As Uchiha Ao and Tsunade fell into the rock, the thorns of the rock kept attacking. The unicorn in Uchiha Ao's hand illuminated, and Tsunade roared.

"Broken!" Tsunade punched him.

But the rocks were just cracks, and they quickly came together.

"What?"~ Tsunade was surprised.

The moment Uchiha Ao removed the thorns from the rocks in his eyes, the rocks grew long thorns again.

"These thorns keep growing." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes.

Following Uchiha Ao's words, Tsunade dodged his body and the long thorns of the rock continued to extend.

"The people outside Iwagakure must be trying their best to use Chakra. Even I can't break the rock at once." Tsunade said.

Uchiha Qing smiled and said: "These Iwagakure ninjas are quite powerful, but we look down on these people.

Suddenly, following Uchiha Ao's words, Tsunade rolled his eyes at Uchiha Ao.

"You are still joking here now. Whether we can leave alive or not is unknown." Tsunade said rudely.

Uchiha Ao saw the thorns extending from Tsunade's back, and quickly put his arm around Tsunade's waist to block the rock thorns.

"The ninja Chakra of Iwagakure outside is limited after all. As long as we spend a while with them here, their ninjutsu will naturally be broken, but we don't have much time to fight a war of attrition with them." Uchiha Ao sneered.

Tsunade was stunned, his chest pressed tightly in front of Uchiha Ao, and said: "What do you want?"

Uchiha Qing frowned and said, "Get out immediately."

Tsunade was stunned and said: "But even I can't break the rock in front of me, what are you going to do?"

At this moment, following Uchiha Qing's words, Tsunade was puzzled.

"Unless I use Sage Mode." Tsunade frowned.

Uchiha Qing shook his head and said: "It's not that complicated."

Tsunade was stunned, seeing Uchiha Ao Sharingan continuously releasing Chakra, he stepped forward and said: "Are you going to use the power of Sharingan?"

Uchiha Qing smiled and roared: "Show up, you must be able to calm down."

Suddenly, Uchiha Ao covered Tsunade completely naked, and Uchiha Ao pulled Tsunade close to him with one hand.

"There's no need to use this move in front of the Iwagakure ninja." Tsunade snorted.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and said, "Takashi cannot let him go back."

Since the people of Iwagakure sent people to ambush Uchiha Ao and the ninjas of Huaxia Hidden World Village, Uchiha Ao could not let them leave.

At this time, the rocks began to grow larger as Uchiha Ao's Sunō Sago continued to form.

The Iwagakure ninja outside seemed extremely uncomfortable and began to shout: "Uchiha Ao doesn't know what he is doing inside, we can't hold on any longer."

Suddenly, as cold sweat broke out on Iwagakure's ninja's forehead, Uchiha Ao's Sunō Sahu rapidly swelled. .

"Broken!" Uchiha Ao roared.

Sunō Sago stood up again and appeared in front of the Iwagakure ninja.

Due to Uchiha Ao's impact, the Iwagakure ninja's body flew out and landed heavily on the ground.

"Sunen Sahu?" Iwagakure's ninja shouted in surprise.

Uchiha Qing's long sword slashed through, and Iwagakure's ninja was killed immediately.

"Ah!" A miserable voice came from behind Long. Long took a deep breath, knowing that his men were lost.

Uchiha Ao jumped up and quickly chased Takashi with Tsunade.

In the Yunokuni Mountains, Uchiha Aoi's body blocked the way back for Takashi and others.

"Uchiha Ao." Takashi's eyes twitched.

Uchiha Ao smiled with disdain.

"Since you Iwagakure ninjas have come here, I have no reason to let you go back." Uchiha Ao snorted coldly.

At this time, Takashi saw Uchiha Ao holding Tsunade beside him, and protected by Sunō Sago, blocking him in front of him.

"Uchiha Qing." Takashi walked up and said politely: "How did you know our plan?"

Takashi still hasn't figured out how Uchiha Ao discovered Fu's identity.

"Actually, when we stayed at Ruixiang Restaurant, we already realized that the waiter was your spy. It's just that when we paid attention to the waiter of Ruixiang Restaurant, we didn't think that Xianghe Fu was the same." Uchiha Ao frowned and said: "It's true that without you Iwagakure would have put a lot of effort into dealing with us this time."

"You didn't find out in the end." Long said unceremoniously: "I can understand your pretending to be lucky, but why didn't you come and kill us all at that time, and you had to attack at Luo Feng Yamanaka."

0…please give me flowers…

Uchiha Ao smiled and went up and said: "Takashi, if I had just attacked you at that time, Iwagakure's ninjas would have been wiped out."

Uchiha Qing said rudely: "But if we take action at this time, not only you Iwagakure people, but most importantly, the local forces in Yuno Country who follow you Iwagakure will suffer."

Uchiha Qing sneered. For him now, ninjas like Iwagakure are not a problem at all.

But at this time, even if Uchiha Qing appeared in front of Takashi and others, Takashi did not retreat.

"You want to tell the people of Yuno Country that if anyone joins forces with us, it will bring disaster, right?" Takashi said what Uchiha Ao was thinking.

Uchiha Qing smiled slightly, went up and said, "You guessed it right, that's why I set up an ambush here."

Following Uchiha Ao's words, Takashi's eyelids began to beat.

"You are really despicable." Long said rudely.

Uchiha Ao smiled slightly and looked at Takashi in front of him.

"Despicable?" Uchiha Ao said disdainfully: "If you hadn't come here, how would we have known you? Iwagakure's people should have almost defeated Yuno Kuni's vitality.


The reason why the people of Iwagakure did this was obviously because they did not want Uchiha Ao himself to reach the battlefield of Yuno Country smoothly. That is to say, the people of Yuno Country were almost unable to withstand the pincer attack between Iwagakure and Rain Shinobi Village.

At this moment, Uchiha Ao looked at Takashi with a disdainful expression.

"Presumably on the battlefield of Yuno Kuni, under the attack of you Iwagakure and Rain Shinobi Village, Yuno Kuni can hardly hold on." Uchiha Ao snorted coldly.

Suddenly, following Uchiha Qing's words, Long was shocked.

"How do you know this?" Takashi said to Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Ao smiled slightly and looked at Uchiha Ao in front of him.

"Because you have gone to such great lengths to come here, your purpose has been exposed." Uchiha Qing said bluntly: "If it were normal circumstances, would you go deep here?"

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