"What?" Long stepped forward and said, "When did you pretend to be Fu?"

"Of course it was the first time I came to Rock Hill." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and said, "But you don't know anything."

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Long's forehead and he said: "It's impossible. I used a code to contact Fu himself at that time."

Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said: "We were caught by Vice Admiral Fu halfway and knew everything."

Uchiha Qingke brought the telepathic ninja and knew all the information from Fu's mind.

"Damn it." Long shouted without any hesitation: "Get out of here."

Suddenly, Uchiha Qing and the others stood in front of the devil and the others, who had already arrived.

"Iwagakure's people have retreated. We were fooled by Iwagakure's people." Suddenly, someone shouted in the crowd.

The scene was already in chaos, but the moment Uchiha Qing and the others appeared, everyone was shocked.

Uchiha Aoichi used the Shadow Clone technique to deceive everyone. Even Iwagakure's sensor ninja did not check.

"It's really troublesome. What kind of nonsense do you need to deal with these little bastards?" Tsunade couldn't help but stepped forward.

The ground was smashed open by 437 on the spot. Uchiha's eyes darkened and he looked at Tsunade beside him.

"You need to be more restrained, do you want to be recognized?" Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly.

Tsunade couldn't help it anymore. All this had become so troublesome. If it were Tsunade, he would have rushed to Long and killed him in one fell swoop.

"It's so long-winded." Tsunade said rudely.

The faces of Angel and others became ugly. As the people of the Demon Legion began to rebel, Angel and others became chaotic.

"Devil, what are you doing?" The angel blocked the demon's attack with a kunai.

The devil snorted coldly and said: "Don't you realize that now the people from Huaxia Hidden World Village are taking the initiative? You are on the wrong team, angel."

There was a trace of sweat on the angel's forehead and he said: "Are you Uchiha Ao's spy?"

The devil roared angrily: "Nonsense, angel, you betrayed us and are still making excuses."

Following the devil's words, people in the chaotic crowd kept shouting.

"Angel is Uchiha Ao's internal agent."

For a moment, the angel's inner voice came from the canyon, and the angel's eyelids kept beating.

"Despicable, devil." The angel said unceremoniously.

The devil smiled and quickly drew a kunai across, causing the angel to fall to the ground.

A figure of Uchiha Ao flew towards Luofeng Canyon. When Takashi saw Uchiha Ao coming in person, he kept retreating.

"Stop him." Long shouted.

Uchiha Ao looked at Takashi in front of him and smiled slightly.

"Stop me?" Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes, the unicorn in his hand appeared and streaked across the sky.

All the flying kunai were hit and began to be blocked continuously.

With a "boom", following Uchiha Qing's attack, a violent sound appeared on Luofeng Mountain.

Long quickly escaped and looked at everything in front of him. There was already a fight below, and Long vaguely heard that the angel had betrayed them.

"Damn it." Long turned around and said, "Retreat.

At this moment, Long began to retreat.

As Takashi retreated, the Iwagakure ninjas surrounding him surrounded Uchiha Ao.

The Kirin in Uchiha Qing's hand appeared and killed the Iwagakure ninja in front of him on the spot.

However, when Uchiha Qing came back to his senses, Takashi had disappeared from sight.

"Did you run away?" Uchiha Ao frowned.

At this time, Iwagakure's ninjas continued to surround Uchiha Ao, Kimimaro came quickly, and a figure came to Uchiha Ao, releasing the bleeding boundary.

At this moment, all the ninjas in Iwagakure died in the hands of Kimimaro.

"I'll leave this to you, I'll give it to you," Uchiha said.

"Yes, Uchiha Ao god-tier." Kimimaro stepped forward and said.

Tsunade raised his head, saw the little affe next to him, and said: "Uchiha Ao, wait for me."

Uchiha Ao turned to look at Tsunade, but he didn't expect Tsunade to be so interested.

"Is it Tsunade?" Uchiha Ao smiled and said, "Why don't you deal with the angels down below?"

Tsunade snorted coldly and said: "Those shrimp soldiers and crab generals are not enough for me to fight. I want to deal with the escaped Iwagakure's people together."

When Takashi saw Uchiha Qing coming, he had already left with most of Iwagakure's ninjas, while only the devil and others were left under the canyon.

"Stop fighting, everyone in Iwagakure has left." People below the canyon kept shouting.

The devil snorted coldly, and the people of the devil army had no intention of stopping.

Just when the people in the canyon wanted to leave, a large number of ninjas from the Chinese Hidden Village appeared around them, and they continued to harvest.

However, when the invisible ninjas of China passed by the demon army wearing red scarves, they paid no attention at all.

"Uchiha Aoko is really powerful." The demon took a deep breath.

In a short period of time, hundreds of local forces were buried in this small Luofeng Canyon.

However, Iwagakure's regular ninja army continued to retreat, and Uchiha Ao and Tsunade continued to catch up behind them.

"Sir Takashi, Uchiha Ao is in hot pursuit." Iwatu said, "My subordinates will lead people to snipe Uchiha Ao himself."

"Rock and soil." Long couldn't stop rock and soil at all.

Ido and several people quickly came to Uchiha Ao and Tsunade.

"Earth Style!" Yantu and several senior ninjas quickly pressed their hands on the ground, and a barrier appeared.

Uchiha Ao smiled and stared at the barrier in front of him.

"Do you just want to use this kind of ninjutsu to stop us?" Uchiha Qing snorted coldly, and a Kirin attacked, and the barrier in front of him was immediately knocked open.

Tsunade stood beside Uchiha Ao, stunned.

"Uchiha Ao." After Tsunade and Uchiha Ao hit the wall, they discovered that it was not rock and soil, but was wrapped in bare rock and soil.

"Earth Style: Funeral!" Yantu snorted coldly.

Suddenly, the gap opened by Uchiha Ao was surrounded, and Uchiha Ao was shocked.

"What?" At this time, the rock and soil were tightly surrounded, and Uchiha Ao and Tsunade were in the dark rocks.

"We were fooled." Uchiha Ao smiled bitterly.

Even though they were just a few ninjas from Iwagakure, they surrounded Uchiha Ao and Tsunade.

Uchiha Qing leaned on Uchiha Qing and said, "What are you doing so recklessly, putting us in danger."

"Danger?" Uchiha Ao laughed. The rock and soil people did surprise Uchiha Ao, but they were not enough to pose a threat to Uchiha Ao himself.

At this moment, the Kirin in Uchiha Ao's hand appeared. In the bright light, Uchiha Ao felt long thorns sticking out of the rock, which continued to extend and attack Uchiha Ao and Tsunade.

"This is Iwagakure's S-level ninjutsu, and a few of them can actually use it." Uchiha Ao was stunned. .

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