The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 526 The Tranquility Of The Night

"Devil, what's your problem?" Long looked at the devil.

The devil came back to his senses and said: "No, I was wondering where we should prepare."

Long began to divide the demons and others. It seemed that the demons and the others launched an attack on the Huaxia Hidden World Village from two sides, but the demons knew that the flanking attack from both sides was actually a face-to-face battle with the ninjas of the Huaxia Hidden World Village.

As for Iwagakure's people occupying the Luofeng Mountain Canyon, they may not be able to face the ninja legion of the Huaxia Hidden World Village head-on at first.

It is precisely because of this that after Long completed the arrangement, the devil and others split up to work.

After Uchiha Ao returned, he quickly entered the private room and exchanged roles with Yui.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, how is things going?" Qi lowered his head and asked.

Uchiha Qing smiled slightly and said: "Things went very smoothly, and the evening went according to our plan.

At this moment, following Uchiha Qing's words, Qi said: "Yes."

Suddenly, following Uchiha Qing's words, Qi pretended to be lucky and walked out.

For a moment, the private room became quiet.

"Takashi asked the Iwagakure spies in the town to monitor us. Don't you know that we have already captured them all." Uchiha Ao turned to look at Tsunade and Kimimaro.

This time there is no need for many people, just Tsunade and Kimimaro are more than enough.

"Your plan went very smoothly." Tsunade drank the wine and smiled slightly.

Uchiha Ao took a deep breath. At this moment, Uchiha Ao had succeeded in spying on Iwagakure's every move.

"Kimimaro, the spies who captured Iwagakure in the town this time must be hit with one strike, and they must not be given any chance to escape, you know?" Uchiha Ao looked at Kimimaro beside him and said.

Kimimaro lowered his head and said, "Yes."

Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes and said: "Four people, they all have signal flares in their hands, we cannot let them send any signals.

"With me, Kimimaro, it won't happen." Kimimaro said confidently.

Uchiha Ao walked to the window, opened it deliberately, and showed a smile.

"It seems that now is the time for us to take the next step." Uchiha Qing turned to look at Tsunade and others behind him.

Tsunade snorted and said, "It's really troublesome."

With Tsunade's character, he would not behave like this. Once he finds the enemy, he will definitely destroy it.

Suddenly, the people on the table became lively, and Uchiha Ao and the others began to drink and drink. After a while, everyone began to lie down on the table.

"What? Uchiha Ao is actually drunk at this time?" Iwagakure's spies in the town were stunned.

"I'll go take a look. Maybe there's a chance to remove Uchiha's head." Iwagakure's spy said disdainfully.

At this time, the Iwagakure spy next to him stopped him.

"After all, they are powerful characters. Even when they are resting, they are very alert." Iwagakure's spy said.

Fu sent a signal to gather in the town, and all the Iwagakure spies scattered in the town saw it.

"What's going on with this guy Fu at this time? Does Mr. Long have anything to say to us?"

Suddenly, Iwagakure's curtains began to look in the direction of Fu.

Uchiha looked at Tsunade and Kimimaro from the corner of his eye. The three figures left, while the substitute stayed in the room.

In the town, all Iwagakure spies have gathered.

The reason why Uchiha Ao was not allowed to use the Body Replacement Technique in advance just now was because he was worried that there were sentient ninjas in these Rock Shinobi. If this was the case, then Uchiha Ao would be noticed immediately if he did this.

The four ninjas from Iwagakure quickly came to the alley of the town, where Fu was already waiting for them.

"Fu, why have we been summoned at this time?" the spy from Ruoyin Village asked.

Fu leaned against the wall and said: "I saw Uchiha Qing and others drunk, so I took this opportunity to bring you the words of Masataka-sama."

"What did Lord Long say?" Iwagakure's spy stepped forward and asked.

Fu took a deep breath and said: "Lord Long has begun to prepare, and is preparing to launch an attack on Huaxia Hidden World Village on Luofeng Mountain. During this period, we must keep an eye on Uchiha Qing, and sacrifice ourselves when necessary to delay Live in Uchiha Ao.”

"Yes." Iwagakure's ninjas said in unison.

In the alley, Uchiha smiled.

"How are you going to hold me back?" Uchiha Ao laughed.

"What?" Iwagakure's spy was shocked. He quickly pushed Fu next to him and said, "Quickly leave Fu."

Fuku picked up a kunai and killed the person in front of him. Suddenly, the ninjas of Iwagakure were shocked.

"What?" Iwagakure's man was stunned.

At this time, following Fu's actions, Qi's true face appeared in front of everyone.

"I am not from Iwagakure, but from Huaxia Hidden Village." Qi smiled.

Suddenly, Iwagakure's ninja was shocked and shouted: "Send the signal quickly."

"I want to send a signal." Kimimaro's blood line appeared and attacked the three Iwagakure ninjas in front of him.

"Defense." Iwagakure's ninja reacted very promptly and quickly opened Iwagakure's ninjutsu, and a wall appeared.

There were several "boom" sounds, and the two Iwagakure ninjas didn't have time to dodge and fell to the ground on the spot.

At this moment, as Iwagakure's people fell to the ground, for a moment, the only remaining Iwagakure ninja showed a horrified face.

"There's still time." Iwagakure's men quickly took out the flares in their hands.

243 Tsunade clenched his fists tightly and said: "Asshole, do you want to send a flare in front of me? It's really weird.

Tsunade rushed forward and smashed the wall with one punch, knocking the Iwagakure ninja inside out on the spot.

Iwagakure's ninja hit the wall and slowly fell down.

"You are Tsunade of Konoha Village, one of the legendary Sannin." Iwagakure's ninja pointed at Tsunade.

Tsunade smiled and said, "It's a pity that you knew it too late."

For a moment, Tsunade quickly stood up, and all four Iwagakure ninjas were eliminated, leaving only Nakafuku in the restaurant.

"Qi, you go back and pretend to be Fu." Uchiha Qing said.

Qi lowered his head and said: "Yes, Uchiha Qingtian District."

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and looked at Kimimaro.

"Resolve the scene quickly without leaving any clues." Uchiha Qing said to Kimimaro.

Kimimaro lowered his head and said, "Yes, sir."

As Uchiha Ao left, Tsunade walked on the road.

"If it hadn't been for me, Iwagakure's ninjas would have already sent out flares." Tsunade glanced at Uchiha.

Uchiha Ao coughed. In fact, if Tsunade hadn't taken action, Uchiha Ao's already prepared Kirin Ninjutsu would have eliminated the Iwagakure ninja faster without causing much noise. .

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