Tsunade looked at Uchiha Ao, who was silent next to him, and said, "Why don't you speak?"

Uchiha Qing sneered and said, "I know you are powerful and can handle Iwagakure's ninjutsu, so why wouldn't I take you with me?"

At this moment, following Uchiha Qing's words, Tsunade's face turned slightly rosy.

"That's pretty much it." Tsunade stepped forward and said.

Uchiha Ao took a deep breath and quickly returned to the restaurant private room with Tsunade, followed by Kimimaro.

"Uchiha Ao-sama, I have informed Lin Jiachen of our plan." Kimimaro's men came to report.

Uchiha Ao nodded slightly, and now everything is going according to Uchiha Ao's plan.

"Since Iwagakure's spies have been dealt with, why are you still here?" Tsunade looked leisurely.

Uchiha Qing said with a smile: "It's because Takashi is an extremely cautious person. He will definitely send someone here at night, and a few of us are here.

Tsunade put his hands on the table and said: "What? Do you want to spend a night here?"

"There is no other way, so I will catch all the people in Iwagakure." Uchiha smiled.

Tsunade impatiently picked up the wine glass in his hand and said, "It's really troublesome."

Suddenly, Tsunade started drinking, and for a while Uchiha Aoya also started drinking with Tsunade.

During the night, Tsunade was a little drunk and kept pointing at Uchiha Ao in front of him.

"Uchiha Ao, you are a bastard." Tsunade said, falling on Uchiha Ao's shoulder.

Kimimaro was stunned on the spot, he still couldn't understand.

"You must be curious, why Tsunade is still with me even though he is scolding me?" Uchiha Ao laughed.

At this time Kimimaro kept nodding, Uchiha Ao laughed and said: "This is a woman."

Because Uchiha Ao makes Tsunade unforgettable, it's that simple.

On Luofeng Mountain, as everyone prepared their arrangements, Long took a look at the sky.

"Iando, go check out the situation in the town. Is Uchiha Ao in the restaurant?" Mentaka said.

Yantu stepped forward and said, "Yes, Lord Long."

As Mr. Takashi sent out Yantu, Yantu quickly began to move towards the town. On the eaves next to the restaurant, Yantu looked over and saw only Uchiha Ao and others sleeping in the private room.

Yantu even used ninjutsu and began to sense everything inside.

Uchiha Ao, Kimimaro and others opened their eyes slightly, and they seemed quiet when they realized that someone was sensing everything inside.

"No problem." Yansu took a deep breath.

Fu walked out of the house and looked at Yansu. Yansu nodded slightly and quickly left the scene.

Qi, who was pretending to be lucky, suddenly knew that the people sent by Long had left.

"Uchiha Ao-sama, Takashi's men have left." Qi said.

Uchiha Ao picked up Tsunade and put Tsunade into the room. Behind Uchiha Ao, Kimimaro and others were ready.

"It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable tomorrow." Uchiha Ao smiled and said, "Let's go prepare."

Although Uchiha Qing prepared relatively late, he now almost has the initiative on the battlefield.

Uchiha Ao knows exactly how many people there are in Iwagakure and where they are arranged. In addition, Uchiha Ao also sent you, the devil, as an internal agent.

Now at this time, Uchiha Qing knows that as long as Tomorrow takes the bait, anyone who wants to ambush Huaxia Hidden Village in Luofeng Mountain will die.

"Let's go." Uchiha Qingguo left.

Yantu returned to Takashi and said: "Sir Takashi, Uchiha Qing and others are still sleeping soundly, Fukuya is watching in the restaurant, everything is fine.

Takashi said in a relieved tone: "I didn't expect us to be so successful. Uchiha Ao is still the number one figure in the Ninja League. I don't think it's more than this?"

For a moment, following Takashi's words, Iwatu lowered his head and said: "That's because you are wise and powerful, sir. Even Uchiha Ao may not be your opponent.

Suddenly, Long laughed excitedly and said, "That's good."

The night was very quiet, everyone was resting, and it was still dark. Everyone from Iwagakure's people to the demons and others began to get up.

"Cheer up." As Iwagakure's people continued to move among the crowd.

At this time, everyone began to take action, cheering up and focusing on what was in front of them, waiting for the people from Huaxia Hidden World Village to arrive.

Soon after, Lin Jiachen from Huaxia Hidden World Village walked in front and started to come.

"Here we come." Long smiled.

For a moment, at this moment, Long narrowed his eyes and said: "I didn't expect that no one in Huaxia Hidden World Village would notice it at all.

"Sir Takashi, but Uchiha himself is missing. Iwatu stepped forward and said.

Long said: "Have you forgotten our mission this time? We are here to eliminate the people in the Chinese Hidden Village in front of us."

Yantu said: "`" Sir Long. "

Long hid quietly, and Luo Fengshan looked extremely shocked. When Lin Jiachen led the people and walked in front of everyone, Long laughed in his heart.

"Finally we are surrounded." Long stepped forward and said.

Suddenly, the devil's expression changed with shock, and he looked at the people in front of him.

"Uchiha Qing, doesn't he know that this place is already surrounded by heavy siege, why do you want Lin Jiachen to come?" The devil was puzzled.

Long suddenly stood up, waved his hand and shouted: "Attack.

In an instant, the Iwagakure ninjas hiding on both sides of the Luofeng Mountain Canyon began to continuously shoot kunai and detonate talismans.

Suddenly, the Luofeng Mountain Canyon became noisy and the scene was in panic.

With the continuous "boom" explosions, the ninjas in Bixia Hidden World Village were blown up.

It was the northern hour when the devil stood up.

"How is it possible that someone from Huaxia Hidden World Village is so vulnerable?" At this time, the devil stepped forward and said.

At this moment, even the devil could not imagine it.

"Successful." Long laughed (Qian Li Zhao).

In a matter of seconds, under the ambush of Iwagakure's ninjas, the ninja army of Xia Yinshi Village was attacked and thrown into chaos.

The devil and others also took the opportunity to step forward and ran towards the ninjas of the Hidden World Village in China.

The sound of "Bengbeng" sounded, and Long's smile disappeared.

All the Chinese Hidden World Village troops in front of them disappeared, and Uchiha Ao's figure appeared in front of everyone.

Uchiha Ao, Tsunade, and Kimimaro, just three of them, pretended to be members of the Huaxia Hidden World Village's army of several hundred people, and deceived Takashi.

"Uchiha Ao." Takashi's face turned pale.

Uchiha Qing stood there, with a slight smile on his lips, and slowly changed from Lin Jiachen's appearance.

"Takashi, right? I remember telling me that Uchiha Ao was nothing more than that. It's a pity that you told me everything instead of your subordinate Fuku said." Uchiha Ao sneered.

Long's body retreated and became sluggish. .

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