan has changed. Now let's go to Luo Feng Mountain to start gathering and prepare to deal with your Huaxia Hidden World Village ninja army."

Uchiha Qing laughed and stepped forward and said: "So what, do you think we people from Huaxia Hidden World Village will lose?"

"No." The devil was stunned. Uchiha Qing looked extremely shocked. The devil quickly asked: "Do you already know about this?"

Uchiha Qing rubbed his nose and said: "Not only do I know, but I also know that there are about a hundred ninjas in Iwagakure, which is less than five hundred at all.

"If there are really over a hundred people, how did you know?" The devil stepped forward and asked.

Uchiha Qing turned to look at the devil and said: "You don't need to pay attention to this matter. Our plan remains unchanged. Tonight's events were also deliberately arranged, so that Iwagakure's people deliberately started to arrange them in advance."

"You want to catch them all." A trace of cold sweat broke out on the demon's forehead.

If you follow what Uchiha Ao said, then Uchiha Ao already knows every move of Iwagakure, and as long as Uchiha Ao is willing, he can deal a heavy blow to Iwagakure.

But Uchiha Ao didn't do this. The devil could guess at once that Uchiha Ao just wanted to catch all these people.

"Except for the members of the Demon Legion, no one else can escape." Uchiha Qing said: "You tie a red scarf on your head to prevent us from killing you by mistake.

"Yes." The devil shuddered all over. Uchiha Qing's move was very clever. He waited until Iwagakure and the local forces arrived before starting to take action.

After Uchiha Ao left, the devil smiled.

"As long as Uchiha Qing eliminates them this time, it will prove that I am with the right person." The devil smiled and said: "I will be the only force here in the future."

For a moment, the devil cheered up and quickly started walking towards the front.

As the devil left with his men, people kept coming.

"You are finally here." Before the devil and others arrived, Iwagakure's people had already completed their arrangements, and Takashi stood in the crowd.

"Sir Takashi, are you afraid that Uchiha Qing will find out if you prepare so early?" the angel asked.

Takashi vowed: "Uchiha Ao will not discover us, don't worry about this."

The devil secretly taunted in his heart: I don't know, Uchiha Qing has already known Iwagakure's every move.

At this time, as the devil became dazed, he came forward and asked.

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